How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 11) (Top voted first)


i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

227 Replies (12 Pages)

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I have seen many people take suboxone via injection. A boy I work with does it everyday but at least he isn't taking 10 Roxys a day.

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suboxone can be shot I've seen ppl do it which is going to a different doctor here soon and see if I can be switched to subutex. My dentist told me the suboxone ruined my teeth because it stays in your teeth and gums for a long time. also this yr I am trying to have a baby and I already had a miscarriage and I think it had to do with the I want to be prepared and if that wasn't enough I have 2 surgerys coming up and I don't know how they deal with that.

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My husbands doctor prescribed him Subutex for pain management. You've just really gotta try and find an understanding doctor. I hope your able to come to a normal dose where you no longer have to struggle with pain and sleepless nights.

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I need a dr to prescribe subutex I have horrible pain in my stomach and migraines also I'm constipated

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Yep they ain't going without Proof even b4 the law changed here in Tn I went thru 6 docs to get on tex I started on tex but doc don't like the xans wit it, and I know sooooo dangerous wooooo imma scared, yu-ck em and sub is just as bad as methadone actually it's worse on W-Ds it takes longer to get sub out Your system I been on both for years each I know and would take methadone over sub any day if I could pay for it. And about go to a pain doc lol they ain't gonna give you nothing but laugh, my back is so messed with MRIs all the scans scoliosis with 10 car wrecks and I gotta go to addition doc jus to get something so I half get out the bed in the morn, they won't have Ya after rehab and they say the records are confidential but Naw they're not. So you jus F-ed unless you hit up some clinic good luck on the dead-end road

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Are you in the Johnson city area? I was on subutex for 3 years, and now I'm trying to find a doctor to give me it again because suboxone makes me really ill.

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All of you junkies just want subutex so you can abuse it. What a crock. Suboxone makes me sick blah blah blah. Whatever. Drs are starting to not give it because of the high abuse potential. Heck you'd iv a ham sandwich if it got you high

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It's not for no reason. It's because he subutex has a high abuse potential.

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Will doctors prescribe you subtext if you are prescribed stimulate for ADHD?

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I agree 100%! I know I will be soo lucky if I get prescribed subutex. I know all the BS they're going to give me about not wanting to try suboxone but it makes sick the same way. I don't have any desire to feel high or whatever and they're going to make it impossible for me to get off methadone. They just wont do it even tho it will greatly benefit my life and my family! They don't care bc to them Everybody's a drug addict! They can do pill counts/drug panels on me too....doesn't bother me. That's why I'm desperate to find a Dr in my area that will listen to me and let me prove to them I can take subutex responsibly! Is that not what it's intended for- to help people switch over from methadone or get people clean?! I'm far beyond my years of giving a care about feeling "good", nvr really was that an issue for me to begin with! Its so aggravating...

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I was prescribed suboxin several weeks ago. It gave me bad headaches and stomach issues. I went for my follow up today. I told my doctor the symptoms and he prescribed me subutex which doesn't gave the naloxin in it. A lot of doctors don't like prescribing the subutex because you can essentually still use it with opiets with a leader effect but still non the less. If your doctor will not switch you I would suggest finding a new doctor since you are having side effects. There is a list of suboxin/subutex doctors listed online.

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wrong. Nalaxone has nothing to do with the blocking effect. All the Nalaxone does is prevent it from IV usage. Nalaxone injected IV will cause withdrawal only if other opiates are present, otherwise nothing happens.

The blocking effect comes from buprenorphines high affinity for the receptors. When introduced to the brain it rapidly displaces any other opiates causing precipitated withdrawal from the rapid removal.

Just thought I'd she'd some light on the subject.

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This is addictive thinking. With Suboxone you are unable to get the effects from opiates. However, the possibility of getting the euphoria is possible with Subutex. This is a mental game that is the same as any other reservation one has when battling addiction.

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doctors are reluctant to prescribe subutex as it is being abused and sniffed but they dont realise that suboxone can also sniffed. people also inject subutex but you cant do this with suboxone and they also prescribe suboxone as it contains a blocker, they kept me on suboxone as it was on record that i sniffed them but due to an error on my prescribing i am now on subutex! also the docters make you have supervised consumption by the chemist when on subutex but they dont supervise suboxone and i was lucky as i get to take my subutex home but never more than a weeks supply! this is how it works in England! and i didnt like suboxone as it gave me constipation and made me feel like my brain was going a thousand miles an hour!! so glad to be on subutex!! they are also careful about prescribing as people sell them for alot of money especially in the English prisons as people are getting up to £80 per tablet!! and the cheapest is £20 in some prisons and its causing alot of problems and addiction too but prisoners prefer this to cannabis as it smells strong and stays in your system for up to 28 days but subutex can be out your system in 3 days!! hope this helps you understand a bit better why doctors are reluctant to prescribe subutex take care x

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Subutex is buprenorphine which stops opiate withdrawals. Naloxone is what blocks opiate reseptors.

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Go to hospital and tell them that ur allergic to it .That u that u hv been throwing up and my eyes hv swelled up. Make them gv u copy that u r allergic to it .They will gv to u .I know that's how two people got it that I know of forsure because I'm going to do that this week.

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Yooo I'm in the area as well I've got a few people that might be able to help

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Omg people subutex does have the blocker swear you people have no idea what your talking may want to learn be for giving others advice

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Re: Whitman (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, you get more euphoria from Suboxone and not Subutex. It's all a scam for the drug companies to make money, and keep you on Suboxone forever cause it's simply better. The naloxone does nothing at all!! I've had both and actually kinda feel high from the strips!

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Brittany obviously money isn't the reason you can't get yours because how are you looking for a dealer. And P.S. It's illegal everywhere for anyone to get 4 a day. GO TO REHAB

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