How Long Does It Take For Clindamycin To Work (Top voted first)
UpdatedDoes Clindamycin work for an abscessed tooth and when will the pain stop? My tooth hurts so bad and I don't have insurance to cover the cost. I only work part time.
5 Replies
Hello, Cali! How are you?
It may work, if it does, you should notice an improvement after taking it for a full 3 days. However, the issue is that it is not going to correct the underlying problem that caused the infection and it is going to end up returning. So, you still need to have the tooth taken care of by your dentist.
Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I have a nasty bridge that needs to be removed. One tooth under needs to be extracted. I have to wait about 3 weeks ti start this process and until then, am in a bit of discomfort. My boyfriend has some clindamycin that expired 4/2014. Would it be ok to take it?
clinda works well for an abscessed tooth. If you dont have a presription go to a emergent care not an er too expensive they can look at it and prescribed an antibiotic. tryr to work something out with a dentist because a bad infected tooth can make you very sick. Motrin works well for pain not tylenol. keep ice on it.
I have a terrible abbesses my face is swollen the dentist put me on Clindamycin 4 times daily 300mg starting this past Thursday today is Saturday and my face is still swollen pretty bad. Doesn't look like it has gone down at all.. I called my dentist emergency line and she said there wasn't any other strength antibiotic she could give me. How long does is take for Clindamycin to work and take the swelling down? Also I was on penicillin previous but it wasn't working.
I started having severe pain in my lower left abdomen that reaches down into my leg. l am taking clindamycin. How long should l take it for if the pain is better now?
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