Help Should I Try Vivitrol
UpdatedI've been a drug addict for 8 yrs. I've been on suboxone 1 time in my life for about a year then was clean for about 3. My grand mother died and needless to say I relapsed. I'm ready to get help again and the Dr. that helped me last time is only willing to help me with vivitrol. I've got hep.c and i know it's not good to do vivitrol with hep. C and very bad depression on top of it. My question is. I feel as if he is kinda pushing it on me and I have feeling I want stay on vivitrol cause the idea of knowing I'm going to have withdraws and I can't do nothing about it scares me to death plus all the side effects doesn't help either. So how do I get my dr. To understand that and maybe try suboxone instead cause it worked last time. Or am I just wrong all together.
1 Reply
In order to prescribe Suboxone for addiction, a doctor must go through special training, and receive a special waiver to treat with it, so if your doctor doesn't have that, then they aren't allowed to prescribe it for addiction treatment.
The FDA warns that Suboxone carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.
Thus, you need to find a doctor that treats with it. Have you tried asking your doctor for a referral to someone?
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