Heroin Urine Test (Top voted first)


I am a regular heroin user and I have to take a urine test in six days. If I stop now, will I be clean by then?

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I used heroin for the last three days! Today was my last day of using it, but within those last three days in did at least 3 grams. I have a urine test in exactly seven days. My question is will the Heroin be out my system in seven days?

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If I have been clean for 2 months and been doing a nickle of herion and if I test in 2 to 3 days with alot of water and cranberry juice will I be clean,and I take 30 mg oxys

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I did a tenth of heroin on a thursday and a tenth in a friday. I had to take a drug screen thursday at 8:00. And took a sub two days later. But they do nit test fir subs jus wondering woukd I be ok. Female erigh 200 lbs all opinons would be deeply aporeciated. If any one can relate please reply im shakin in my boots.

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