Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHere it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.
All opioids are NOT the same!
Darvocet is not the same thing as codeine. Codeine is not the same thing as hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is not the same thing as oxycodone. Oxycodone is not the same thing as morphine. Morphine is not the same thing as Heroin. Heroin is not the same thing as Fentanyl. Why are all these drugs under the umbrella of "the opioid crisis"? Methadone isn't the same thing as any of the drugs I have mentioned above.
People have been taking opioids for thousands of years. It will only be 1 more thing for the black market to sell if these drugs can not be obtained legally. People in pain will turn to the streets to get. who knows what. to get themselves out of pain, and what they get on the streets could be incredibly harmful.
Isn't it smarter to have these drugs dispensed by a doctor?
Again. prohibition doesn't work, it just makes the black marketeers richer and it puts the people who have no choice but to go to black marketeers in danger.
Re: EstheticsLady (# 160)
When people who are addicted to opioids make the difficult decision to quit, the last thing they need to face are barriers to treatment.
Yet, a new "secret shopper" study suggests most addicts seeking a prescription for buprenorphine -- which helps people stop using opioids -- would have trouble even getting an appointment with a doctor qualified to dispense the drug.
When researchers called doctors' offices posing as addicts who wanted to get a prescription for buprenorphine so they could stop using heroin, 46% of those who said they had Medicaid were denied an appointment, while 38% of those who said they would pay in cash were turned away.
"When people are seeking treatment, you want to make it as easy as possible. But our study showed you have to be quite persistent. That can be tough and might lead to them giving up," said study senior author Dr. Michael Barnett. He's an assistant professor of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. And the story goes on to say these doctors are not helping the addicted kids and adults. They don’t give a s*** about them. So the crisis is the DOCTORS, not the addicts.
If all these states were able to get medival marajuana on the ballot and get marajuana legalized fully in some states why can we not get opoids on the ballot in amounts that are therapeutic! Thats right, it is diffetent for everyone but they want us to have a one size fits all. If it was shoes, with my large size ten; everything would be too small jusy like opoids are for sooo many
Re: Archie (# 182)
Plz sir, go online or google it, narcotics/opiates and they're effects on my body, long term or short. It will break it down for you, easy to read and understand!! To answer you, YES OPIATES HAVE DETERMINABLE side effects!! They most definitely damage the Liver and Kidneys. So a person needs to really take them with caution!!! When you no longer need pain medication, do your body a favor and withdraw!!! I've had 10 surgeries in 6 yrs!!! Barely heal from one & have to undergo another! So barely get off them and back on! I came up with my own detoxification, taking 2 mg Buprenorphine, 1 a day. Now last yr. my Dr wrote it for 'as needed'. I taper myself off in about a month or longer, then I feel good again!! Hallelujah! Btw...if you're taking the kind that has tylenol in it, you're getting a double whammy! Tylenol is very dangerous to the Liver. Good Luck!!!
Re: Etech (# 185)
Guess what I know others who are stock piling as well and in some cases it may be good to do so. I hear of wars and such where you will never be able to get any medicine. So can’t knock you for that.
I cannot find or figure out how to sign the petition regarding the opioids and people getting what they need not what is dictated to them. Please tell me this is serious.
I just signed the petition it worked just fine. I personally thank you all for supporting each other and the willingness to stand up for right and wrong. I am a US Army Vet and this is the very reason I served we stand tall, we stand strong and we stand proud but most of all we stand for what right and protect the rights of each other.
Take a copy of this law with you to your next doctor appointment:
U.S. Code › Title 42 › Chapter 7 › Subchapter XVIII › 42 U.S. Code 1395 – Prohibition against any Federal interference
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to authorize any Federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine or the manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection, tenure, or compensation of any officer or employee of any institution, agency, or person providing health services; or to exercise any supervision or control over the administration or operation of any such institution, agency, or person.
(Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, title XVIII, 1801, as added Pub. L. 89–97, title I, 102(a), July 30, 1965, 79 Stat. 291.)
Congress DEA, CDC, and FDA are breaking the law Period.
I also sent copies of it to my Reps and I am not asking for care, I demand the proper care or cure me... 2 options. If you can't cure me do not waste Taxpayer money on unproven treatments that cause more harm than good. Read the pain blogs and spine blogs. Patients attest to the FACT that shots in the neck and spine cause more harm than good. I had 2 shots done in my neck; second shot nicked a nerve. I was already on my death bed from the pain so didn't notice how the nicked nerve would feel. Then after surgery I awoke to pain. I begged the RN to kill me because the pain was out of control and nothing helped. Well, I have long-term damage from the shot and 12 years of doctors not believing my pain was real. Neuro after MRI's called me at 6pm to say he was so sorry. I told him I do not lie about pain, I have turned down pain meds when offered when I did not need them and when I do need them and am suffering and blood pressure is close to stroke, I was made to suffer.
I do believe a day of reckoning is coming down on our Gov for their inhumane torture and treatment of their weakest citizens. The Chronically disabled by pain. Denying you proper pain management is illegal and inhumane. Please, if you remain quiet you will never be heard. If the pain is too much, have a family member, neighbor or friend type up your story.
Re: Liberty (# 3)
Yes. One simple heading and we all sign it. I am contacting my senator and Congressman.
My Doctor reduced my Norco script. She basically did it because of the crack down on opioids. I have never been prescribed more than 2-10mg er day.My medical issues are so severe, I have been put on disability. I still work approximately 15 hours per week. My pain levels have turned my life upside down. I maintained with 2. It gave me about 5 hours of relief, but I cry a lot from pain. People who suffer with pain should not have to go through this. In 3 years, I never asked my doctor for more medicine. I just accepted what she gave me and appreciated the relief for a time being. I also need to add I have many allergies to medicine. My heart almost exploded from tramadol. I am allergic to gabapetin, neurontin, lyrica, and cymbalta. I’m just one of those people who is extremely sensitive to medicine. In my own personal opinion, I never abused why with the one thing that could give me relief for a time being do I need to be punished and have it taken away? It’s very frustrating! Was I dependent on those two pills per day? I would say yes, but at my pain levels, I could easily have been a person to have wanted more, but I’m strong in that aspect. Relieve an There are many of us who need pain relief, but we know our limits. The problem lies in the people who go beyond their limits or for people who only wish to get high. I can sincerely tell you that over time, that so called euphoria goes away and goes away quick, but it still does the job, or takes the edge off of pain. They have punished the wrong people here. There are many people out there just like me...even in worse shape...and they have made their life a living Hell. It’s not fair. They need to re-evaluate this whole situation.
As all the pain medicines been around for years and tested (as they should be), which takes years. Yet they want to take them off the market, not to mention putting a lot less medicine in them just to make us disabled. Seniors suffer and they put us in the same category as these young kids that choose to just get high off them.
All that are trying to take away our little quality of life we have left need to look up the definition of addict vs dependent. Dependent dosen't mean getting high or even taking away our pain, only to make it a little more bearable for us disabled and seniors to survive another day for some quality of life to enjoy our grandchildren.
I think we need to dig into the dirt of every politician and find out their history. I'll bet we would have a hay day with that and change a lot of their minds. I wanted to get a petition started but didn't know exactly how. I'm behind you 100% and I can get a lot more. They're just hoping we die off. What better way to do it which i can go into more depth about that too.
I am so ready to do something about this!!
Re: Charlene (# 112)
I understand your plight. The problem started decades ago when our GP would give us a script for pain. Unfortunately some people may be predisposed to addictive behaviors. It’s in their genes I guess. However, the government is lumping everyone in that category. That’s why I spoke of the pain pump from a pain manager doctor. If it does not alleviate the pain, one would think it’s not working & would end up taking more. It’s partly the doctors fault. I’m sure they know the signs of abuse. Also as a chronic pain patient, blood tests & U/A should be part of the process. My doctor does it to make sure I’m taking what he prescribes. I remember countless times when I forgot to take them & wonder why my pain was anyway between a 6 to a 10. That’s why the pump is so easy. I don’t have to remember when the last time I took my meds or screw up the dosages. Also our bodies adjust to the dosages & we might end up taking more. That’s what they call chasing the pain. That’s why those I had to take a class with the pain psychologist to fully understand how pain goes up & down. Stress, weather & outside forces also contribute to it.
I moved from NJ to Cali because of the pain I had. It helped but since they took 95% of my disc out & 25% of the vertebrae above & below the disc. It still slips out a lot of times. It’s very painful when that happens. But also, the disc wore down so much it’s useless. I don’t want to have a fusion because my Dr said he would also need to fuse the one above & below for stability. I didn’t want that either since I mostly would then have mobility issues. That’s why I’ve been fighting with my insurance company. They recently sent me a letter stating that my back issues should be healed by now. But they haven’t done a thing except remove parts of the spine. I want a disc replacement but they keep denying it. I’ve been walking with a cane since my early thirties. Now I have problems with my neck from using the cane. There are other issues too, like stenosis & spondylothesis. If they were to do another MRI or CAT scan, I have more discs that are bulging. Don’t you think it would have been cheaper if they only would have done the damn disc replacement in the first place. They don’t give a rats a** as long as it doesn’t cost them money. Sorry about the ranting. I just wanted to give you a little more of the issues I had with pain. I hope you get the relief you deserve one way or another. Good luck & keep in touch.
Re: methadonehater (# 127)
I’ve already addressed the person who said this. And I also appreciate your understanding as well. I hate the word “junkie” I prefer “addicted” why? Because the first makes you sound desperate, a pos sort of feeling, A person who will steal, go to jail, etc... for their fix. The second word seems milder, and if most of us cannot be without our pain meds, then we are addicted and for good reason: PAIN. So I say to people who say these words SO WHAT. At my age where kids are asking me if I saw the movie ‘Queen’ my response is “Dude, I saw them LIVE 2nd row in 1977 and 14th row in 1982.” Too funny when they just stare lol best days of my life going to concerts seeing Zeppelin, The Who, Stones etc... everyone was high back then and this was when carbitol, tuinal, sucinol pills were the rage. Anyone remember them? Sorry just reminiscing I was a drinker back then in moderation...anyway I feel for everyone here as I just had another back shot yesterday and tolerated it. But my primary just gives my 15 oxy a month. Really???? I have to interject it with NSAIDS. Pretty sad why I can’t just have 30. I’m a senior and if need taken for rest of life how long can that be and SO WHAT.
Re: Corinne (# 15)
I really like the attitude that you present. Damnit, if they are so afraid to make me or maybe you addicted because of chronic pain suffering, WELL LAY IT ON ME. I'm 62 and had been diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis since my mid 30's and been suffering with this pain while I worked full time. Now I am disabled/retired and who gives a damn if I am addicted...just please give me relief. I lived my life probably to its fullest mostly in pain and been ready to die because of all of the added pain and surgeries I've been through. I would call it a blessing if my maker took me today. If anyone has been in a torture camp, I can probably imagine what they have been through. We all have to go some day, it's just when. At this point in my life, it makes no difference if I am addicted or not. Just as long as I'm not suffering. So why do people in Washington want me to suffer just to stay alive? I didn't ask them to be my God nor do I consider them to be my God. So why do they have to play God with my life? Please let the real God run my life.
Re: Bella (# 128)
Look. I am not sure what your are responding to. If a person is in constant pain, they should be able to increase the quality of their life by taking painkillers. This should be a matter between a chronic pain suffer and his or her doctor. The State has no business getting in the middle of that relationship.
Re: Bella (# 147)
Oh, but the States are at this time trying to pass laws to get chronic pain suffers cut off. If these laws are passed they will go to the State courts, of course those with chronic pain will most likely lose. At that point it will end up in federal court. If t will end up in Federal court punts, it will end up in the supreme court.
Re: Bella (# 161)
These illegal drug addicts and the pill mills they went to run by unscrupulous doctors just in it for as much money they could get, and the pharmaceutical companies that were selling and shipping directly to these doctor's 'pain management offices are all to blame!
I have to say I went once at the end when I didn't have a regular doctor, right before I finally got my SSD. I saw fit, strong young men sitting in the waiting room, clearly nothing wrong with them, bragging about how he just got the doctor to raise his Oxycontin scrip by 60#, to a total of 180# for one month. I only got 30 Oxy, enough for migraines and back pain, breakthrough, and my usual Lorcet and Diazepam. I never went back... it just didn't seem right. There was a line down the sidewalk, an armed security guard... all I needed was an MRI from the last year... the doc found the ailments... then prescribed pretty much what the individual asked for. It wasn't long after that, was the start of all the busts of those places...
But, now, because of that, we pain patients who go to legitimate doctors are cut off as well. I had finally got my disability and was able to go to my doctor again... but then the pharmacies wouldn't let me have the Dorms I had been taking one a night for years... took the Lorcet as we knew it off the market, also been taking for over two decades, put on Percocet, but made me sleepy during the day, and am my Mom's caregiver, so went down to Norco... be g mistake... now only have Tylenol 3 because I don't want to have to drive miles and miles and drag Mom with for those as well as doctor appointments and probably asked to do physical therapy as well as mental health...
I don't have the time, energy for me much less Mom to take her with everywhere, much less the inclination. Not to mention being on Medicaid, the pain management places look down on the individual, still don't want to give the pain management came for without jumping thru hoops...
Is it worth it? No... and I should not have to go through it to live a pain-free, happy life...
Why are all the powers that be causing all the bs keeping us from medication we have taken legally and not abused, for years. We didn't have a problem... it wasn't us! Yet I had to cold turkey off everything, no weaning, no substitute... just there one month, gone the next!!! : (
I have been on Fentanyl patches for 18 years taking 100 mgs daily. Now this inaccurate opioid witch hunt has caused me extreme and inexcusable pain. I am not irresponsible in my usage and have gone through appellate judges to obtain the medication at the rate my body needs for extremely painful back problems. This undue hardship is unbelievable and I do not think the statistics warranting the pullback are accurate. I cannot believe anyone has died from Fentanyl patches - I do not mix with any substances. Where is your petition? I will sign it!
Re: roro (# 18)
Just went on the site and indicated that the petitions were closed for those interested.
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