Hepatitis C Cause Of Drug Test Failure (Page 3)
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i do not use cocaine but i have failed drug test for benzoylecognine (cocaine metabolite), i do have hep c and i use pain pills, is that a factor in my failing of my drug test?

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oxycodon is an opiate

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I came up positive for opiates I have been clean for a month and two weeks.I have used heroin for a whole year before that.I am taking medications for my two hrynied disc which 5-325mil of oxycodone.And I have hepetis C .Why am coming up positive for opiates? Please respond back,

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Im on 40mg methadone and I have hepitus c. I recently tested positive for cocaine and haven't used. is there an explanation? Could the hep c cause a false positive?

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Lortab is a benzo. THat's why you're failing. They should know that.

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Methadone comes up as an opiate. that's why you're failing. if they know you're in a methadone program, they would know why you are testing positive for opiates and it wouldn't count as a fail.

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Unfortunately, hepatitis is spreading everywhere which is quite sad thing. If you guys have any information about latest treatment of hepatitis c then do let me know. Thanks

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I have Hepatitis C and I haven't been on drugs now for over 2 months, I am currently at the methadone clinic, scence I've been there I have no appetite, I only eat Kit-Kats and drink hot Cocoa like all day, every day. Now I still currently am getting Dirty urines at the clinic its still says I have opiates in my system. why is this? and how do I get information about this to give to my family and my dhhs case manager? all these people think now that I have been lying about not doing drugs, and now are thinking I've been doing them. because of the dirty urines what can I do? I'm going to loose my kids and they are everything to me I've done a complete turn around for my kids and now with this its all going to get shut down! please someone help me with some information?!?!?

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Gabapentin 300mg 3times a day,tramdol 60mg every 6 hrs,prednisone 5mg,baclofen 10mg tabs,loradine 10mg, melixicam15mg,Lortab 10 mg

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What type of test? Was it a blood or urine test?

Learn more drug test details here.

Some forms of liver disease/damage can throw some test off, so that might be it, since hepatitis can affect your liver.

What pain pills do you take?

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