Heparin Forums
Recently active Heparin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Heparin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I had two Heparin shots in the rt and lt side of my stomach while in the hospital ER for what was thought to be a heart attach. it was not. My question is that the first shot given to me on the rt side of my stomach still hurts today as much as it did a couple days after the shot. I have NO problem with the shot given on the lt side. There is slight swelling on the rt side but nothing else showing. I have taken 500mg naproxen (prescribed) and tylenol 500mg with no relief. I guess I want to find out if this is normal and if so how long it will last. ## Is it possible the the shot given to me was put into a muscle? It has been 3 plus weeks since the shot and it hurts now even worse than at the time of the shot was given. What would happen if it were given into a muscle? ## Experiencing pa...
10 REPLIES UpdatedI am 15 weeks pregnant and my doctor advised me to take Lonopin inj. 40 mg {lo molecular weight heparin} daily. For the past two months I have been using this injection regularly. Are there any possible side effects for the growing baby? ## What is the primary function of lonopin? ## @barik, Lonopin (also known as Lovenox) is a sterile aqueous solution containing Enoxaparin Sodium, a Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH), intended for subcutaneous use. Lonopin is indicated for the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which may lead to pulmonary embolism (PE): -in patients undergoing abdominal surgery who are at risk for thromboembolic complications. -in patients undergoing hip replacement surgery, during and following hospitalization. -in patients undergoing knee replacement surgery...
23 REPLIES UpdatedI am getting a lot of nausea, slow heart beat, very hot hands and hot face, occasional sharp, sudden pin like sensation - also weirdly getting 3 day binge hangover "delicate" feeling which I never get unless I have actually enjoyed the aforesaid. But I dont' want to stop taking as I am on day 3 following DVT treatment. I am taking the DM version of Heparin - self-injecting. Did anyone else suffer from similar symptoms? ## My mom was given heparin in the hospital and her hemoglobin dropped to 8.3 and her liver enzymes started elevating. Should that medicine be stopped because of liver enzymes?
1 REPLY Updatedblood thinner to thin blood ## I think you mean Heparin ## Yes, it is used to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, easy bruising, and increased risk of bleeding. Are there any questions?
2 REPLIES UpdatedI would like to know what will happen to the range of INR value if green leafy vegetables are eaten? Does thinning happen or thickening of blood happen? ## I suffered with DVT in left leg in 2007 and under gone treatment with Acitrom and Heparin. For two years I continued and stopped the pills. Again in 2014 I had the problem of swelling in left leg and on consultation with surgeon I was asked to take Acitrom 2 mg, Evion, and clopitab daily. Even after taking this for the last 7 months my inr level increased from 1.05 to 1.27 only. I am pure vegetarian and avoided taking green leafy vegetables. My BP is 140-90 level and taking Losar-H. What is the suggestion on diet, exercise and etc. in order to increase INR level to a minimum of 2. ## Most green leafy vegetables contain vitamin K, whi...
2 REPLIES Updatedliver problems ## Is there assurance that, the treatment of liver problems will turn HBSAG or HBV to negative? ## Hi, I have been diagnose of hb +tive and HBeAg -tive, my doctor said I don't need treatment and that one cannot contact it through me. Am currently taken livolin forte could it clear it completely? Thanks ## Hi, i m 50 years old, i got left leg problem when checked with doc, doc said some veins going to heart and leg has been blocked, and i was admitted in hospital for more than 10 days and i was given heparin injection daily and now doc advised to take 4 mg of acitrom tablet and assurance 20 mg twice a day , i find sometimes my left leg becames fat ,and i get breathing problem after i get this problem and weekly weekly i take DVT test its around 2.82 , 2.86 can you plea...
4 REPLIES UpdatedMy mom was hospitalised for 10 days .. in her left hand fore finger and thumb finger severe pain, blue color and bit swollen, after all the tests like, ECG, Echo, engiogram, neurology, cardiology, ultra sound,mammography,repeated blood test, doctors did not get to know y. she was treated with heparin, and after discharge they gave acitrom first 1 mg, later went to 3 mg, and now 3mg , 4mg for 2 days and 3 mg for 1 day.. her PT INR is 2. before it was 2.34.. what to be done, m worried and confused, not even once doc said anything related to blood, m just worried, other doc said, avoid green , lower the INR, lower the dose of acitrom, but it is opposite, please help
UpdatedI was shot in stomach with heparin. Do I have a claim? I was in the hospital for about a week for an endoscopy an was given d blood thinner heparin and a few years later in V.A i was hospitalized for throwing up blood and such ## Hello, Darleanea! How are you? No, it would not cause such a thing to occur years later. The effect of Heparin are immediate and temporary. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedHi, i m 50 years old, i got left leg problem when checked with doc, doc said some veins going to heart and leg has been blocked, and i was admitted in hospital for more than 10 days and i was given heparin injection daily and now doc advised to take 4 mg of acitrom tablet and assurance 20 mg twice a day , i find sometimes my left leg becames fat ,and i get breathing problem after i get this problem and weekly weekly i take DVT test its around 2.82 , 2.86 can you please say when i will be completely cured , is there anything else i need to assist ?
UpdatedMy wife experienced two missed abortions in last two years. Now she is pregnant(13 weeks). First Doctor suggested to take Hibor 2500 IU every day as soon as pregnancy is detected and taking Hibor2500(low molecular weight heparin) every day from last two months. The 13th week scan shows baby growth is very good. We consulted another doctor to whether to take Hibor 2500 injection daily or not. The second doctor suggested to stop Hibor and to take Ecosprin 75 mg tab daily. Which one(Hibor 2500 or Ecosprin 75 mg) is safe?. ## Techinically, there are risks associated with both medications, so neither one is considered completely safe. However, since Ecosprin only contains Aspirin and the 75mgs is a very low dose, it works to thin the blood and prevent clotting, but it is much milder than the...
4 REPLIES UpdatedMy stepfather died of HITT in 2010. I recently read about the huge recall in 2008. Is it possible that there is/was still contaminated lots out there? And who would I take this to other than the FDA? from what Ive read theyre not doing a very good job on their findings. ## No, it is highly unlikely that there were still contaminated lots on the market 2 years later, even if there were, you'd have to have some way to prove it. And there really is no one else to take it to, unless you are planning on filing a legal claim, which isn't likely since you aren't a direct relative. I am, however, very sorry for your family's loss. Are there any other questions or comments?
1 REPLY Updated