How Long Does The Drug Cat Stay In Your System (Top voted first)


How long does the drug cat stay in a urine sample?

5 Replies

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For how long does the drug CAT stay in your urine sample?

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I went out with friends and got stupid with them and took cat and i feel horrible. How can i feel better and how can i clean out my body in one day?

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Hi guys,

So here is the back story. I met my boyfriend 2 months ago and he was using cat. Like I said to him, it's his own problem but i will always support him when he decides to leave it. So for the last month he lied to me and kept it away from me, and i called him out on it.

So he suggested for me to win back his trust he would buy a drug test, and he will willingly test and show/prove to me he isn't on it anymore.

Question being - How long does it stay in a person's system?

Note: Not in need of relationship advice.

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Me and my hubby used cat for years but are in a devorce battle and i must stop if he mension it in court to use it against me... Will i be tested by court and how do they do the tests?

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How can I pass a urine and blood test? I have been sick for 3 weeks. The doctors don't know what's wrong with me and want to check my blood. I used cat for an experiment on Sunday evening. Will they find it in my system or not? And how can I prevent them from finding it? Please help asap

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