How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took a 30mg of oxycodone friday and a half oxycodone sat morning. I have a drug test wed. Do u think it will be outta my system by then?

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If ur worried u can always buy a drug test at any pharmacy and test yourself. There is always number 1 which is a synthetic urine and b4 cannabis was legal all my friends whom worked at Boeing, fed ex and as truck drivers kept that on hand at all times. Good luck!!

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I can say this , I looked on this forum to ask if I would be okay I took 30mg oxicodone Saturday & friday at 9 am , I am on drug court so I will test Monday or Tuesday , I will be sure to post my results !! I see a lot of people asking but no one is coming back to post results !!!

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I meant Oxycodone and I have not took any pill for a total if 1 1/2 years now ! So I am kinda worried

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Listen to yourself passing judgement on people when you don't even have the entire story. Addiction starts in a lot of people because they too needed pain relief. Are you so perfect that you're immune to that? Maybe that person needs encouragement and not judgement and condemnation.

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I f***ed up and had a relapse. I'm human, it happens, but i haven't since that one relapse and on almost 4 months sober.. please dont just assume everyone is out to scam doctors and are drug dealers. I really am just trying to make my life healthier, happier and better. I like u have a lot of compassion for people but i dont like to be judged without proper knowledge of what I am doing or going through.

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Sure you can "forget your ID" and forget about the job. Most employers will call that a fail. Just don't do drugs always works. I hurt like the rest of us. Excuses are are plenty though.

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Opana is oxymorphone which is actually the metabolite for oxycodone. And most pain clinics actually check your levels to make sure the metabolite is in your UA so if you haven't taken them in a while you need to start taking them again about a week ahead of your appointment so everything will be right

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It will rid itself from your system completely in 72 hours. 3days. Example if .yu took your last dose on Friday at a5 p.m. then it would be gone by Monday at a5 p.m.

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If I take 12 oxycodone a and 45 OxyContin and 22 Vicodin and 35 morphine 5 mg will my dumb ass die??? Geez people come on!!! These are the exact reasons we have such bullit laws on meds these days because stupid people abuse them so much!!! At aw at people's stupidity!!!

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I take 5mg oxycodone prescribed by my doctor for my back. I came up for a random urine screen at my appointment this week and I had run out of medication 2 days before. I was worried about that showing up and sure enough, the test came back negative for oxycodone. But after reading all the information on here, it looks like it shouldn't have! My normal daily dose is so small - only 3 pills of 5mgs each. Maybe that's why it showed up zero so quickly? I don't want to lose my doctor or my meds.

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I took a total of 10 roxys Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had to test Thursday morning. 7 panel urine test..... Came back negative!!!!!

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They DO need your ID! Someone else could say they're you and everyone would do it! You're dumb and lame! They MUST make sure it's YOU peeing in the cup!! Jackass

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One of my crew tested hot after 8 days from their last dose. I have been hot 10 days after the fact for coke.

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Though not illegal, it is a Dr.'s obligation to cause no suffering. You can report him to the Medical Board, but don't expect much from them. The Dr. can simply state his reasons for discontinuing your med, & they'll be okay with that. You just got a reply from a nurse.

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I took two oxycodone thirties Friday Saturday and Sunday and 1 Monday morning I'm trying to pass a blood test will just be enough in my system

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I passed my drug test. 4 perc 10's. Im on federal probation so all my screens go to the lab. I have a high metabolism and my job keeps me active. I also take a multi-vitamin everyday. I hit a blunt on a friday night 3 or 4 times and pissed clean on a monday at 5:30pm. I think my metabolism is the key. I use the half life math scale for pills and I use the high end to be on the safe side. It takes 58.5 to 63 hrs to clear 30mg of oxycodone out of your system on the high end of the scale. 8 out of 10 people clear it in less time.

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So sad~

I'm just so sick and tired of people doing it the wrong way. Take your medication the right way if you are not prescribed medication stay the hell away from it. It's people like you that are making it hard for chronic pain patients to get our proper medication. Please do yourself a favor and stop it. And think about the people that have cancer and different chronic pain issues. For a minute. Stop it, and let us have our medications because we do it the right way. I'm just pissed off. Grow up and do it the right way. Or don't do it at all.
If your loved one was suffering from some type of chronic pain wouldn't you be pissed off as well. Think about that for a minute. I'm just tired of the crap. Sorry. But not sorry.

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It days 12 hrs in saliva, 3-4 Urine, 12hrs blood and 90 days in hair sample

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Re: Mike (# 267) Expand Referenced Message

As long as you don’t use again and drink plenty of water, 7 days should be plenty of time for the oxycodone to clear your system. If you are still really concerned you could always buy an at-home test kit to make sure you are clean prior to giving your sample.

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Hi Lucy brown,
If you haven't read up on it yet then drink plenty of water all day, everyday and to piss as often as possible and try to sweat more our work out to clean it out. Or if your still worried, at some of the run down, Indian run stores, they sell a product called Upass that will change your chances of passing a drug test from 50% to 100%. I hope this helps!!

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