Hip And Leg Pain From Diltiazem
UpdatedTaking diltiazem 180 ER at bedtime. Just started 75mg HCTZ in morning for edema in ankles and feet. I am wondering if the pain in my ankles and hip and the edema is being caused by the diltiazem I have been taking apx 6 months, I have had the pain that long but no edema. The diltiazem was control on my BP nicely.
1 Reply
Hello, Charlie! How are you?
It is possible, it has been known to cause such symptoms as side effects, according to the FDA. It may also cause headache, nausea, dizziness, increased urination and hypotension.
It might be better to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication, rather than adding more medications. Unfortunately, there have been many cases, where someone has been given another medication to treat the side effects caused by a different one…. and it often turns into total chaos.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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