How Do I Get My Xanax Refill If It Was Stolen (Page 2)
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i was in the hospital friday and saturday. when i got out and opened my drawer my pills were gone. what should i do?

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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You've got to find other answers. Drugs are not the answer. I know because I was also addicted to Xanax. This simply isn't the way to find inner peace.

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Tell your physician your xanax bottle was in the pants pocket of your jeans or slacks when it went through the washing machine. Your family member did it!

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I just amost had my car stolen and they tried to get my keys and they stole my RX of alprazolam. Whats do i have to do? I have already reported to to the polce and what is my next step.

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Did you report it to the police?

If not, then you probably won't have much luck getting them replaced. Just telling your pharmacy, or doctor that it happened, without any police report, or anything to back it up isn't like to merit any assistance.


If it is just time for your regular refill, then it shouldn't be a problem, because you don't actually need to bottle to get the next refill from your pharmacy.

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