Help With False Positive Cocaine Urine Test
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I just got a false cocaine urine test from my doctor not sure what tyype of test but I had to sign n initial a paper so I think they sent out somewhere. I havent done cocaine in 25 years n dont understand. I read the benydril med diphenhydramine could be the cause or even drinking tonic water or some kinds of herbal teas. Should I request a blood test? I am just dumbfounded at this obvious error n dont know what to do. Any suggestions at all would be appreciated. Thanks

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I am in the same problem. Any suggestion i take diphenhydramine (benadryl) daily n nightly could that have ANY THING to do with it? N how do i go find another pain clinic that will take me

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I just tested positive for cocaine to today and I don't do cocaine and I am in rehab so they think I am lying but I am not that is one drug that I don't do and have only done one time years ago, anyone have any suggestions? I do take benadryl..

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