How To Abort 2 Months And 3 Days Pregnancy (Top voted first)


I'm already 2 months and 3 days pregnant, and i dont know how many cytotec i should take? Please advise me. Thanks.

6 Replies

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you have to massage first your womb at least 3 times a day and then at night tie it very tight.dont eat start from the morning you wake up till the night its more effective when your not eaten.drink 4 tablets of cytotec with pepsi and put 4 tablets inside the vagina near the cervix.wait for 3 to 4 hrs you will bleed after that continue to drink pepsi until all inside will come out.

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An unripe papaya helps to abort a baby in 4-5 months.

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I want to get rid of a 2 month pregnancy - how do i do it?

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Am two months and 3weeks pregnant pls i need to abort it. What kind of drugs will I take and how to use it

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Hi am faith,am 3 days pregnant,am a student and not ready to start a family wat should i do

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how do i about a pregnancy which i aborted last week but i check and am next week i will be two month

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