How Long Does It Take Methamphetamine To Get Out Of Your System (Page 4) (Top voted first)


If my boyfriend took methamphetamine, will he pass a drug test in 60 hours?

75 Replies (4 Pages)

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I have taken Methamphetamine around six times or more in 90 days. Will I pass a hair follicle test on August 24th?

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Ok, so I've been taking methamphetamine pretty regularly, and in many ways, for the past month up to 7/9/17 at around 3:00am. I also have THC in my system, which I buy a masking agent to use to pass for that. I have a UA on 7/11/17. What is the best suggestion for passing on the methamphetamine in two days, and will it have any bad effects on my masking agent for the THC? And fyi, I don't need any smartasses advice about me taking it in the first place. Plz don't reply unless you seriously wanna give some genuine methods for a passed test.

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Don't buy a new one and stay away from the dealer and you will be good to go. First few weeks will suck but then you will be fine. Way to go on quitting, that's an amazing choice to make. Trust me I know, it's either lose everything or quit. Nice job!!!

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I've been clean for about a week. I took methamphetamine last night (Saturday). I've gotta urine test on Wednesday. Will I be clean?

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If I took a dose of methamphetamine last Thursday, how long will it take to be out of my system?

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Hey, I took methamphetamine saturday night and got to do a urinalysis by 6. Will it be out of my system? I am 25, 160lb female and not very active.

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Re: CrazyRage (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Wondering the same!

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How do I get methamphetamine out of my system in 13 hours? I have a UA tomorrow.

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Did he pass im in the same boat ..

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3 Tbsp baking soda in 20oz water and drink two or three hours before test' only gives you up to a four hour window

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Say that my come down from methamphetamine wouldn't be until 6am this morning (not even sure that matters). I ingested a bit, but that being said, if I have a urine test on Thursday is that enough time to show up negative or not? Is there anything I can do to speed the process up?

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Absolutely, do not touch it again, you will be clean by

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Anyone please I have 96hrs to get meth out of my system I can right

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I need to take a urine test friday today is Sunday morning so I have a little over 4days to get clean water every day and sweat a lot everyone days see what happens anyone has extra advice please feel free to let me in on any secrets

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I did four lines of crystal about nine days ago, just took a UA drug test, will I be clean??

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