How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 9)
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i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

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Hi everyone, okay so I have about a few years of opiate use. I went to the doc last week and got put on subs 3 a day but I really don't need that I don't think, but anyway I woke up and I have parenting classes. I recently had a baby but dhr took her so I want to be clean more than ever. I just want my family back but about 15 min after taken the sub I went into severe withdraw so soon after I dosed just to feel normal. withdraw scares the hell out of me. now I'm laying in bed feeling terrible. my last opiate use was last night around 10 pm. it's now 4 pm. When can I take a sub? Also they make me feel sick like to my stomach. I can't eat so I wanna try subutex and the strips taste terrible. Would my doc switch me? I hate taking opiates. It does nothing for me. Please someone help.

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They say you are to start w/Subutex and then switch to Suboxone...I am not certain why this is but, it is.

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It does - if you do not believe me try it -- I have been taking Subutex for 6 years. I have been taking Dilaudid for four. I take the Sub at 6 a.m - the dilaudid then at noon, six and then midnight. Back to sub at 6a. I have never gotten high from. Why I do not know however - Sub is 8mgs as is Dilaudid. Suboxone makes me terrifically ill so I stick with the subutex and have had no probs - work a full job - have no cravings - pain is gone and never ever do I feel high. Just sayin' - works for me and works for my doc.

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The naloxone is there to deter you from trying to take something else to feel high while on the subs...Buprenophine itself is what blocks the receptors in your brain...

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I dont know what country your in but here in Australia I was paying $3 per dose,whether it be 2mgs or 32,for Suboxone,Then I changed chemists and pick up once per fortnight @ $20 a weeks supply,Thats $40 per Fortnight.I have told the clinic over and over that Ill never use again,and they believe me,thats why I can pick up 2 weeks supply @ a time,But I want to go back onto Subutex as with Suboxone I am now taking 2 drugs opposed to just Subutex,As I want to be FREE of this taking medication once and for all,

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Subutex will make you incredibly incredibly ill if taken along with any opiate - agree yes the naltrexone is a major blocker however - there are also different uses for Bup - I was prescribed originally for post chemo/premature menopausal depression hell and it was the only thing that helped after trying a number of anti- depressants so I guess everyone is different - I did manage however to take my Subutex too soon after taking the Dilaudid and I became horrifically ill in the worst withdrawel ever so you know - it happens - just sayin' - certainly with respect of course.

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Not sure but it does - I feel no effects whatever from the Dilaudid - fortunately get to stop taking it this month anyway but just sayin - I think the Sub tricks the receptors into thinking they have something there already so the effects of are not felt - for me at any rate.

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I know this is an old post, BUT,,,That is a huge misconception about suboxone, you most definitely can inject it...I have personally watched people do it and it doesn't make you sick...I am not condoning it, I am just saying that everyone thinks that since it has the naloxone in it you cant but you sure can...

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Please do write me {edited for privacy} and I will be happy to try to help you to the best of my ability and think I can!!!! Until then - Peace - Carolyne

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How does the Subutex cancel out any euphoric effect without having any Naloxone in it? I thought the Naloxone in Suboxone is what cancelled out the euphoria in opiates due to it being an opiate blocker? Maybe I'm wrong though. Isn't Buprenorphine just a partial?

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Change doctors immediately. That is what I would do for sure - I cannot take Suboxone at al - have same - nausea - headaches, depression and all sorts of stuff. Told my new doc this (new back in the day - with him now 61/2 years) and he said, "Well, if the subutex works and does not make you sick then stay on that - " Boom - done and it was that simple. I also take Dilaudid three times a day due to post cancer/chemo nightmare so I take both - very carefully of course but the Sub cancels out any euphoria from the dilaudid and for me it works very well as I have no pain and no euphoric feeling from the D - my doc thinks out of the box - is fair and ethical and super right on and I am super fortunate - I do not know where you are but if you are in Los ANgeles I am happy to refer you - he might take folks from outside of California as well though prob not though I do know docs that do - if you want send me a reply and we can discuss. Happy to.

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I would love to have your help in finally getting treating. I am a very intelligent young man of 24 who has had opiate problem/addiction since 16-17. I graduated highschool with a 3.9 GPA and and currently finishing my last semester in college for a BSBA: majoring in business management/marketing, and possibly pertaining journalism as well. I've never been in trouble with law (drug rellated). I've been very lucky but I am Battling depression due to not living up to my potential and disappointing my family and close friends.

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Maybe since you're taking less Suboxone than you were before, you're having slight withdrawal effects?

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Yes you can! I was on community corrections, an officer tried to stop me from taking my methadone that was prescribed. I went under Disability Act rights and in there you will find you will have to look for it but you will find no parole or probation officer can make anyone come off of methadone because it is a medical assistant rehab. I've done my research, got my research printed off, and went back in front of the judge. my p.o wanted me to go to rehab to get off at the methadone, and because methadone is a medical assisted rehab, they can not I repeat can not make you come off of it! Do some research research and look under disability acts rights for people on methadone that are on probation or parole. I went through this and she thought she could make me stop, I showed her real quick its against the law. hope this helps you out

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I have been taking subutex for five years now - I cannot take Suboxone as the naltrxone makes me very ill. Find a good doc who understands and will let you stay on Subutex. It can be done and it works very well.

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I am on feloney probation can i take methadone from a methadone clinic.

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That is completely wrong. Subutex is buprenorphine, the naltrexone in the suboxone is what makes you sick if u take it with any opiates, it's a derivative of narcon. That's why every one wants the subutex.

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Suboxone didn't work for me. I waited til I was in full withdrawal and the feeling was so overwhelmed. I thought I was going to die. I started shaking and had a seizure.I had to use five bags of heroin to get me out the gate. Everybody can't use Suboxone bcuz of the naloxone. I don't know what to do.

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Brittany obviously money isn't the reason you can't get yours because how are you looking for a dealer. And P.S. It's illegal everywhere for anyone to get 4 a day. GO TO REHAB

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