How Long Does Benzodiazepines Stay In Your System (Page 2)
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how long will 2 to 3 different benzodiazepines mostly valium, clonipin ,ativan taken for 3 years to not show up in a urine test. person has not taken now for 21 days and needs to pass the urine test.

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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U can't get xanax out of Your System in a week!I know from experience so yeah your friend is lying or using fake piss . It can stay in there up to 30days.It depends on your metabolism It stayed in my system 3weeks t

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Yes. It will show up as positive. There's no such thing as a fluke as far as benzos

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Detoxify cleanse products work great

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I have been borrowing sone clonipam and vallum for panic attachs from my siater for the last 2 weeks. Ive been feeling like a cant breath and having a heart attach or something. Does anyone know how long that will take to be out of my uruinr?

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Dude didn't say he tested on Monday. Said Friday.

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Your friend must be using fake urine bc there is no way he takes bars on Friday and is clean by Monday. No way possible!!!

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My friend gets drug tested every friday and he takes bars on the weekend and he passes every time so 18 days is good

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I need help really quick, please? I took one 0.5mg klonopin for the first time and I'm coming up for drug screen on 4-16-15 as I go to a Dr every month for other meds. How can I get this outta my system in 18 days?

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I took 2 5 mg Valium when yesterday when will it be out of my system.

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I took a drug test-urine, for a good paying job today and came out positive.last time I took a zanax (too sleep) was 6 days ago..since then I've been drinking more than a gallon of water a day every day, plus I took a toxin cleanser twice . One yesterday n one ttwo days ago... i told the lab tech I have nevnever took no benzos. He replied that it was probably a fluke... is there such thing as a fluke...they will send it to the lab, so the tech says. Will it come back poitive? And is there such a thing as a flukem

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Can a doctor legally prescribe u suboxone if u tested positive for benzo given to u by another doctor.

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Benzodiazepines can actually be detectable in standard urine tests for approximately 6 weeks, after last dosing. It can vary, however, from person to person, depending on the individual's metabolism, overall health, activity levels and etc.


If the person was on them via prescription, then they should make sure to inform them of this, when they go in for the test.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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