Hoping For A Good Dr In South Carolina For My Pain Meds
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My husband and I recently moved here to South Carolina we have been trying to locate a good doctor to continue his roxy 30s and opana 15s. He has severe hip and leg pain due to a car accident in 2006 one in which left him in a coma for 7 days. He sustained major includes including a broken jaw which resulted in a 2in plate in his jaw as well as a 3in plate in his cheek bone. He also had a laceration to his spleen and liver, a broken leg and hip. He's been on these medications since the accident and basically can't function without them please anyone with information on a good doc. We'd greatly appreciate it.u can also find us on {edited for privacy}

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I would say if ypu have lupus and the other problems you mentioned. Try a nerosurgeon here in florence s.c. there are 2 that will both write if you have the right " diagnose. To see that type of dr. I have severe back problens /drsease. An unoperable. Looking to move from a orthopedic dr in horry county to any pain managment that will just coutinue writting what Im being written. And not worry about what my family dr writes. ( not pain meds ) ANY HELP. FOR. ME. PLEASE. ??? 100. Miles. Around. Florence. Is. Fine. !!!!

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Please help if you can. I would greatly appreciate it. I am so sad I'm missing so much of my granddaughter's life. I am planning on moving and am desperately asking humbly if anyone knows a good doctor in South Carolina/NC? I have been on med's for pain for 10 years. I want to leave jersey and be near my family and granddaughter. I have 2 chronic autoimmune illnesses (lupus & RA) along with disc herniation etc. However, love & need anyone who is compassionate. I don't know how it is down south. I am not seeking one type of narcotic, just basically treatment to keep me stable and functioning. Thank you.

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Just moved to SC, need a dr. To continue my meds, 5 bulged discs and not a candidate for surgery...PLEASE HELP

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Jinny, is this something you know who can help with? I have just moved to Ft. MILL area and have 5 bulged discs and 2 have ruptured. I am almost out of my meds and trying to find someine who can look at my history and MRI and write. I FEAR withdrawal. I can't do that again.

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Can we talk? Need to know where to get meds in charlston

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I love in charleston sc and am looking for a dr that will prescribe opioids for chronic pain

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lets talk offline

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Where in sc do u live?

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