How Long Does It Take Percocet To Show Up In Your Urine? (Page 4)
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Need to know how long after taking a dose of Percocet 10 mg, three times a day, will it show up in the urine?

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It ain't mine, it must be urine!!

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I need to know how soon after I swallow oxycodone will it pass out through urine instead of how long it will remain. How many hours pass before it is in urine for drug screen?

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Yes, this is entirely possible, although convincing your healthcare providers will be another story. I have had this happen to me on several occasions when I was taking my medications as prescribed, (Percocet 10mg 325 - and back when percocet 10mg 625 were available in the States and also when Darvocet was on the market and I was prescribed that, and Hydrocodone, as well). It turns out that the testing machine in our local hospital where I went for my screening was unable to detect normally prescribed levels of the medications, as they were too low for the detection. I fought with the hospital and my doctors. Others contested the test results, as well, but it was a long time, (years) before a disclaimer discreetly appeared at the bottom of my test results stating that the levels of these drugs, taken as prescribed might not be detected by their system. I only found out because I'd gotten into the habit of retrieving my own test results from medical records as soon as they were made available and bringing my own copy to my doctor's office. This disclaimer appeared at the bottom of my copy, but not at the bottom of my physician's faxed, full copy of the test results. I wish you the best of luck and hope for you to try and get together with others who may be in your same predicament so that you can ban together - maybe take your medicine together witnessed by hospital staff and a representative of your own at the same time and wait the requisite amount of time and then take your tests together to see if they do, indeed, show-up. That would be the indisputable proof in the pudding.

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after taking a opioid, believe it or not it can show up in your urine within 30 min. after ingesting. depending of course on the dose. a one-time use of a 5mg oxy? it will be hard to detect because if it does not fail the immunoassay test, which is set at 300ng, there will be no further testing on a gc/ms confirmation test. a gs/ms can detect very minute amounts but most dont use it unless you fail the immunoassay. if your trying to get your levels up for a test, its best to take 3-4 several hours before testing. i have double dosed 2 hrs before a test and still only registered 1/2 of the required amount

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Over and Over and Over and Over, people ask, "How long does it take for Percocet to SHOW UP on a UA?" And Over and Over and Over and Over, people keep answering how long it takes to GET OUT of your system"! Are people that are answering even reading the questions? The numerous questions that were asked about How Long to show up, seemed very clear to anyone that read the question. They're NOT asking How long it takes to get out of your system, Their asking, How Long it takes to show up IN your system. So as I said at the beginning, if the people claiming to know the answer either are not even reading the question, or have basic reading comprehension problems, it makes me wonder how much faith you'd put in their answer! Just my 2 cents. Proceed how you wish, just keep that in mind if your going to rely on their answer, that is IF they finally get the question right!

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If I took a 10mg Percocet at 4pm one day and had to do a u a 45 hours later is it going to show up. Really need to know asap

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I need to know how long percocet's 5 stay in your system.4× a day i ran out Saturday i see my DOCTOR this coming Thursday.

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Well im 6mon pregnant and my main worry is the withdrawn with child what would or could happen when i deliver and when should i stop taking percocet 10 due to delivery so it would not show up in my system after delivery??!m

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I took 3 10mg perks 8 days ago and had a UA yesterday morning. I drank a lot of water until the day of the test to flush my system. Can they possiblly show up?

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Ua means urine analysis. Please have a safe and pain free day, if that's possible.

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I researched all threads, and went by what I found. BIG MISTAKE! I took 10 Mg (Percocet) at 11am today. Had my urinalysis done 2 hours later and IT SHOWED UP! I read many differing opinions on this, but went with a doctors reply saying it would take about 6 hours to metabolize, and show up on UA. Of course, no sooner did I decide to take it, I stumbled on another post that said. 30-60 minutes! Argh!!

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Ok this is my problem, I have chronic pain and see pain management. I take percocets 10 3 times a day, which I have told him that at times 3 just isn't enough and he refuses to put me on 4 a day. My last UA drug screening showed that I didn't have the percocets in my system. He cut me back to 1 a day til I could be reevaluate. Well I didn't make this month to well I have saved two to take the morning of the test and the test is 1:20 that afternoon. Will it show up in my test then. With the new laws you have to have the drug prescribed to you in your system or they think you are selling them. Lord knows I don't sell and I don't misuse I just take 4 like every day, so I go 10 days without and don't get it off my bed.

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Mike, so many people have asked this very simple question, but have not gotten a straight answer. If someone is on 10 mg Percocet perscription 2 times a day and runs out like a week early before they go back to pain management dr and have a ua, if I had saved just 1 pill to take before the test to make sure it shows up positive for the Percocet, how long before the test should I take it? And should I take it on an empty stomach, and eat after, or don't eat at all, or what is the best way to make sure the test shows up positive? I weigh about 250 with average activity and metabolism. So many people have asked this very same question, if u have only 1 10mg pill, and need ua to b positive, how long before test should u take it? And if u could answer the more specific questions about taking my weight and whether I should eat or not before or after I take the pill, I would really appreciate it so much! Please answer asap, please, my test is in a couple days! THANK U SO MUCH!

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I only have 1 of my percicet 10 left and my apt is in three days. I took Tylenol 3 yesturday and today and I will take last percicet I have three day before My apt. Will the Tylenol three be out of my system for a urine test in three days? And will one percicet show in my urine taking it the day before?

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How long does 10 milligrams of hydrocodone take before it starts coming out in my urine

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I understand this question. I can tell you that today, I took a Vikadin and an hour later I took a drug test to check this out. The drug test came up clean... So an hour after taking the pill for me, and it still did not show in my urine when I took a test.. It may be different for others because of how long it takes them to metabolize... I didnt insufflate it, or crush it, and I took it whole orally... so that would make a difference too I am sure.

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But you never answered the question. They want to know how long after ingesting Percocet will it show in a urine test.

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Yestarday i did my monthly drug test i been on percocet10/325 yrs omg nurse said u vare to explain why ur meds dont show in urin. help omg

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I am 30 and weigh 210... I don't take opiates, how long does it take a 10/325 and a 5 to get out of my system?

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When pregnant it does not matter what stage. All meds effect your baby. Consistent use will cause withdrawal. And could cause you to loose baby....I no back/ body pain sucks however u don't want perm damage to your little angel. Find alternant relief. Oh n when pregnant drugs stay in system a lot like longer then a non pregnant individual. So be careful.....

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