How Long Does It Take Methamphetamine To Get Out Of Your System (Page 3)
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If my boyfriend took methamphetamine, will he pass a drug test in 60 hours?

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How long will it take methamphetamine to get out of ur urine?? I dosed on Thursday and have to take ua Tuesday.

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sounds like 6 days clean? you should be ok! according to the first reply to initial question max was 4-5 days. you should be fine, drink lots of water, just ice water, will dilute your urine if you have any doubt. i tried it once with pot which you know stays in your body for long periods of time, and i passed, i was water-logged (full with water) i pee'd clear, test came back clean, surprisingly to me!

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Well all this bulls*** about baking soda and stuff... I drunk to 32 oz gatorades and a 23 oz smart water and I passed my test... And I dosed yesterday evening; it didn't take 72 hrs lol. It only took 2 of drinking a lot of fluids.

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3 Tbsp baking soda in 20oz water and drink two or three hours before test' only gives you up to a four hour window

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I did four lines of crystal about nine days ago, just took a UA drug test, will I be clean??

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Did he pass im in the same boat ..

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Hi. I had methamphetamine on June 27th and again two days later. I have a hair follicle drug test on July 27th. Will I fail??

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If you took Methamphetamine at 3:00pm and carried on till 12:00, what's the case for that matter when you have a u/a test in 2 weeks?! Would it be in the system still?? Hola my peeps!

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Anyone please I have 96hrs to get meth out of my system I can right

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I need to take a urine test friday today is Sunday morning so I have a little over 4days to get clean water every day and sweat a lot everyone days see what happens anyone has extra advice please feel free to let me in on any secrets

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Go to the pet store and buy a bottle of Aquamel (fish tank cleaner) it is non toxic and will not harm the body. Mix a tablespoon of it with half a glass of water and drink it..........let it pass through system and clean out any lingering toxins.....drink a lot of water as much as possible and urinate couple more times before going to take test and you should be ok.

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Hey guys had half a point of methamphetamine. how long u reckon will it take to be out of my system 4 a urine test? I'm 100kg bit over weight but riding bike every day and drink heaps. what are ur thoughts

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Tell your boy friend 2 hrs before the piss test to drink 3 tablespoons of backing soda with water....take at least one piss and then dont piss the baking soda, it masks the methamphetamine....oh....he will have some serious s***s tho lol

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Your good...

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I did meth on a Friday night will it be gone by Monday at930am when I take a drug test.

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Mine is in drug court they call colors and if his color is called he has to be there by 10:30 for urine test he is drinking cranberry juice and water and his pee is clear he just hadnt touched it in 2 1/2 years and he just took like 10-15 hits do u think he will be OK

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My bf used methamphetamine at 10 pm Friday night and 3 times sat at 3:00 pm. he could get a random test on Tuesday he is drinking water and cranberry juice and his pee looks like water now and he drank a 2 liter of mountain dew. if he has a random he will have to be there by 10:30. is there any chance of his passing? he is in drug court so he will go for a year

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Hi how long does 1gram of meth stay in your system. Had a blast Monday night Tuesday morning Wednesday night

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Was it clean. After The LAb got a had of it?

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I took a drug test for my probation officer this Sunday. I passed it for her but she sent it to the lab anyway. I done meth about nine days previous to taking the drug test. Will the lab still come back negative.

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