How Long Does Dextroampetamine 60 Mg Per Day Stay In Your System
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i am prescribed dextroamphetamine for depression 60 mg a day. i am a nurse and fear telling the tester, for a urine test how many days do i need to be clean

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As far as I know the tester cannot legally inform your employer of any medication your taking due to medical privacy laws as long as they are prescribed to you and in appropriate levels in your blood to match the dose your prescribed. If they told your employer you could sue them for violating your rights under the HIPAA laws. I work construction and have been on and off narcotic pain medicine treatment. It doesn't sedate me so I work on it. I've been told that there are certain jobs where you aren't allowed to take meds that impair you but I'm pretty sure there isn't and if there actually is its only in a couple specific professions. I have been told one is heavy equipment operators being one. As long as you don't appear high then your employer and even the police have no say in whether you are working or driving while taking the medication. You show them your pills and they cannot reveal your medications. If they do you have a slam duck case against them to sue and if your employer decides to in any way even comment negatively about you taking the medicine and how maybe you shouldn't work if you do, even without firing you then you have a case against them for discrimination based on medical condition (ie disability) descrimination. I wouldn't put myself through not taking it if I were you especially since the side effects of stopping treatment may cause you to underperform at your new job. If anyone knows what's legal they wouldn't even tell anyone or if the test facility does, not even bring it up to anyone after receiving the call because it's a guaranteed law suit. Therapeutic levels of dextroamphetamine are not even close to that of a person abusing amphetamines. In other words they aren't the same and no one can legally insinuate they are and that you are a tweaked......your not.

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Thanks so much for your reply. I'm not ashamed of taking this but am afraid that the tester will inform the employer. I am a RN. Are they legally unable to inform employer if the drug is legally prescribed by an MD?

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Dextroamphetamine has an average half life of 10 hours in adults, and can take anywhere between 2-5 days (from the last time you took a pill) to be out of your system for a urine test.

Keep in mind that if you are prescribed this medication, then you shouldn't fear it showing up. Just show the tester your prescription and prior to the test and you will be fine. Everyone goes through their own ups and downs in life in a variety of different ways and you certainly won't be looked down upon for going through yours. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't fear someone else's opinion of you. Simply being yourself will gain you the most respect.

I hope this helps!

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