How Long Does It Take Methamphetamine To Get Out Of Your System (Page 3) (Top voted first)


If my boyfriend took methamphetamine, will he pass a drug test in 60 hours?

75 Replies (4 Pages)

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I had methamphetamine Friday then again on Saturday. I'm 5'6 180lbs.. haven't had any since n today is Tuesday. I have a ua test on Thursday... Do u think I'll pass?

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Well I been a bad girl I have done methamphetamine for 2 days its the 2nd an i have a drug test the 15th will it be out of my system HELP

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I take a half gram of methamphetamine every few days. The last day was 2 days ago. How many days will it take to get out of my system?

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Please help me, I'm freaking out! I took Methamphetamine and about over a day later I had to take a mouth swab. I drank soooo much water, cranberry juice, peed a lot and brushed my teeth before I left the house and the night before, and chewed a bunch of mints. What is the chance it will come back negative for me?

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Hey the last 48 hour is not a time to sweat most people get it wrong you need to eat and lay around

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I took my last dose Saturday morning and haven't had any since. I might have a urine test on Friday morning. Would I be clean?

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I have taken approx 3/4 gram of methamphetamine Tues and Wednesday. I have doc appt next Tues, 7 days, where I will receive standard drug, urine, test, to make sure my oxys and klonopins are there. Will the methamphetamine still be present?

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Yup, hair follicle tests can show positive for up to 90 days. Good luck.

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Hi, my brother took methamphetamine yesterday evening for the first time in weeks. He has a drug test tomorrow for a job in the morning and is freaking out. Will he be in the clear??

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I had coke 60 hrs ago. I passed a home test first thing in the morning and i passed at probation, but they sent it to the lab because of the color. They thought i altered it, but I only took vitamins. Will i be ok?

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I took about .1gram of methamphetamine after a drunken decision. I have passed a hair follicle test about month ago for custody reason's. I love cannabis and dont do methamphetamine. I hate it. Will that minute amount of methamphetamine take 90 days to get out of my hair? Thanks

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No absolutely not there freaking way that could ever. REALLY I SWEAR IF YOU DIDNT THE DOPE. .LOL

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What is the best way to take jazz drug test? Only dirty for methamphetamine. Last used by noon today and I have to take a test on Monday around 2-3 pm. What is my odds of passing with jazz drug test? I weight 180 lbs.

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Took methamphetamine on Tuesday night and i have a drug test Wednesday (the next day). How can i pass a urine drug test?

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I took a tiny amount of methamphetamine on Tuesday. Took my last dose at about 1:30pm. Might have to test Thursday morning around 9am. I've been drinking lots of water and using apple cider vinegar pills. Will I test clean for a urine test? It doesn't get sent to a lab.

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Those deep convos when you are coming down are the best!!!! Haha always seems so apparant...

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I have not done methamphetamine in 9 years, but took some on Monday. I now have a u.a. on Friday. Will I pass?

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I was positive on a urine drug screen on the 14th for it when I only ate 20 bucks worth on the 1st of the month. They say its undetectable in the urine after 4 days max but thats 2 weeks and it was detrctsblw in a 10 panel.

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I've been an everyday smoker, for way over a year now and i applied for a job and got a call back, and was just really hoping for some good advice on how to clean my system out quicker? I know the smartest thing to do would be to just quit but being a addict since i was 12yrs old and am now 29yrs old my addiction is hard to walk away from, and its easier said than done.... So if there's anyone whom can help me out with what i can take to help clean my system out it would be very much appreciated... Please and thank you...

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I have taken Methamphetamine around six times or more in 90 days. Will I pass a hair follicle test on August 24th?

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