How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 13) (Top voted first)


I took a 30mg of oxycodone friday and a half oxycodone sat morning. I have a drug test wed. Do u think it will be outta my system by then?

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It will show up as morphine as oxymorohone metabolizes into morphine

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Yes, it is a combination of oxycodone and morphine so it will very likely show up on even a basic drug test

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WOW!! I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and widespread pain lingering from a surgery and my pain doc only wants to give me 5mg oxycodone. They don't help at all, but he is like a Nazi on upping my dosage. I can't imagine taking a 30 mg pill. It would probably help, but I'm afraid it would knock me out, but I don't want that.

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Thank you for enlightening the slower peep. Your meds have to metabolize out of u system. Water will not generally just works to flood thc not prescription meds

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Please any body wow I had to stop typing in shock..I have many serious injuries. I have been in pain management 14yrs taking oxygen 30s. I have been through every stage of this drug never for a lot reasons jump out there and take a thirty mg. let's forget u feeling high and chance never getting rid of that taste in your mouth and addiction and 100 things that will destroy u. don't do it for this reason your tolerance u start on thirties for a broken arm. u could go to Dr and get 10mg pain b gone. but now your tolerance is up and 10s will do nothing and u b lucky to get them, so u will b in pain like a i****. never start high doses ever. Take the least amount that works! Tolerance is the bad guy in meds!

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Hopefully help full to help u I would like to know what u r on for pain u just need a new regiment just 30 thrown at u is old school way of treating pain.if we had this discussion it would not only help u but a lot of others. Plz interact

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If u take it the day before it will be in your urine the following day- the urine just to check to make sure you're taking it does just levels however and it will not be in the level that it supposed to be unless if you take what you're prescribed for 3 to 5 days before your urine test

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Not all opiates are out of your system in 3to5 days methadone stays in your system for 14to20 days

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My husband consumed cannabis and he has a drug test coming up in a week. Will it be out his system?

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I am simply guessing those asking are taking these drugs illegally. If you have a prescription in your name for any of the medications you are taking you have no reason to be concerned. My understandimg though is they are processed through the liver first than the blood filters through the kidney removing toxins from the blood which eould leave your body in the urine. Ive been told they can stay in your body for up to 30 days. If your employer suspects drug use though they can pay for a hair test and that is where they pull with root attached several hsirs from your head. Not painful but depending on the length of your hair they can go back months to determine drug use. My husbands boss was a jerk and because my husband had prescriptions for pain medication sent my husband for the hair test. Yea it was positive but only for his prescribed meds. Anyhow you can buy a test otc at any drug store if youre really worried about it and see if youll pass/fail.

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Need a Doc in Queens that wont give me a hard time getting oxy 5mg 120tabs

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I tested positive for oxycodone and lyrics. I do not take either one. What is going on? I think my ex slipped them in my drink or something. Have had health issues for past three months and also have a very rare bleeding disorder. I think he was trying to kill me!

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Yes.. ive taken Saturday, and passed a urine test on wed. It is gone in solid 3 days..

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If you do not take them already.....YOU ARE GETTING SOME OF THE WORST ADVICE I CAN THINK OF. I would never allow someone I love, or don't love, to take a chance on schedule ll narcotics. I'd forget the pain and find a new boyfriend Honey.

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I want you to know that this half life math always takes 3 to 4 days for low or a high amount.

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Pretty much 100%. Due to the whole "opioids epidemic" drug monitoring facilities are being trained and tested to pretty much all of the "tricks" or methods one may use to avoid being tested. UAs (many/most) are now sent off to laboratories to be analyzed and are becoming highly sensitized to specifically seek out any trace of a medication that is not prescribed to you or anything else along with seeking out any other things that may have been used to temporarily mask a drug. Being a CCRN for 10 years, I've seen many pts think they have it all figured out, however science and detection advances quickly prove otherwise.

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U need to be VERY careful with this situation because sometimes Dr's order just a quick panel screen to make sure its in ur system and sometimes they do a Metab test which shows them EXACTLY how much u are on and have been taking, there's no way around it. Unless ur taking it correctly they will know by the levels. My court ordered testing even lets them know how I've administered it. They can be very exact with these tests now. If u just need it in ur system for a basic panel test, take it 6 hours before. If ur test is in the morning, it's best to take it at bedtime.

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I want to know how long oxycodone will stay in my system for a urine test. I was taking 240 mgs a day wich was like 2 of the 15 mgs at a time every 3 hours for like 5 months now i have stopped for 2 weeks almost this tuesday but i am getting suboxone treatment. I went to my drs apmnt the first time and was only clean for 24 hrs the following week i went again and i came out dirty again wih oxys 8 days later??? And i didnt use at all why is that?

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Yes, oxycontin and oxycodone definitely DO show up differently on a test. I had a pain doc that prescribed both of those to me, and would test me weekly to make sure I was taking both of them.

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how long does oxycodone stay in your urine?

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