How Long Does It Take Percocet To Show Up In Your Urine? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Need to know how long after taking a dose of Percocet 10 mg, three times a day, will it show up in the urine?

283 Replies (15 Pages)

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Any opiate will show on a urine test within 2-4 hours from the time it was taken. I had a buddy in West Palm Beach Florida who had a few beers after taking 2, 30's of oxycodone. He had never taken oxys before and he passed out. The emergency room doctor put a cath in him an took urine. Within 5 minutes they knew what he had taken. That was his first and last pill event.

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Most meds show up fairly quickly. According to these are the ranges of rates at which a few drugs show up and then leave detection for HOME BASED testing. I would guess that actual lab kits would be more sensitive and positives would show up more quickly and leave a little more slowly. I know it's often tough for pain patients who have gone thru a rough week or two to stretch out their supply of meds until right before their doctor visit. My advice - ALWAYS keep at least 1 pill or 1/2 a pill for the night before or morning of your visit if you've run out days or weeks early. that pill is off limits so you don't screw yourself over.

Marijuana/Pot 1-3 hours -- 1-7 days
Crack (Cocaine) 2-6 hours -- 2-3 days
Heroin (Opiates) 2-6 hours -- 1-3 days
Speed/Uppers (Amphetamine, methamphetamine) 4-6 hours -- 2-3 days
Angel Dust/PCP 4-6 hours -- 7-14 days
Ecstacy 2 to 7 hours -- 2 - 4 days
Benzodiazepine 2 -7 hours -- 1 - 4 days
Barbiturates 2 - 4 hours -- 1 - 3 weeks
Methadone 3 - 8 hours -- 1 - 3 days
Tricyclic Antidepressants 8 - 12 hours -- 2 - 7 days
Oxycodone 1 - 3 hours -- 1 - 2 days

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I am taking a drug test tomorrow will it show up in the tesr if I take a Percocet today?

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Yes Soyara. What do you need to know. I test every month at pain management. I'm a plethora of info

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When I first became pregnant I was on opiates for pain and was unaware that I was pregnant. Judging by what my OB thought my date of conception was I musta been on them for a good few weeks before stopping. I must admit when I found out was pregnant and I was infact 8wks or so along I was very upset that I had been taking those pills in that condition. My OB directed me to see a genetic counsler and she resured me that every should be fine. My daughter is now five and a heathly lil girl.

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3 hours is normal time for it to pass thru urine!

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2 hours!

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The answer is one hour but it depends on a few factors like metabolism and how recently you have eaten

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3 days for a chronic user and the withdrawal could last up to 2 weeks. Typically a week of night sweats and having to use the restroom a lot!

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FINALLY someone who knows what they are talking about!!! I too am pregnant and prescribed Percocet for my slipped discs and it is MUCH safer than Asprin and Motrin which are NEVER prescribed!!People are so quick to judge and give their opinion without research thank you for your honesty!!!

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I understand this question. I can tell you that today, I took a Vikadin and an hour later I took a drug test to check this out. The drug test came up clean... So an hour after taking the pill for me, and it still did not show in my urine when I took a test.. It may be different for others because of how long it takes them to metabolize... I didnt insufflate it, or crush it, and I took it whole orally... so that would make a difference too I am sure.

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after taking a opioid, believe it or not it can show up in your urine within 30 min. after ingesting. depending of course on the dose. a one-time use of a 5mg oxy? it will be hard to detect because if it does not fail the immunoassay test, which is set at 300ng, there will be no further testing on a gc/ms confirmation test. a gs/ms can detect very minute amounts but most dont use it unless you fail the immunoassay. if your trying to get your levels up for a test, its best to take 3-4 several hours before testing. i have double dosed 2 hrs before a test and still only registered 1/2 of the required amount

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Yes, this is entirely possible, although convincing your healthcare providers will be another story. I have had this happen to me on several occasions when I was taking my medications as prescribed, (Percocet 10mg 325 - and back when percocet 10mg 625 were available in the States and also when Darvocet was on the market and I was prescribed that, and Hydrocodone, as well). It turns out that the testing machine in our local hospital where I went for my screening was unable to detect normally prescribed levels of the medications, as they were too low for the detection. I fought with the hospital and my doctors. Others contested the test results, as well, but it was a long time, (years) before a disclaimer discreetly appeared at the bottom of my test results stating that the levels of these drugs, taken as prescribed might not be detected by their system. I only found out because I'd gotten into the habit of retrieving my own test results from medical records as soon as they were made available and bringing my own copy to my doctor's office. This disclaimer appeared at the bottom of my copy, but not at the bottom of my physician's faxed, full copy of the test results. I wish you the best of luck and hope for you to try and get together with others who may be in your same predicament so that you can ban together - maybe take your medicine together witnessed by hospital staff and a representative of your own at the same time and wait the requisite amount of time and then take your tests together to see if they do, indeed, show-up. That would be the indisputable proof in the pudding.

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You should never take anything not even asprin while you are pregnant. I know it's hard when you have legitimate back problems but meds like Percocet will hurt the developement of your baby's brain and other organs. If you have taken this please for your baby's sake call your doctor. Only take what your OBGYN tells you it is safe to take. I know it's difficult sometimes but please keep your baby's health and future in mind. Take Care God Bless

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gosh people i take perks and have been for years...ill take 200 mg a day..if i skip a day and get a ua the next day its always clean..3-5 days is bulls***

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It will be out of your system by Friday for sure. You will be fine!

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Yea three days for your system to be clean, and oxycodone will show up as opiate on a 5 panel i've failed one and was able to look at it the whole time. only had oxycodone so I know it will show up. As far as how long the withdrawal will last depends. I've done alot of reading on the topic and various studies have shown that people who aren't abusing their medications (opiates) will not have as bad of withdrawal when stopping that medication. But i'm pretty sure that means a proper titration of the meds cause you aren't supposed to just stop cold turkey from any dose. From experience I will tell you most of the withdrawal symptoms are in your head. Alot of people may disagree with me ESP when you are going through it. But let me say that I've been through withdrawal many times and three of those times I was put in jail for a few days until I was bailed out, and I can say when I was in jail and absolutely knew I couldn't get pills I barely had any symptoms. I couldn't sleep and had diarrhea pretty bad but besides that I was ok. I didn't feel bad at all except for feeling cold but they keep this jail cold to try and reduce the spread of virus our some BS like that, plus normally I get cold easily so that's just me.

Ok enough with that, also if you have a valid prescription for pills (you said you had surgery) the testing facility either isn't suppose to tell your employer you have a positive for that or they are supposed to say they know you have a valid prescription and employers aren't supposed to hold stuff like that against you but i'm sure you know for the most part that is just BS. If your emitter knows they may not hire you because of it.

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Usually depending on metabolism it will show up within 1 hour of first dose. Strongest at 2 hours. If you take them everyday they will already be present. If not taken everyday then on an empty stomach with only liquids to drink you will be positive for sure in 2 hours.

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I didn't realize that i hit 8 on my last post. It takes 1-2hours on average. Also, yeah they have 5,7,9,11,13 panel drug test. the higher the number the more drugs they test for. For example, 5 panel is all your major categories ie, thc ( marijuana), cocaine,opiates, benzo, amphetamines.

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Yes it will for sure show up. Make certain you can take one the day of also just to add a little more. You will have a positive blood test.

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