How To Get Methamphetamines Out Of Your System Quickly


I took just a little bit two days ago, and my manager just called me saying my drug test that I took was too diluted and that I need to take another, which could be tomorrow. Is there ANY way possible it would be out of my urine and how long do you suppose it will stay in my system? I'm freaking out.

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I know this response is a few days past your post, but I think the info may prove useful for other users too.

Following oral administration, peak methamphetamine concentrations are seen in 2.6-3.6 hours and the average elimination half-life is 10.1 hours (range 6.4-15 hours). The amphetamine metabolite peaks at 12 hours.

Positive results generally indicate use within 1-4 days but could be up to a week following heavy chronic use. Rate of excretion into the urine is heavily influenced by urinary pH. Between 30-54% of an oral dose is excreted in urine as unchanged methamphetamine and 10-23% as unchanged amphetamine. Following an intravenous dose, 45% is excreted as unchanged parent drug and 7% amphetamine.

Keep in mind though that the length of time following drug use for which a positive result may occur is dependent upon several factors including the frequency and amount of usage, metabolic rate, excretion rate, drug half-life, and the drug user’s age, weight, activity, and diet.

Given the above information, I wouldn't think it would be out of your system in only two days. But I can only hope that I'm wrong here in your case.

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I actually got to take it 6 days later.

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dude i think you are in the clear but i can't be so sure. just make sure you drink a lot of water and sweat it out of your system and you might be OK!

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i got take a drug test tomorrow, i used some methamphetamine, what can i do to past the test?

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I have taken some for the past 3 or 4 days, but i stopped. I might have to take i drug test, im not for sure but i want to get out of my system just in case i do have to take one please help me please tell how long it is in my body for?

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If I have been taking meth for the past month and have a drug screening for a job would it be out of my system by December 13th if the last time I did it was today?!?! If not what are some things I can do to clean out my system so I don't fail my drug test? ive heard drinking water doesnt work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Can I get it out of my system faster with everyday detox tea?

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I took meth yesterday around 1-2 pm i have a drug test tomorrow at 7 am i weigh around 150 and 5'9 is my height
can I sweat it out with some cardio?? i really need to pass this test and I need to know how to get it out of my system, any way possible.
Thank you

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how do you get methamphetamine out of your body? Please help

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i have a drug test in 3 days what is the quickest way to get methamphenamine out of my system?

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I am a petite girl 5'7 about 117 lbs. been taking meth. for about 1 month straight everyday,, not awhole lot, but everyday. today is day 3 without and I have to test tomorrow....will I pass?

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Thanks for the advice...I took the urine test on Tues. 2-12 with 3 full days clean, drank alot of water...I think it showed up because they sent it off for further testing, 2 weeks the results will be in. Not feeling too good about it. Can I say I had the flu and drank Nyquil and cough syrup for 2 or 3 days before the test, will that cover my butt? On a good note, my month binge is over 7 days clean today and I feel great.

Was this helpful? 293

I took meth for the first time the night before last and I was supposed take a test yesterday morning. But I decided not to go to school. Then I didn't go today would I be clean if I went tomorrow to test ?

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I heard it helps get meth out of your system faster if u do a colon cleanse too. True?

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This is for people like me to help peace of mind share knowledge I relapsed for 3 days the last day I did any thing was the 27th of march I was taking meth. I used to be a every day user for 15 years the got clean for 4 an a half year (via state) I don't know why I slipped but I was FN dumb any way I went through about 3.5 grams in three days I have a ua on the 3rd of April (via state) I am 6 foot 5 and 210 lbs slim I have 6 days I will be drinking 1 gallon of water every day eating right and wrapping body in saran wrap while working out an hour to an hour and a half a day to help sweating while eating a mild laxative to help clean my colon and drinking and eating stuff with antioxidant in it now if I don't repost something by the 6th of April you know it didn't work and I am a ward of the state :-( but if I do you will have some knowledge to work on hope is that this test will help somebody else out there like me bc I know how hard it is when you know the s*** destroys your life takes everything away from you Hurtz everyone you ever loved when you get to the point where you don't even really like doing it anymore but you do it anyway. So I hope this helps and I really hope this works for my sake

Was this helpful? 226

NO.. really.. Its not good for you.. and illegal.. wow KittyKat your obviously in the wrong forum. These people need help in one way or the other.. not to be told the obvious. We all know drugs are not good for you.. and that they are illegal.. If you cant contribute advice that is helpful.. then you should find the right forum to beat down.. just saying...

Was this helpful? 459

I smoked the devils drug (meth) 3 days ago. It was my last and FINAL use!!! how long will it take to get 160 pound person out of your system. please help I have the ua in 10 days.

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can get flush out met in 30 hours

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So I take it it didn't work? I tooks some with two people for the first time. Will I be clean by Monday morning?. I take nican 6 day daily.

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I don't normally do meth. Honest! Today is may 30th. I smoked about 60 dollars worth. I have a drug test on the 7th, will I show up positive????

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Please. Could someone help I need to get this methamphetamine out my system. Fast what shall I do drink some white. Vinager. And what will work guys please I don't need to go back to the joint ????

Was this helpful? 411

I had a little on Friday and have a urine test Monday. Will it be out of my system? It was the first time I've done it in years.

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

Was this helpful? 330

I have a test coming up and I have been straight up with them, I just did some so I want to know is it a good to go and do the first test dirty ( have some crystal in my system ) or should I be clean all the time.

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I will confirm that baking soda does work. I took a .3 (roughly a dub) Saturday night and finished it Sunday morning. I mixed 3 tbs of baking soda with a cup of water and kept drinking water around 2:30 today. Drank a cup of coffee so that I could pee yellow. I tested at exactly 5 and came out clean. The explosive diarrhea was a horrible experience. I don't partake often. I'm a cannabis guy but I even came out clean for that as well. Thanks for all the advice.

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Well just a heads up to everyone it really differs on how long it will take to get out of your system, but if you are an active person drink fluids water juices and take lots of B vitiams 3-6-12 complex the day before and day of you take the pee test and drink water but not to much, because if have seen cases of people having deluted tests from drinking to much water and then being called back in for a hair test then your screwed 1-4 days but as i say everyone is different with different chemical make ups best thing is to just leave the s*** alone im not judging i am guilty of it myself i always managed to be a functional user of many different things wasnt exposed or did anything till after i was out of college (i know i should have know better than to even try anything to start with) but live and learn it is just eaiser to just leave it alone so you dont live in fear of the next random drug test anything could happen if you was to get the slightest injury at work thats an automatic drug test or bump into a road sign in a company vehical. i seen a guy get a random for driving out of the parking lot without seatbelt on. i have been really lucky. i count my blessings everyday. i work in the oil and gas industry so lots of randoms take place. so it is better to stay clean. i truly take that panic and fear of pending drug test around the corner they are making it impossible to beat a test and cheaper for companies to test

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I like how nice u told her I was like REALLY DUMB ASS THANKS FOR SHARING DUH...NOT!!
Huera loca

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Gotta give em credit for being crafty. Its far from genius to try and detour system rather than detour dope, but, what they lack in common sense they get 3% for creativity....and 97% on how to send your stress level through the roof in record time!!

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My drug testing facility told me 3 days for meth, a website I saw said habitual use could be up to 7 but testing facility still says 3

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i have liver disease, hep c and beginning stages of chirrociss. I have been having a hard time staying awake even try to fall asleep on my way home from work. This was going on for a long time. I never used to do illegal drugs like methamphetamine ect. but I have been taking methamphetamine for the last month when I feel so tired I cant make it to work. I am on a prescription now to help get rid of my disease, which also in return makes me even more tired, I havent done it that many times cuz I dont want to further damage my liver, but I cant lose my job either cuz Im so tired and sick to work. Now I have to get lab work in 4 days, I havent done any in 3 days. will it show up in my tests, and what can I do to pass so they dont take me off the medication I am taking for the disease? I am scared. I work 2nd shift job and its very physical, also I have no idea where I got the hep c because I never was a drug user, nor did I sleep around. I dont even have a tattoo, please dont judge me because I am ashamed of the way I try to get through to keep my job, due to chronic sleepiness, where even light hurts my eyes, but I dont know what else to do. I have seen so many, doctors and a psychologists, and even tried providule 200mg, which doesn't really help. I dont intend to take methamphetamine anymore because I know now it affects the liver and kidneys. can you help me please

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