How To Abort 2 Months Pregency
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my wife having 2 months we want to abort this pregency woth out abortion

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I am more than 2 months pregnant. Unfortunately i need to abort this..
Please advice.

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There are actually a couple alternative methods of abortion that you and your wife might want to familiarize yourself with...

The first, is using certain herbs to induce miscarriage, also called herbal abortion. It is not a sure way to terminate pregnancy, and seems to work about 40-45% of the time, IF herbs are started early enough. If herbal abortion is attempted and is not successful it is very important to follow up with a clinical abortion, as the herbs can cause birth defects and or complications during pregnancy.

The second little known option is called Menstrual Extraction, unfortunately it is not a very available option, and for most women, finding someone to help you, is very remote. It has multiple purposes, not only can it physically remove a fertilized egg, menstrual extraction can remove an inconveniently timed period, due to start right before a romantic weekend. I think it would be great if more midwives, naturopaths or inspired women took it upon themselves to learn how to do this and make it more available. However, the technique is likely to fall into the realm of practicing medicine without a license as it could be construed as an invasive procedure. It is difficult although not impossible to preform upon yourself, personally, I would suggest having the help of someone who knows what they are doing.

You can read more about these options by following the link below:

I hope this helps!

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