How Long Before Morphine Shows Up In Your System (Top voted first)


How Long Before Morphine Shows Up In Your System, My son was in a bad accident was given pain killer Im not sure what. The police say he had morphine in his blood when they blood tested him at the hospital. They said any morphine given to him by ambulance would not have had time to show up. please help me. He hadnt ever taken anything else.

6 Replies

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If the morphine was in the system long enough to pass through the blood - brain barrier , creating pain relief or a buzz, then it would show up in a blood test!

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Thank you Matt yes it was used for pain relief in the ambulance and more at the hospital but the police said it wouldn't have had time to show up.

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Did your Son "feel the effects" prior to his blood test by Law Enforcement? If he could "feel it" then the drug had passed through the "blood-brain barrier." This phrase will be KEY to his defense! !!!!!!!!

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I'm assuming they gave it via IV and that would show up very fast, much fast than if he were taking pills.

That's really why they give it that way, so it takes affect much faster, which is what is needed for fast pain relief.

Have you tried getting a doctor or pharmacist involved to get some clinical data on it?


I know I felt the effects, within moments, when they gave to me in the ambulance, before.

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As Verwon indicated you should enlist the assistance of someone familiar with pharacokinetics. Preferably the ER doctor that treated him.

Any IV infusion of a pain medication is detectable instantaneously.

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See I misspelled "pharmacokinetics" above. Apologies

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