Hemorrhoids Forums
Recently active Hemorrhoids forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hemorrhoids and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi, I missed a period this month and I suspect of being pregnant.I havent consulted a dr yet because sometimes, in the test, pregnancy cant be detected if its too early,just like in my first baby when I had "false negative" pt result..My question,can I take daflon for my hemorroids even if i suspect to be pregnant? ## I am pregnant 36 weeks but the last couple of days i am experiencing a severe pain with swollen hemorrhoid and i wonder if i can take daflan thank you. ## Hello Betsay, According to the National Institute of Health all scientific studies have failed to show any teratogenic effect in animals. In human beings, no harmful effect has so far been reported. Even though it is considered to be safe you should always consult your doctor prior to taking any medication while ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am suffering from piles with bleeding since 15 days and am wondering about a good treatment? ## Are you still having this problem? If they've been bleeding for that long, you definitely need to seek medical attention. Learn more Hemorrhoid details here. While there are always people on this site that are happy to help, no one can provide you with a solution for this and such prolonged bleeding could be very dangerous. ## I am 22 yr old I have really regular bleeding for 15 days. How can I stop this bleeding? ## Pls tell me tablets name to stop bleeding and rectal pain. I'm currently using Pilex with limited success. Please let me know if you can recommend a better medication. ## I need tablet recommendations for bleeding piles. It's so painful after going to the toilet. My...
8 REPLIES UpdatedTo sum up very quickly, this is a new problem that has been plaguing me for over a month and while it is manageable, I am curious as to whether being patient will pay off. -In the first week, I was noticing discomforting throbbing from time to time on my right side and self diagnosed as an external hemmy and kind of ignored my diet at the time. -In the second week I believe fried food and large amounts that led to large bathroom sessions, which is rare for me, exacerbated it and essentially it would just throb for a little after bowel movements while I iced it. -Third week, discomfort was limited to only after bowel movements and sometimes during work shifts (I’m a bartender) but it eventually started feeling like it wasn’t bothering me -Fourth week felt like I was in the cl...
4 REPLIES Updated in Witch HazelI suffered from piles for 12 years. Over this time they gradually got worse and worse. It would take me longer to push them back in after going to the toilet than it took to take a poo. Then they got serious with a thrombosis and prolapse. My rectal mucosa was also ejected and a lump the size of a medium-sized orange was hanging out of my rectum. I was admitted after collapsing in the ER with the pain. The surgeon gave me two options: Go home and wait until the swelling goes down with a prescription of painkillers to take or undergo a partial haemorrhoidectomy which came with potential side effects which did not sound pretty. I went home. The pain was too much. Going to the toilet was hell. I couldn't sit down to poo. I removed my garments and stood abridge of the toilet bowl and di...
1 REPLY UpdatedI'm trying to help a friend in a third world country who has limited access to medical facilities. He is a 30 year old male with history of internal prolapsed hemorrhoids that he has had to put up with for years because he couldn't afford to pay for treatment. Recently he accessed a temporarily available visiting surgical service and had one large prolapsed hemorrhoid removed by ligation and a few weeks later several smaller ones removed by "scraping out" the rectum (as the surgeon put it). The patient now has prolapsed rectal lining (bright red membrane) that protrudes after every bowel movement which requires a trip to the clinic to have a nurse push it back in again. The visiting surgeon has now left town. It appears the hemorrhoid procedures (the second one of which ...
UpdatedI'm thinking about getting a toilet stool as it's supposed to cause less strain. A site by the name of toiletsolution says it's better for your health and so forth. Has anybody tried one of these things? Do they work? Thank you. ## Supposedly the posture is better at making you poop? ## Yes, is really isn't going to change your health, but research has shown that the squatting position helps make it easier to defecate and to more fully defecate. The NIH and most other health organizations even recommend it for pregnant women, to try to prevent strain and the development of hemorrhoids. I did use one, when I was pregnant and found it helped, a lot. But we are all different. I really don't think you need to buy a special stool, just anything that elevates you into a sq...
2 REPLIES Updated in PostureHi. I got a hemorrhoid for the second time and it was worse than the first time. This time around I did a lot of research. Unfortunately here in Kenya in my village I couldn't get most of the things mentioned in the forum. I however had aloe vera, locally known as mugwa nugu. I cut a piece of it. I soaked my butt area in a bucket full of warm water and salt solution for 20 minutes 3 times a day and applied the fresh aloe vera on the hemorrhoid after every bath. In two days, it popped and now I'm OK. Last time it lasted 16 days with antibiotics but this time it lasted 2 days with aloe vera.
UpdatedDoctor prescribed Daflon 500mg for acute hemorrhoid treatment for me and i just started using it for about 7 days now. Will it help to shrink the external hemorrhoid that comes out and causes pain if i continue to use it for a long time? I've also been taking pain killers one hour before I go to the toilet for almost three months now. Will this have any side effects on me? It helps to reduce the pain slightly.
UpdatedI bought Daflonex at Walgreens but they did not give me any references about what this medication is for. ## Hi Zuma, From what I could gather, Daflonex [made by Domel Pharma] is a medication from Puerto Rico that is indicated for a number of different uses, including hemorrhoid treatment [improving symptoms]; protecting venous circulation from inflammatory diseases; & increasing capillary resistance. Daflonex also reportedly contains the following set of active ingredients [The first of which I'm unable to find any specific details on. However you can visit Domel Pharma's webpage for more information]: Poliflavofillyne Diosmine Hesperidin Flavonol Flavone I hope this helps!
1 REPLY UpdatedMy hemorrhoids are swollen bad and I went to the er for the pain and they prescribed me some tramadol 50mg will that help ease the pain ## Hello, Jaymoe! How are you? Yes, it may help. The FDA classifies Tramadol as a mild opioid, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. However, if your hemorrhoids are that bad, you need to follow up with your doctor, as you may require surgery. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY Updated in Tramadolcan I take Tramadol for hemrroid pain? ## A systemic medication isn't really going to help much. The FDA classifies Tramadol as an opiate analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Hemorrhoids tend to be more on the surface and hurt due to being rubbed by your underwear, toilet paper, slacks and etc. Thus, a topical pain reliever usually helps more, such as Preparation H. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including skin redness and irritation at the application site. Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to let you know what would be safest for you to try.
1 REPLY Updated in TramadolI have hemorrhoids, it's internal but after a week it's bulging? What will I gonna do with this? Even just to relieve the intense pain. ## Hello, Ana! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem you're having. If it's very painful, you'll most likely need surgery to have them removed. That's usually the only lasting and long-term solution. There are some topical ointments that can temporarily relieve the pain, but they don't work for very long. Have you consulted your doctor? The surgery is usually not very complicated and done on an outpatient basis.
1 REPLY UpdatedTramadol HCL (50MG) Hello My name is Ana, I'm having a lot of pain in my bu-tuck when i sit down and get ready to get up the pain is so intense that i don't know what to do. My doctor prescribe Tramadol HCL (50MG) I believe he should send me for an MRI but in stead he send me for x tray. He said that the x tray show artrides in my back, my back does not hurt me is my butucks ## Hello, Ana! Sorry about the pain you're in. However, your doctor does know what he's doing and he did the right thing by ordering the x-ray. Due to the layout of nerves in our bodies, pain can radiate. Thus, there's a very good chance that it could be due to arthritis starting in your spine, but you may feel pain in your buttocks. Basically, your nerves stem from one central location, which is...
1 REPLY Updated in TucksCan someone use Preparation H suppositories daily on a continuous basis for months? ## If they are suffering from hemorrhoids to such an extreme point that they require them for such a long period of time, it is necessary for them to seek medical intervention. On average, flare ups last a few days, requiring treatment with a product such as this, then tapers off for awhile. How long has this been going on?
1 REPLY Updated in Preparation H SuppositoriesPlease ASAP I need this medicine I ca n not resist anymore ## I'm sorry, this site does not manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications, this is an information only website. Have you talked to your doctor? If you're in the U.S., this medication isn't even available and you will need to find an alternative that you can use and only a physician will be able to help you decide what's safe for you to use.
1 REPLY UpdatedCan i use this tab .I am a patient of hemorrhoid .bleeding at anus .is there any side effect for prolong use? ## Have you asked your doctor if it's advisable for you to use this? The Troxerutin is used as a vasoprotective agent and the Calcium Dobesilate has a similar use, however, since these aren't used in the U.S. the available information we have on them is limited, so I can't really provide you with a lot of information. You can also try asking a pharmacist/chemist.
1 REPLY Updatedit is for drug study of having a hemorrhoid ## Daflon is actually considered to be a dietary supplement, it is said to help with hemmorhoids and venous diseases. It is a micronized flavanoid, containing 90% Diosmin and 10% flavanoids as Hesperidin. There is some information available on it here: daflon Supplement Click Here I hope this helps, do you have any other questions? ## AMMH/// ## carmen ## im from the philippines
4 REPLIES UpdatedI have been having this purple growth in my rectal area and it is not responding to treatment. It sometimes causes constipation. Can anyone please help? ## Enzoy is a supplemental drink claimed to help with libido. As to your growth, are you referring to a hemorrhoid? Are you seeing a doctor regularly? Some of them just do not respond to treatment and require surgical intervention. Does anyone else have more information to add?
1 REPLY Updatedis there a substitute for preperation H that is milder? ## Apparently there are two versions of Preparation H. One which is supposed to be more effective than the other in retrospect to the active ingredients. There is an American version and a Canadian version which is considered the more effective cream. The most sought out difference between the two is that the American version left out one of the main ingredients Bio-Dyne; an ingredient used to further remove any bags from under the eyes. A lot of customer reviews state that it is considered a must-have once you have tried the Canadian version. To view the active ingredients in Preparation H cream, please click on the link below and refer to the top of the page... If you would like to further research each individual active ingredie...
1 REPLY Updated in Preparation H Cream