How Long Does Dilaudid Stay In Your Urine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


How long does a 8mg dilaudid pill stay in your urine stream? If the pill was taken approximately 8 days before a urine drugs screen will it show up on the test? I had only taken one or two pills.

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I've taken a 8 mg hudromorphone iv for the last 4 nights, last use in Sunday 3pm. I have. Test on Thursday at 4pm. I am 5"8 And 130lbs, with. Fast metabolism. I roof so,i sweat everyday. Should I be in the clear.

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Hi, I take hydromorphone 8mg and I take it every 4-6hrs. Originally, I used only 4 times a day but asked my dr if I could use it every 4 hrs if I needed to. I have never felt that I needed it more frequently than that. How often do you need to use it? You said that you felt that it never lasted that long? Just curious.

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Depending on everything from diet to exercise and everything else you can imagine. On average hydromorphone aka dilaudid lasts 72 hours after the effects. Therefore if you take a pill id give it 84 hrs (give or take an hr) in order to give a clean urinalyses.

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Does water help pass a ua if u flood yourself with it for dilaudid iv

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It doesn't take 7-10 days unless u have been using It everyday. 1 or 2 pills can stay in your system up to 5 days but usually 72 hours is More accurate.Drink lots of water .If its a urine screen u can get it out with lots of water.

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I did 6 mg hydromorphine, would I pee dirty 22 hour's later if I did a urine test?

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The dilaudid are short acting and only last 4-6 hours so u should be on 4-6 pills daily...but depending on pain.. in severe cases there can be an exception.

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I do not take dilaud. My urine monthly test showed dilaud.
The Dr office has not fessed they made mistake. I want to stick to my truth but wonder if this has ever happen to others or even possible.

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No you will not i failed after 4 days.everyone is different but be careful

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I did 2mg dilaudid by IM on Sunday and Monday night and got tested by urine Thursday afternoon by surprise I am super scared and I believe it's been 3 days roughly didn't drink a huge amount of water since it was a surprise... I am 5.2 and 150 pounds if I test positive and this isn't something I do every week I will lose my job so I am hoping I have the same results

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how long will it take for one dilaudid 80 out of my system if I drink a lot of water

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I am prescribed 8 mgs of hydro dilaudid, and took my last one today and have a urine test monday. Will it still show up in my urine because I want it to but was just wondering because I didn't pick up my refill and have a urine teat coming up and need it to be in my system. I took it at about 1pm today and it is Saturday and I urine test on Monday.

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I took a dillauded 4 mg this morning at 9am I have an urine on tuesday at 11am will I pass it?

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That's only if you have been taking it for a long time on a regulate basis. If you have not taken it before and your body has not built a layered amount from each dose you should be fine in about three days.

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Ive takin one 8mg dalada for four days in a row,how long till i pee clean

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How did it show up in my urine if its not what I take?

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I have had a doctor tell me I had 3 different opiods I don't take at all show up in my urine. I do get prescribed opiods but not the ones he said I had in my system. I never had them. I would love to know how that happens as well.

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I had a blood screen and tested positive for pcp.what other drug would make me test positive for pcp

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Your answer is stupid In this is a serious forum Your stupid comments are no help And its is simply uncool To remark in session on cool way Straight up Do people want to relax the way they want Enjoy The way they want to .

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Um 2 to 3 days for 2mg is fast for urine, hair 3 months, blood I forget. But it sickens me seeing people judge one another. I'm in a pain clinic, with neck pain for the rest of my life! They're people too! You're no po talking s*** about people being honest!

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