How Long Does Hydrocodone Take To Work
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I have chronic pain and take 7.5/500 the usually takes 1-1.5 hours to work

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I take hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5-325 TB. How long before it takes effect? If i take it at 9am, within what period of time will i feel relief?

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This greatly depends on the person taking the medication. Some people start to feel relief in 20 minutes and some people do not feel it until 2 hours have passed. There are many factors at work here. It can also depend on whether or not you have taken the medication before, how much you have taken before, whether you took them on an empty stomach or not, what your personal metabolism is, if there were other medications taken with it or recently, etc. I think the "average" time is given as 30 minutes to one hour for it to kick in.

However if your pain is really that severe, I wonder if the medication's effects would eventually reach a plateau due to an increased tolerance. I'd also take this into deep consideration when determining it's overall effectiveness on your pain relief.

I hope this helps!

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