How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I have taken 4 1mg Xanax in the past three days. How long does it take to clear your system for a urine drug test?

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Dude xanax stays in your system for a couple days and servel weeks for a regular user ...your misinforming the public and it of course stays longer for obese or older people ...

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This depends on many things like:
Body weight/height/fat level
Genetic problem
Liver Functionality
Metabolic rate

Hope this will help you:

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I took 2mg Thursday night at 9pm then 2mg Friday morning, will i pass a urine test tuesday morning at 6a?? It goes to the i never use it

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I took 1 mg of xanex today is thursday and have to take a urine test Monday should I be ok? I weight 135 pounds and will drink water if necessary? Please help answer

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no..they will not turn you down..ive been on suboxone for 1 1/2 years, and when u start the program to get it , they expect for you to have all those types of drugs in your system, but then when you come back and take another test , they want you to be completely clean, but depending on how much you use it could take a week or two for xanxax oget out...but you'll be all good..i went in to get mine i took xanxax 2 days before, but was honest and tol them..and everything was good.

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A lot of doctors will not prescribe you suboxone if you are taking benzo's. I just went to a new doctor today and sat there for an hr then he told me that he couldn't prescribe me the sub's today because he had a system that he could see medications you have been prescribed over the last couple months. If you can get away without telling them i would. Some doctors will do it, but it's rare. Ive been doing this for years now. I finally find a doctor that takes my insurance and then this happens. Needless to say I was Pissed.

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I was taking benzo's on a regular, both valium and xanex when my husband passed away. I got a DUI and was put on probation and was clean for 5 weeks before I actually started my probation.... I had a urine test my first PO meeting and I failed.... still hadnt taken anything else and my 2nd PO meeting which was 1 month later I had another drug test and FAILED AGAIN. I ended up testing positive for almost 6 months for benzos. Your test results depend on type of benzo and how much you are taking. I read somewhere that Valiums can build up in your kidneys over time and cause you to fail a drug test for 6 months or more... from my understanding xanex is out of your system quicker but also depends on body fat and water intake and how much of it you have been taking.

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yes, valium is a benzo

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U helped me a lot. READ THIS BOOK....The End Of My Addiction....altho he focuses primarily on etoh, there is much evidence the tx is effective for opiates, too, and he cites the scientific studies so you can read for yourself. Best of luck to you....I empathize w/ your struggles.

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no benzos in suboxone...and it could be the valium still in system

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Calm down... But as this was post on Feb, I think by now you would know. You didn't get it from ER did you. ER dosen't usually dish out XANAX. Diazepam yes. What's really going on. ?

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If it is prescribed and you jave proof of prescription from doctor and pharmacy they generally cannot hold it against you......but you MUST have proof

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Max....xanax bars are 2mg each. No matter how great your metabolism is they will show up. Do you have a prescription for xanax? And how'd u accidentally rake them?

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Most tests to NOT test for Adderall or Amphetamines. They just aren't that common anymore. Employers do NOT include them on their low panel tests. In fact, they don't use on my panel and I am on Methadone! However I've been using this kit that I bought and have come out clean for every test. My urine even showed what I needed to show. It can especially be used for SUPERVISED urines as well!!! In fact, it manufactured for supervised, but it can be used for unsupervised obviously as well. If anyone is interested in the product just email. I've been using it for over a year now and I'm still using it. The kit comes all in one and so far it's lasted me a year without the need for replacement. It's only 39.95. That's real cheap considering that "clean it juice" cost double that and is only good once and it doesn't allow you to show what you need to show, i.e., all my tests show for methadone but everything I partied with doesn't show up. LoL LoL. That chit is totally ingenious!!! Just email. Make sure you tell me you sex because male and female kits are very different.

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Most people who post on Forums have an email. That is right up there with you don't have internet access?

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how long will 2 10 ml Percocet stay in your system and 3 1 ml xanex stay in your sytem and 3 20 mill aderal stay in your system. I am about 5'8 tall around 157 lbs I drink lots of water and sweat a lot from running and hard labor. I have a parole drug test in 7 days. What do I need to do to pass

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About 10 days.

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DWI. What do you mean bites you in the butt?

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try getting off the methadone as soon as you can. That stuff is so bad for you. If you have to be on anything I would try suboxone and celexa together. The lowest dose of suboxone if you can. Say 1 mg 2 times a day or even one time a day. I am not a doctor but this has worked for many ppl I know. Since people are not on a high dose of suboxone getting off of it is not that hard and a lot of docs don't mind keeping patients on 1mg for maintenance. Just get away from that methadone! Celexa is a great anti depressant and works great for pain. 40 mg is the perfect dosage. Hope this helps someone out there, Like I said I am NOT a doctor. :)

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