How Long Does It Take Xanax To Get In Your System (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took a 1mg xanax at 12:30pm and have to take a drug screen at 2:00pm the same day will it be detected in my urine

68 Replies (4 Pages)

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Desperate, Thank you lol. People don't seem to understand that. Technically a pain management doctor isn't supposed to be handing out scripts for anything except pain meds. But you can go to a primary, or any other kind of doctor, and get scripts of non pain killer meds. As long as it's from a doctor, there is nothing your paim management doctor can do, at all. It's only if while seeing a Pain management doctor, and go somewhere else and get a script of pain meds, that would get you in serious trouble.

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Ok. Tired of research. Here's me. 49, 190, male. Liver enzymes in range. Activity level low. 100mg methadone. Xanax, 2mg a day, 4 days. Occasional Klonopin. Urines multi panel at clinic with breakdowns of the benzos. 4 days after any use of any benzos. Clean. Also, not super water intake or sweat. Just me. Just saying. Oh was on Klonopin regularly for 3 years, sometimes positive sometimes negative. Pgm MD said no concern, cuz it can do that. (?)
So, if your average weight. Not elderly. Liver ok. Go by the 11.6 hrs estimated half life. I give myself 17. Multiply 5.5 times. That's just what I do. It's a gamble. Don't take the stuff if you know you have a urine in less than 3 days, unless you don't care. Am I the only one ego looks for 20 answers then keeps tabs on myself? The weeks long crap about it in your system, is just that. Crap. Unless your dead and bloated full of hep c, it on benzos as long time. Or something else is wrong. Figure it out. I wish I could post this everywhere easily.

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So you think about 30 minutes after I took them and I urinated into a cup it would not be in my urine, or would it? {edited for privacy}. How long does the Xanax stay in your system for a urine and saliva test? My Suboxone doctor doesn't like me to take them even though my family doctor prescribed them to me and I go to my doctor tomorrow at 10 a.m... Just curious.

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If i took a .25mg of xanax at 9 am and had a urine drug test at 2pm that same day will it come out. NEED ANSWERS ASAP

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Unfortunately it stays in your system up to 4 days. The only thing I can say to you is to drink about 2 gallons of water. This way you'll piss straight water which they might say it's diluted but just tell them that you drink a lot of water because you train hard.

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She needs it in her system geez read the poor girls question.

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Re: Dr Martinez (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

If I take 4 xanex at 6:30 pm and have a drug test at 10 the next morning will it show up

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Re: Dr Martinez (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

If a took one of my prescribed Xanax and than got sick 20 minutes later, do you think it still will work or should I take another one

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Re: Dr Martinez (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I was in an accident yesterday about an hour before I took a 2mg bar of xanax and about a bar and a half earlier in the day. I took a bar the night before as well. They took my blood at the station. Should I be worried?

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Re: Scared and anxious (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

I had a fatal one car accident. I was legally on methadone and Xanax at the time. I was taken to the hospital and examined and blood was taken. I was released. 4 months later I faced dwi, and manslaughter 2, some mv charges. 6 mo later sentenced to 6 yrs. Connecticut. 1999

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My saliva test showed nothing and they tossed out the second blood test. Should I still be worried or is it true that it takes 24-48 hours before it shows up in your blood?

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Re: Scared and anxious (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

It's going to show up in your blood. No doubt about it. Xanax has extremely high bioavailability and actually peaks in the blood approximately 2 hours after taking it. It enters the blood with 10-15 minutes of taking it. Based on the mean half life the xanax will still show up in your blood up to 36=48 days after taking it.

So, yes, again... It IS going to show up in a blood test. I'd hire a good lawyer ASAP.

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The original poster in this thread (among many others) want their urine to test positive for xanax. Their doctor is checking their urine to make sure they are taking the xanax. Unfortunately, based on many of the questions in this thread, these people are not taking the xanax that's prescribed to them. They're selling it.

What really irks me is that they're most likely on medicaid and getting the xanax for free. Then they go sell it on the street. Then, when their doctor orders a UA they come running on here saying "oh please help me"!! No, I hope you medicaid fraud dealers rot in JAIL. You're committing several felonies including fraud and sale of a controlled substance.

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Re: Mason (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

I meant 36-48 hours after taking it. Not days. lol

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Of course. What makes you think that while you feel the affects of it that it possible won't be detected in your system? I'll tell you what you want to hear. No your clean. Lol

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Re: Constance (# 16) Expand Referenced Message
you probably failed because the amount you took lmk though

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I took a 1mg Xanax 24 hrs ago and I'm going to take another 1mg Xanax tablet now I have 15 more hrs until my Dr's urine test. Wiil I test positive for benzo? Cause I need too! Please help if you can!!!

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Re: Scared and anxious (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Unfortunately, yes. Look up the Mayo Clinic drug testing levels. Xanax is 100 LOQ (ng/mL). You took a lot in a short amount of time. Not enough time for your body to get rid of it and it was a high amount.

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Re: Dr Martinez (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

So taking a Xanax 14 hours before a urine test will end up being a passed drug test? How sure are you about that????

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Re: Tim (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

This s***is hilarious Lmao, I was actually curious about the EXACT same thing, & came across this thread so started reading & about freakin chucked iPad across the room many times lol. I guess they DIDN'T understand Q at all or just peacockin w pharma info lol

I took peach tablets & was wondering if I had a UDS in 15-30 min would the Xanax have had enough time to be DETECTABLE (ENTERING system not LEAVING Smh) Sooo I totally understood your actual Q, but still have not seen a reply or answer that addresses your ACTUAL Q Lmao

Again the Q was: Time it takes to ENTER system & be detectable not LEAVING your system! I'm still actually looking for an answer if anyone knows tho Lmao

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