How Long Does Morphine Stay In Your System Before Taking A Drug Test? (Page 3)
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I took morphine twice a day for a week, that is percsribed to be taken every 12 hours. i took 2-3 a day for a week. how long will this be in my system?

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You should tell you doctor that instead of asking here because it could be the reason!

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I take ,30mg. Morphineso4 sa tab ,3x a day for several months how long will it be detected by urine test. I ran out 4day before test. I drink lots of fluids and weigh 350 and I'm 6'4" .

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What are withdrawal real bad always on opana and oxycodone couldn't get my prescription so I morphine for 2 days have a drug test in 8 days will I pass I am 62 years old and I weigh 250 pounds

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I periodically take 100 mg of morphine alot of times I break in half take one a day or half in am and the other in pm I am not on morpvine 24/7 I get them from my friend and I would say I'm a mon time I use mor. Two weeks outa month. Is this considered long term use how long will it take to leave my body I am 4'11" 115# and average size like size 5. I haven't taken a morphine in 7 days will I be fine on that 7th day when my UA is taken I am worried thanks all.

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If any of you believe that 2-3 day s*** your high. I got busted after 12 days. She said it had showed I had eIther taken dilaudid or a bunch of morphine because it will show as dilaudid on the lab test if its a lot of morphine. She was very nice and gave me a second chance. Watch your p's & q's trust me!!!...

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Hydromorphone is dilaudid but I'm not sure if it is in opana.

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If I took 90mg of morphine today and I have a drug test in five days will I pass? Has anyone gone through the same situation ad me? I'm 5'3 and weigh 125lbs.

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If today is Friday and I took 50 milligram morphine this morning would it be out of my system by Tuesday

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Brando.. Sorry u r so wrong.. Morphine is morphine, hydrocodone is lortab, vicodin, benzodiazepines (benzos) r xanax, valium's stuff like that!!

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Opanas oxymorphone, diluadeds hydromorphone

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I would like to know how much morphine should still be in one's system if taken on this schedule. I don't undertand how to do the math and it's very important to me. Can someone please help me figure this out?

12/06/13 (Fri) 10:28 pm 10mg/0.5 mL Oral
12/07/13 (Sat) 10:06 am 4mg/1 mL IV Push Wrist Left
12/08/13 (Sun) 4:56 pm 2mg/1 mL IV Push Wrist Left
12/09/13 (Mon) 6:15 am 2mg/1 mL IV Push Forearm Left
12/09/13 (Mon) 11:28 am oxyCODONE 10mg/2tabs

MORPHINE DRIP (bag 100mg IV)
12/06/13 (Fri) 10:28 pm rate 1mL/hour drip
TOTALS (12 hours at 1mL/hr)
12/07/13 (Sat) 10:08 am 2 mL/ hour
12/08/13 (Sun) 10:59am 1mL INFUSE BAG
12/08/13 (Sun) 11:59 am 1 mL INFUSE BAG
12/08/13 (Sun) 12:59 pm 1 mL INFUSE BAG
12/08/13 (Sun) 04:56 pm rate change - Morph IV not available
12/8/13 (Sun) 10:26 pm (suspended drip)
TOTALS (36 hours @ 2mL/hour Plus 3 @ 1mL INFUSE BAG


Every Bag 100 mL= 100mg)
12/09/13 (Mon) 7:04 pm – started drip 1mL/hr
TOTALS 26 hours @ 1mL/hr
12/10/13 (Tue) 9:00 pm RATE CHANGE 2mL/hr
TOTALS 16 HOURS @ 2mL/hr
12/11/13 12:58pm RATE CHANGE 3mg/hr
12/11/13 (Wed) 1:04pm 2mg/IV Push (personal care-bath)
TOTALS 4 ½ hours @ 3mg/hr plus 2mg/IV
12/11/13 (Wed) 5:22 pm RATE CHANGE 5mg/hr
12/11/13 (Wed) 6:06pm Pop died (44 minutes later)

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I agree with jeramiah....don't give any advice you are way off and obviously don't have any ideas what your talking about

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Can someone help me out. I'm stressing n worrying. i used about 3 grams of heroin 7 days ago. i dont use. it was that one day. shotting it. will i be good now u think? clean for a test for today ? Heared it changes to morphine. so what does that mean to? i just wanna know if ill b good...???

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I shoot up liquid morphine, ive been locked up for the past 6 months I have to drug test monday and its friday evening, will I pass?

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I take 4 tylenol number 4 for the last 10 years how long will it take to get out of my system

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Ok my x has tested positive for oxy and morphine last march lost custody did 15 day out patient and random 6 month test which he passed .. Been acting weird again broke in my house etc. Went to court ordered urine test couldn't pee so went for blood test it's been over 24 hours no results my child is with him and I'm nervous wreck how long does this take ?

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OPANA, this is oxymorphone. It Does not show up as morphine. Hydromorphone is dilaudid. It doesnt show up as morphine either. Heroin is changed to morphine by the body, and can cause a positive morphine result. A poppy seed bagle and opium can cause a positive morphine result.

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Yes, the longest time period Would be 3 days. But taking your size, ect. Into account, youll be clean of it overnight.

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Every thing you just said is wrong. Don't give anymore advice please.

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{Note: this post has been determined to be inaccurate} Morphine is hydrocodone which is a benzo for your nerves they give it to you for blood pressure also

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