How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your Urine? (Page 3)


Took 1 and a half pills of Xanax on Monday afternoon. I do not have a clue how many milligrams that is though. And I never took any before that and just took my drug test on Friday afternoon. It was a urine test. Should i pass?

179 Replies (9 Pages)

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I took ten mg of Xanax and 80 mg of methadone today. I have to take a urine ten panel test Tuesday. Will I be clean. I know to drink plenty water and cranberry juice. Caffeine But give me info please

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A Xanax does not stay in your system no 11 days. Yea if u take ten a day for a year maybe but any pill on exception of methadone and Xanax does stay longer. I would say week tops. And that's a regular user.

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I worked in a very safety sensitive job field I took 1 blue Xanax at bout 9pm and a lortab 10 had a test @ 10 am and everything was fine btw I take lortabs everyday I have a scripts for both and they didn't find nothing I think the let is to drink enough water to get it out if that helps anybody

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Are you friggin' serious? Of course they test for it. Even if it is a "legal" drug like you say it will still show up on the test. Whenever you take a drug test you are more than likely going to have to speak to an MRO (medical review officer) which is a licensed physician that oversees the results from these many drug tests. He will interview you and will most likely have you explain why there is "said" substance in your system. And since you will not be able to justify why you have something in your system that you (illegally) shouldn't have that will disqualify you. Phillygirl, you need to get your facts straight because you are totally wrong.

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I took two 2mg of xanax halloween 2013 and another two on this past friday. Nov. 1sg. I have a drug test weds. Will i pass i havent taken anything since and im drinkin lots of water and cranberry juics till then also takin aleve see if that helps idk whaat to do but I GOTTA PASS THIS TEST FROM MY PARENTS!!!!!

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JEN it depends on the kind of test they use. It also depends on how fast ur metabolism is.

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Some of you people need to learn how to spell correctly and learn how to word your sentences i mean are you all on pills when typing your replies ....

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If I took 13 ( 1 mg ) xanax over the course of two days. Would I be able to pass a urine test in 2 days ?

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Took one last Saturday an i have a digg test on the 25th. Will i pass?

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Benzos sure are on a 5 panel and i know this because xanax on a 5 panel from my po is what sent me to prison. So the certianly are.

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Well i will say this i took 2valium and i did not pass a piss test and that was 12days so there no way if you take one or two that you can pass a test in a day or two and it was the court that give me my test and i went to jail so i sould know

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i took 2 xanax school buses (yellow) how long does it stay in your urine? i have to take a urine test

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i have seen online about 100 different times on xanax so i decided to do a little experiment. i took 2mg of xanax and went to walmart and bought a 12 panel drug test that tests for benzos. in the brochure it has a list of all the different drugs and the times it takes to leave the body and be undetectable. it says benzos, then says the different types of benzos. it says xanax is 1-4 days. i took the test 4 days after i took 2mg and i passed, not only was not a faint line but it was a thick line indicating a passed 100 percent. hope this helps

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bud can stay as long as 30 day but i can tell u a took a bunch of dabs one day, which is high concentrated thc an was able to pass in 14days this is with no use before hand or prepping for said test. drug test are usually up in the air it all depends on ur body and rate of activity. also real quick b12, niacin, V-C caffeine, and sauna secessions will help.

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what did they look like, sticks?white,yellow,green thats 2mg. blue pill, 1mg, orange pills are .50mg

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What's your body type if I can ask..

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yes they test for it it is a barbituate and it will show up past 3-5 days i know almost lost my kids dont take the chance

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took 1 1mg zanax today possible 80 hour urine test in 6 days will I test positive or negative note this is first time in almost 6 months

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However, if you are not prescribed this LEGAL drug and it is in your system then you will have a positive result and fail. I am a nurse and you MUST have a valid prescription and benzos ARE tested for in hospitals as well as other LEGAL medications such as prescription pain medications.

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Any prescription pill takes between 3 to five days to leave your system as far as urine is concerned. With the exception of valium. It can seriously take up to 14 days. Why take a valium anyway xanax
is a much better benzo anyway. By the way I am a lab tech for a certain college that does urine test for major companies as well as probation offices all over the country. Oh the 3 to 5 day ratio is luck of the draw. You could very possibility pass one ua turn around take another and fail. Be careful much is at stake for anyone to have to ask these questions. Good luck to all I hope this helped.

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