Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 8) (Top voted first)


Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Focked (# 225) Expand Referenced Message

Didn’t want to come back but my email prompts me and I just wanted to thank you for your kindness and understanding. I will say it was not my nephew but my son. I just cannot bring myself to say it because of the stigma as you all can see, and Mare says I attacked her but she said these kids are “junkies.” My son had everything a child could want an A student a closet addict when reached college. He was kind and wanted to join the Peace Corp. My son was not a junkie. He was an addict. A dentist gave him 3 refills on 3 wisdom teeth pulled. I went to yell at this dentist and he smelled of liquor. My child had never even had a sip of soda in his 25 years here on earth, he was in karate, baseball, bowling league, and he modeled for 6 years as a child. All his teachers from high school and college came to funeral. Girls were screaming. He was a popular kid and he believed in God. After he died in 2014 I ended up in the hospital in disbelief and lost my faith. I have it back ten fold as I know he is at peace. I am sorry I didn’t say it was my son but I just couldn’t after others were calling my nephew, and now you see why I could not say my son because I just knew people would attack these kids. All these names and blaming him in which it was not his fault. Long story short unless any of you lost a child, and saw what I had seen, don’t ever say that to me again. He was also epileptic in which played a part as well. I only say this now not because of pity or anyone’s apology, but none of us know any persons life including me. I was very hurt coming off here with these comments. So need not respond it is what it is. This is why I suffer from my RA and stenosis. I suffer in silence from not just mental but physical pain as well and I don’t go out. My life is done. I am a senior and I am quite ready to join him if I can. I am not afraid of being in pain. Although my primary gives me ridiculous 15 OXY per month I agree it’s ridiculous, but being dependent on more as I saw I just can’t. Thank you again I promise my last post but I saw this and you understood. God Bless. I never meant to hurt any of you I can’t help myself with this terrible grief I carry. And that is the most severe pain of all.

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Re: methadonehater (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

Too late. Petition site is closed. It’s a done deal.

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Re: Focked (# 231) Expand Referenced Message

My ex husband is a Vietnam vet. I’m ten years younger. He’s also a retired firefighter. I do have another son and two grandchildren but I pretend when I see them all and hardly do. That person Mare imagine saying time to let go? Whether she knew it was my son or not just proves how much they do not know about addiction and death of a child. I am happy my President is building the wall, in fact, I’d like to help him. I’ve been in talks with DA, AG, etc...fact it came from there. If I were a millionaire I’d sue for allowing it to come over. That being said, thank you for your service Focked...because Freedom is never free. So to change the subject just yesterday I went to my Rheumatologist and he asked me why does your primary only give you 15 5 mg OXY? That’s half a script. I said I don’t know I guess I’ll take one when I get a flare. But I get a flare every day and can’t say this. So I asked what is it with doctors who don’t want to give out pain meds to legit pain patients? He said Big Pharma cracked down because of BAD DOCTORS who were giving them out to just about anyone FOR PROFIT. And now doctors are afraid of malpractice. And this is coming from an older very respected guy who was being honest to me a senior. He then added a 4% lidocaine patches... they literally don’t work or make me nauseous. I don’t have the answers that’s why they blow you off to pain clinics so they are out of the situation. I do feel bad for people myself included but I’m also a woman of great faith. Prayer helps. And for those who think well prayer didn’t help your son well, I believe he is relieved of his earthly sufferings (it took 5 years to think this way) and God does not take us. Death takes us but Christ rescues us from death. He was my best friend and wanted help, it’s a broken system where just 5 days u can check yourself out? SUBOXONE is another nightmare. Legal way of keeping you high for $$$ out of pocket. Anyway thank you. Sorry for the rant. Grief is just love that’s all bottled up with nowhere to go. Hope you feel better.

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Re: Focked (# 234) Expand Referenced Message

I thought you were a man. Because you said Vietnam war but stupid me reread it. Glad you’re a woman and I just wanted to tell you be careful hoping the storm goes past you. I lived in Florida many years ago. Not for me now but it’s great. There were many pain doctors in Florida, not legitimate ones who were arrested over the years, seems Florida had a lot... this is why I feel sorry for the addicted. The doctors put profit above you and that’s that. I asked my primary for at least 30 taken once in morning each day then she says “see you want to go up.” I couldn’t believe it. You know I never did drugs until I was diagnosed with RA and other ailments. And I am in my 60’s. You’d think these doctors would understand it’s no joke to live in pain. She thinks I had pain from losing my child until the MRI and bloodwork showed this. Just awful how they don’t seem to take you serious. Wonder what they do when they are in pain? I guess I deal with it because of the loss. I could care less if I woke up tomorrow. It’s just grief. Anyway writing this in parking lot just came from Church which comforts me. Realizing it’s getting harder to kneel each time.. just wanted to come on and say hope you’re okay and the State is okay as well they just said category 5.

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Bottom line is this now for us legitimate CPPs... Many of us have been tapered. The daily dose we do get if fortunate enough to have a compassionate Doctor, the medicine itself Percocet & all its generic formulations have been purposely altered for strength & added fillers to detour use & effectiveness as if we are taking a sugar pill. You can notice the difference, i.e. withdrawal symptoms after dose, extreme fatigue, zero motivation, no lift of mood/positivity (dopamine inhibitor), abdominal issues!

So weird how after long term use seemingly overnight these effects began once the "opiod crisis" was defined by Gov’t! (Circa 2016 to date...)
It's disgraceful! We are not stupid. They've tricked us all. This has been done secretly without any patient test trials... Think about it. We must stick together & fight back for our lives!

GODSPEED dear ones!

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I think anyone who suffers from chronic pain should be allowed to have and get their prescriptions filled. Suffering is unnecessary!

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Isn't it an amazing coincidence? The petition that Valerie has just started is already shut down! Wonder what branch of government did that

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We chronic pain sufferers need to come up with an easy to remember petition that everyone can recognize and get ALL of the chronic pain sufferers to sign it, then maybe we can get something done. It's time to remind these "medical professionals" that they work for us, not the pharmaceutical companies or the insurance companies. If we'd all stick together and start boycotting the doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies, maybe we could get something done. They're not doing anything to help us anyway although they took an oath to help people in need or distress. Maybe when they stop making anything they'll start standing up to the DEA and the CDC and make them aware that this is a serious medical issue, and not an illicit or illegal drug problem. The government just got angry because the drug companies were/are making all of the money and they're not getting a big enough cut! Think of a good and simple name for the petition. Post the name on here. I'll certainly help if needed, and I'll damn sure sign!

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Re: Debi (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Did they give you any meds, or do you need to go back for next appointment? If they don't help you, make appointments with all the PM places you can find. Go to the appointments, and cancell the others if you find one you like before the last appointment you made. This will save time in between doctors.

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I have pain from having a fusion on T3-L3: Thoracolumbar Scheuermann's Kyphosis and just recently an L5 / S1 fusion. Kept me on Dilaudid for 3 months at 4mgs every 2 hours. No tapering off. Now they are saying that I need a pain pump. So they can put Dilaudid right on the nerve. Hopefully that will work, then I can get on methadone. I was going into the hospital so much they thought I was homeless. Weird how they love upping my gabapentin dose 800mg qid and tizanidine 6mg... My psychiatrist prescribed me Valium 10mg tid, trazodone 150mg with 20mg of Ambien at night. He knows I'm in legitimate pain & epidurals don't help. I have nerve damage from over-correction. I've also been taking oxycontin since I was 14 & I'm 32 now. They sent me to a radiologist for the pain pump. On SSI SSDI. With medi-medi.

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I’m not sure where this message should post under but I am approaching the 1 year mark post op on my Spinal Fusion. Well, so now I am released to Pain Management and have an appt this week. She mentioned injections and I had way too many prior to my surgery so I do not want any more. I have, my idea, to titrate down to Tramadol from Hydrocodone. No more scripts to pickup and take to the pharmacy AND WAIT FOR HOURS!! She called it in and was ready for pick up a few hrs later. The pills are a lot smaller than they were prior to my surgery. Wondering what they removed from the medication. Anyway, I was wondering what else does Pain Management do?? I believe my PCP would prescribe my Tramadol. I will go for my first visit. Any advice to me about what to expect about pain management, the ARNP I am going to see and what they do? It was my choice to step down in medication and am feeling the withdrawal of the medication step down. So any advice for me before I go?

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where do I sign up for CT? I need pain meds for Chronic pain. I was in a Pain Management Group for years. But he was in the newspaper for prescribing the highest amount of prescriptions. His reply was "because these people are my patients of all categories of pain management. Well, I was discharged because he did not like the other Pain Clinic I went to for an appeal according to his contract. I did not know that he was asked to leave. So the proof from a blood test showing no Methadone given to him the same day meant nothing to him and he violated his end of the contract, and I reported him to State of CT Licensing, and the Dept. of Investigations is sending me an official auditor.

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I have had my hips replaced twice and I have degeratave arthritis all over my body I have been on two pain meds for 13yrs and just recently in February 2018 I was told by my pain Dr I had to go down to the equivalence of 200 mg s aday of morphine in 3 months I have been reduced more than have of what I been on for the last 10 year's it's hell and I am not doing good at all I need to find another Dr and it's not easy.

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Re: myst (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

It's not so much the expense of putting in the pump. That's actually cheap as compared to filling it and finding someone who will fill it. There's actually quite a few doctors who will put an infusion pump in you, but no one wants to fill them because they lose a lot of money filling them. I remember when they first came out 2 decades ago. Doctors jumped on them like it was the newest cash cow in the field of medicine! The FDA, FBI & DEA were all happy because they thought this will take all the pills out of patients hands because anyone needing that kind of medication will have to get a pump! Well needless to say it was a bust... The cost to fill the pumps was enormous! Insurance companies didn't want to bare the cost and a majority of pump patients within 5 years were back on pills too... Spinal cord stimulation is the only option that has lasted the test of time and it's one of the treatments the government now wants patients to have before long term opiate therapy is considered along with surgery, numerous Injections and nerve abalations. Even though there's a percentage of people who don't respond well to spinal cord stimulation. That's a big out lay of money in a copay if it doesn't help! Just more government playing doctor and they're very aggressive doctors these days... Next the government will probably suggest a frontal lobotomy if you can't stand the pain without narcotics! Although yes I'm joking, but in a few years if they don't change their Nazi stance on pain medications. Who knows?...

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Where is petition regarding helping patients with Chronic Pain?

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I am in Virginia. Can anybody give me the name of a doctor please?

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Re: Mare (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I copied your message to keep accidentally posted in my message, so very sorry...

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Re: sandy (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I understand. No problem. Share anything you want that may help them.

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I have been on methadone since 2006 and the GP who put me in touch with the CAT Team (Drug council) in Glasgow as far as I’m concerned totally did a Judas escariot, he washes his hands all because I was on 4 / 30mg dihydracodeine a day for pains in my knees as I was a Heating Engineer by trade and was grafting 7 days a week nearly every month, all I asked him was to taper me off the codeine. His reply, “we don’t cater for addiction or give out codeine or Valium". Wait who asked him for Valium? He was an ***** and I wrote him a sarcastic letter telling him exactly what I thought of him. Now I was not taking anything else, only codeine. As far as I’m concerned he has ruined 15 years of my life and if I thought I had a case to take him to court I would in a heartbeat and sue for every miserable penny he has. He is retired now as of 2012 or later. I was on 120ml at one point. Thank God I’m now on 10ml and I’ll be off it before Xmas. The GP I have now and the social worker are useless. They haven’t got a clue and I’m going to launch a complaint against both of them. They think they can do what they like once your on there silly program that’s meant to last 6 months but ends up lasting 16(?) years or more. I lost my Plumbing & Heating business, 2 lovey 3 bedroom houses with back and front gardens, £180,000 each and had to lay off 3 young apprentices. Luckily I managed to get them through college and they got their City & Guilds and are working away with Transco Gas to this day. I folded the business in 2004 and was left with just the profit which I made from the houses. The houses and the business are not my point here.

My main concern and it makes my blood boil even thinking or talking about it, is that a GP could have so easily used his private prescription pad to help me if it was not Shettlestons practice to give out addictive opioids. That’s a pure contradiction as i know about 50 of my elderly customers of mine who are on DF118’s and all sorts Benzodiazepines, Gabapentin, and lots more. Now I’ve turned to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and holistic medicine. I wouldn’t put another stinking pill from Big Pharma near my mouth ever again. I walk 10 to 20 km daily. I exercise 4 times a week, speedbag workouts and go hiking. I treat my body like a temple now but until the last drop of that green poison stops I will never be at peace with myself and that GP Dr Stoddart, Spence, and Bruce are all a shower of Hippocritical BS and the oath they took old or new version is an insult to Apollo, Morpheus, Asclepius, and all the great Gods of medicine. The modern day GP I wouldn’t even waste my time making an appointment and would sooner go to a Herbalist or Chinese Doctor and I can tell you undeniably about 6 doctors who I won’t name for obvious reasons were handing out prescriptions for anything for sexual favors. One of the poor girls I knew well, her GP got struck off. He was issuing her with over 20 5mg Valium a day and he would repeat that fortnightly and that’s not counting the gabbas, Zopiclone, Mogadon, she ended up with 3 brain tumors and 2 on her lungs. She is now at peace. Obviously they can’t prove the tumors were an indirect action due to the Valium but she had been on them for 25 years so these so called GP’s have a lot to answer to. They are not all the same corrupt *****, but I’ve lost a lot more faith in them than for them. Sincerely, JA.

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Go and please sign the petition THEN post it on Facebook. With the post write about your pain story.

Then look into the future because as of January 1st the maximum morphine equivalent that was 120 units goes down to 90 units. Let people know what will happen to you with MORE pain.

I wonder if we can do a Wheels on Washington Event (most of us wouldn't be able to march).

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