How Long Does Symbicort Remain In Your System
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I've been off of it for a month now and I still have some of my symptoms, joint pain, pounding ears, swollen ankles, etc. My hoarseness disappeared after about 2 weeks or so. Drink lots of water.
5 Replies
I'm going to meps tomorrow and I was prescribed Symbicort to clear my lungs of an infection. I haven't taken it that much. I just want to know how long this drug remains in your body?
I have been on symbicort for 2 weeks for asthma. Woke up this morning with my mouth swollen inside and under my tongue. Is this a reaction to the symbicort? Also my gerd was worse last night. Are both of these reactions to symbicort?
I've been on symicort for 3 yrs. now and the only adverse symptom I have is my voice is bad. I rinse and gargle but my voice is still scratchy sounding. I don't know what else would work as well and have fewer side effects.
I took 80/4.5 for 1 year. I had been on 160/4.5 for 3 weeks because my asthma was not controlled at the lower dose. I woke up and my left eye socket hurt as though someone had punched me in it. I'm seeing a doctor next week because of severe leg pain I'm having that can't be from anything else except the Symbicort. I'm in my 40's and I am healthy.
How long we're you taking it?
If it was for a long period of time, it may take 6 weeks or so, for it to completely process out of your body.
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