How Long Does Tramadol Stay In Your Urine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


how long does tramdol stay in your system and would it show up on a urine drug test?

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Albert you are behaving like an ass. You like to hear yourself speak don't you? You are just another bully that feels like a big man when you belittle others. In most cases this is just compensation for other, smaller issues.

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Yes it does show up on the test i had went to my sub doctor and had takin tramadol the night before and the doctor had givin me a urine test and had called me back a few weeks later and had said they had found tramadol in my system i did not even mention to the doctor i was on them because it sliped my mind but it 100% showed up so now every time i go he test me for.tramadol because suboxone block the recepters in the brain the same as tramadol does and if you take tramadol and suboxone together it doesnt work right so my advice would be just to not take any medication that is not prescribed prescribed To you in general because what is the point on being on the treatment and then you mess it up by taking a tramadol or something and the only reason they do the urine test for the sub treatment is so that your insurance will continue to pay for the treatment and so that the doctor knows what he is giving you is helping tramadol does show up in the urine i dont find it to be of any use some do but its not for everyone just dont take anything before your doctors apt and if its your medication and the doctor says its ok to take and you wont get all worried before the test then dont worry but from experience It definitely Does show up :-)

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People, stick to the topic this website was designed for. Please don't be rude and disrespectful. This forum has nothing to do with grammar. Do not judge, or you will be judged in return.

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Wow just amazed to the fact that yes, there are cops our there who take drugs! Scared to think that if I should get pulled over from a croaked cop that is only out there to ppl that take prescribed meds (as I do ) and do street drugs, that the only way out of a ticket could possibly be to give up ur meds to a croaked cop! JUST SAYING. ....

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He prob took too much tramadol hahaaa

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Yeah I hope I dont get too faked up and drive on those potent strong ass tramadol.lmfao.Dude tramadol wouldnt get anybody faked up."Pardon my dirty misspelled language yall".

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Thank you for the information and break down of time. Also, thank you for putting someone in their place that deems it necessary to be rude to another that is seeking information as we all do in some form or other..hence the term "information super highway" lol..your information, again, is much appreciated.

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Yes... I assure u it will. Lesson learned. I was kicked out of rehab.

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I take 1,000 mg of Tramadol. Am I understanding the original post... The more you take at one time, the longer it stays in a persons system??

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wow, another drug induced cop. just what we need in our communities. I think it better if law abiding people arm themselves and defend thier neighborhoods.

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I was pee tested and Tramadol showed up positive and I flunked!!! It showed up as a "Controlled Substance" So, dont take a chance on it!

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I was just about to say something about the Police Man. Ha! Lol! That is definitely worrisome if someone talks like that and is worried about failing a drug test, geez!

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Your going to be a policeman learn proper English you sound stupid it's I'm going to be a police officer and the rest of your post sounds like your special

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I took a couple tramadol Thursday will I pass a lab test tuesday

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Where is he gonna be a policeman? Maybe he doesnt need good

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You need to be able to properly communicate before you are a cop. Good god your spelling and grammar is just awful. You need to apologize for your abuse of the English language before you apologize for cursing. Take pride in what you do for crying out loud.

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This is not true. I had probation show up at my home and ask for a urine test. I failed for tramadol and methadone. I had not touched methadone so I was confused. They r both synthetic opiates so I think the tramadol is what caused me to fail for methadone.

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I took 150 mgs of tramadol yesterday at 1230am I have a house meeting in the recovery house I live in today at 530p they do random urine testing if I get pulled for the test will I test positive for a 12-13 panel drug test they use at the house at the meetings will the tramadol show up and plus I just started taking it Tuesday had about 300mgs that day then the next day nothing but used tramadol again yesterday will I come up hot for it today at 530?

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It looks like Tramadol stays in your system for about 2-3 days, depending on the dose and how long you've been taking it. So just don't take any for a few days before a drug screen.

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Hi guys. So I took a 50mg tramadol on the 12th which was a Friday evening. And I had to do a urine drug test on Monday the 15th. Do you guys think I'll pass? I work as a lead at a walgreens so I don't know if that changes anything? Any response back would be amazing.

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