How Long Will Morphine Stay In Your Urine? (Page 3)
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I weight about 100 pounds, I've been taking left over 15mg of morphine for my back for about a week and a half now (just once a day). But I have a job interview coming up and I'm pretty sure they will give me a paper for a urine test (as do most jobs). Because I have a fast metabolism will it be out of my system in two to five days?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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Maranda i would like to talk to u more about the urine test, as i have a test today or tomorrow. {edited for privacy}. thank u for yr time

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would like to talk with you about your post

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My mother is prescribed 7.5 lortab and she missed her appt to go back so she took one of her old morphine pills witch is a 30 mg but only took half of it but she us over weight and smokes and is taking her other meds too her appt is in 5 days and she took it on the 2nd and her appt is on the tenth will she pass it

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I had an iv they gave me morphin how long will it be in my system thay also gave me fliuds in it to

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Ty, very helpful! Even though I have Doc.s ok, where I work is very discreet. Any other suggestions would be very helpful!

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Poor guy I feel so bad for you!!!

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I took 60mg of morphine on Friday and 60mg on saturday around 2:00pm. I had a drug test sent to a lab on Tuesday. I drank plenty of water Monday and Tuesday. Do you think I passed?

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Just to clarify; personally I have had three job offers rescinded at the physical after weeks and in some cases months of interviewing for popping positive on 100% legal and Dr. Prescribed morphine. I am now on SSDI. Yes I had the current scripts with me in all cases.

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I have a drug test on Thursday. I have taken morphine last Saturday. Will my system be clear on Thursday?

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i took 3 100mg moraphine pills yesterday may 3 2014 i got see my po may 8 will the morihine pill be out my sytem???

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I weigh 105lb how long does morphine will stay in my urine

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How long does morphine er stay in your urine. Have to take a drug _

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I have a doctor-caused spinal cord injury when he used his own 'experimental' protocol to do a radiofrequency ablation procedure on me for back pain. I had a mild compression fracture at T-12 from a little recreational sky jump and all I needed was time to let it heal. During the RF Ablation the doctor burnt me on my spinal cord and I have terrible muscle spasms all through my back, my arms and even my legs. That was 10 years ago. I have urination problems that that started several years back and found out that it is from my bladder walls 'hardened, irritated, and swollen.' The burn to my spinal cord is affecting my internal organs that are muscular in nature now. That may include my heart at some point! Anyway, the subject of this post is opiates. I am prescribed 60mg of Morphine ER 4 times a day and 30mg of Morphine IR 4 times a day. I also take baclofen for muscle spasms and lyrica or nerve-pain, doxepin for depression/sleep and ambien for sleep. I've been taking all this for the last 10 years and it has wrecked other aspects of my health, in addition to not providing pain relief. I still spend 24/7 in bed, working from my computer. I spent $400,000 from my own pocket and I'm totally broke. Thank God for the Affordable Care Act, as I couldn't get insurance before it became law. That's why the $400k out-of-pocket (I have a small business, getting smaller all the time).

This last March I had a pain pump implanted and I'm on my 2nd doctor trying to get it to work. I am trying to get Prialt to work as it is non-narcotic. I want to do almost anything to get off the morphine. I have been rescued from death 3 times in those 10 years, twice related to morphine. I have terrible constipation and go through a bottle of Milk-of-Magnesia every week. It's really fun to try and balance that out. I can't get more than a few minutes away from access to water, as I am so dry from morphine that I have to drink constantly. This next part is a male-oriented speech about the pitfalls of morphine: I have totally lost my ability to get an erection and my sperm count went to zero many years ago. The size of my penis is down to a nub. That'll give you something to think about! Stay away from the opiates to manage pain if you can. It's a terrible path to get started down!

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if I took a 60mg morphine at 5pm would it show in a ua at 10:20am

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Hi ive taking sumone morphine for a mnthi nterview coming fast is there'er anything i cudd take how can howcan i store clean urine untill that date of teting 2 days prior

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If you can prove that it's your prescription then it shouldn't be a problem, I work in HR for a huge company and we can't hold prescription drugs against someone as long as they have proof it's theirs, just take the bottle with you when you go have the test done and show it to the people administering the test, they will make a note of it and you will be fine

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I am on Methadone and I am doiing very well with treating my addiction . I have not been doing any other drugs but the other day a missed a dose and then began to to start withdrawls , A friend had just been percribed morphine sulfate 50 Mg and gave me two . They helped a little bit but now I have a urine test on tuesday , and i took them sunday night and monday morning I assume I will fail the test , Which is not a big deal i have way around that . I just want to make sure that my next test a week later will be clean ? I just want to clearify that it is acually 3 days ???

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I snorted 15 mg of morphine at midnight on friday and have a urine test on tuesday at noon. I weigh about 140lbs. and don't excise. Will I pass this urine test?

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