Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: etech (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

This person is just a shell of herself. The drug took over, it was not her but the drug that did this, for if she was in her right mind this would not happen. So let’s ‘get real’ as you put it. Why hasn’t she been put into rehab? Any family members willing to help out? Tough love does not work. In fact it makes it worse. None of us know why the choice becomes a bubble in which they cannot get out of. I understand the mother is too weak to become involved, then section her.
I see this story you have said you think justifies the J word. But it doesn’t.

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Re: methadonehater (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

More troubling are recent press reports, blog posts, and journal articles that describe patients being refused necessary medication or those dismissed by their treating physicians, who practice in fear of regulatory reprisal. At the interim meeting, the AMA responded to these developments, passing several resolutions against the rash of laws and mandatory policies that limit or prevent patient access to opioid painkillers. IT'S THE AMA!

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Re: Etech (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

Ok guys and gals, I will try to direct you to this government page and you can let off some steam to them. Firs of all try to copy and paste this web address to your address box and it is a long one. If you can't do that I will try to give you the short version.The address is: Scroll down to where it says Electronic Submissions. In that first paragraph at the very end you will see a web address stating and click on that.

Then you will come into a page at the top says ( on the left side of the page. Then toward the right side top of the page just across from the, you should see 3 tabs at the top saying SEARCH...BROWSE..LEARN. Click on SEARCH. Toward the top left to the right of the page you should see (Make a difference, Submit Your Comments and let your voice be heard... Just underneath that you should see a rectangular box... In the box at the top it says Search for Rules, Comments, Adjudications or Supporting documents... Just beneath that is a magnifying glass in an oblong circle box and type in COMMENT there. Then to the right of that click on Search. This should bring you to another page and at the VERY TOP there is another oblong circle with a magnifying glass to the right of it. Type in OPIATE in there and click on the magnifying glass. This will bring you to the page I did a real b**** on. Go about 4 topics down where it says (Fixed Unit of Use Blister Packing For Certain Immediate-Release Opioid Analgesics.For treatment of Acute pain) and so on. Click on the COMMENT NOW BOX to the right of the page next to the topic. This should bring you to the "B**** PAGE" is what I call it- OR COMMENT page... The topic is a little off but it is the only one open for comment and also the closest one i could find. All of the rest seem like they are closed for comment anyway. When you get to the COMMENT page let them hear all of your problems as you do with medchat. That's what I did. Hopefully someone will hear us. let me know if you have any problems and I will try to help. Also what I will do so you shouldn't have to enter that long web address, I'm just going to copy and paste the paragraph and hopefully that will be easier. Here is the paragraph along with the web address: I will put the web address in parenthesis for you: but just use only one of them, not all 3 that I parenthesized.

Electronic Submissions - Submit electronic comments in the following way:

Federal eRulemaking Portal: ( Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Comments submitted electronically, including attachments, to ( will be posted to the docket unchanged. Because your comment will be made public, you are solely responsible for ensuring that your comment does not include any confidential information that you or a third party may not wish to be posted, such as medical information, your or anyone else’s Social Security number, or confidential business information, such as a manufacturing process. Please note that if you include your name, contact information, or other information that identifies you in the body of your comments, that information will be posted on (

On the comment page you can choose to remain anonymous or state your name as I did. They asked me the organization name and I put Many Pain Sufferers and Medchat. I could have put The US Pain Foundation but I wanted to speak for you all. Please try to do this so we can get our voice heard.

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Re: Liberty (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for this. We pain patients need to submit our thoughts & needs to lawmakers, & have them hear something besides this “opioid crisis” nonsense. Why is it suddenly a crisis?? Most of us have been on our meds for a very long time, without issue. There will always be abusers OD-ing , & we can’t change that. If someone really wants to abuse drugs & overdose, that isn’t the problem of all the millions of pain patients!

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Re: EstheticsLady (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

Again blaming the addicted who overdose. Perhaps they started out with chronic pain as yourself and when it became worse they took too many and overdosed. OR the kid in college who experiments like we ALL did and gets into that bubble now he can’t come out... overdoses. Stop blaming the kids who are addicted through no fault of their own.. adults included. It is the problem of Big Pharma and I’m sure you read up on the Sackler family who doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone..they are the makers of OxyContin and knew about this from the beginning. Also the AMA aka The American Medical Association is Also to blame. Kids get them on the streets... FROM DEALERS. Why not blame THE DEALER? They are predators preying on our youth. I don’t care I’m tired of people blaming the kids who are addicted. As if they want to be. I know adults who are addicted and I don’t look at them any way or another. I know what pain feels like and I can see why addiction happens. Some people just can’t deal with the fact maybe your doctor doesn’t want to give them to you because you’re the one (not you, a generalization), that has a problem.

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Re: PISSEDATSEEKERS (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Valerie, There are pain management united groups out there such as the US Pain Foundation. Also I will make it a point to sign your petition too. I realize you posted this at an early date as the rest in this chat site and have noticed more have petitions that I will follow up on too.

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Re: Marin5 (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

I was taken off my Norco 10/325 last year. I read on here to try kratom powder. Red vein kratom for pain, white kratom for energy. It works but doesn't last long. It's better than anything I have tried. Some make the tea but it works faster taking powder. I wash it down with coffee every morning and it gets me going. I am 62 yrs old with a lot of chronic pain. Good luck.

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Re: Charlene (# 172) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Charlene. I feel sorry not for just the kids. (I call them kids and I’m a bit older than you.). But for all who are addicted not by their own fault either. I live in a state where there is really no help, and if there is they keep you for 3 days and/or you just sign yourself out. From what I have witnessed or heard withdrawals are like death. In fact 95% of kids can’t take it. They would rather be dead than go through this. I understand. I’ve never experienced it but I get it. It’s also a mood lifter and there are many people who are depressed in this day and age. But to blame addicts does not make any sense to me. No dealers no addicts. Not in the cases of the people who live with chronic pain. its the DOCTORS who are at fault and that comes from the AMA who are the ones cracking down. This is not a “young kid addicted problem.” Doctors don’t give them pills. Oh there are a million stories I know of parents whom I meet in the cemetery it just breaks my heart. Thanks Charlene. Thank you for sticking up for me and in previous posts as well for my nephew. He’s smiling at you right now.

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Re: Hop (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

My question is why is everyone on here taking opioids for ten plus years? Has surgery been considered? If not this is the perfect example in how the DOCTORS are to blame for giving out then taking away your drugs. Personally I would not want to be strung out for ten plus years on meds. There are alternatives to opioids. Pain and depression are side effects from them. The more you take them the more pain you have. This is how Big Pharma makes their money. More pain more pills. Sometimes you need physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, even CBD either in conjunction with pain meds or at least try to do other things. MS and things of that nature is horrible pain as well as RA in which these have no cure. But back pain loose discs etc... need surgery. Seems most here have legit pain but some here just want drugs from what I read.

I was in court today went with a friend to comfort her and they called a case involving a 21 year old skinny little thing via satellite tv from jail. She was scared and crying on the video and the reason she was in jail because she was in possession of heroin and broke probation. My heart bled for her. She didn’t need jail but rehab. This is what I mean when I say the system is broke. Nobody cares and I wanted to just hug her. I started to cry and the judge looked to me and he said to transfer her out ASAP to a rehab. I didn’t know this girl but my gasp got attention. I know this has nothing to do with adult chronic pain, just wanted to show you the system is broken when you want help.

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Re: Etech (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I have a question?'s not directly to your statement.....I notice others say they have to go to pain management doctor every month for refills..I take my son to pain management doctor here in Florida,..he doesn't drive, disabled...anyways he gets 3 lortab 10s a day.and we go every 3 months, never well only once at the beginning for a U/A. And not once have we been told to bring in his medication for a is it just different state laws, or just up to the doctor??. If anywhere would they be tought on would be her in southwest Florida, we had pain management doctor on every corner with cars and people lined up, it' was crazy because I was going to pain management back then and I'm serious I'd leave the doctors office and go get my scripts filled and I started to notice that the people who were in the office and then to the pharmacy it's like the two were connect, I don't know..but thx for the info..

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Re: Old grandma that knows (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Another old granny here! I want to get older and live instead of living it in bed! I have tried it once in the form of tea when waiting for the pharmacy to fill my medication which was about a week late. I really do not know what I bought but pitched it after one try! I would like to try again but in powder form. Where might I find it. South Florida!

Thanks much from one granny to another

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Re: methadonehater (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

We do not have years to wait! Every day is a challenge; putting it lightly

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Re: deedee (# 207) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree with you on ALL OF WHAT YOU SAID...! My grandkids are growing up without the fun of gradma. Thanks! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT OUR PAIN MEDICATION!!!!

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Re: Hop (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

I feel for all who suffer here, you and the rest called my nephew who died an overdose basically a piece of s****. You are the cruel one and that other guy named HOP. IDGAF about what you think of me. I suffer from pain as well but know enough not to get where you are. Some here are addicts and karma will bite your a** for talking s*** about my nephew. Last post now I’m done. Get help.

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Re: Bella (# 230) Expand Referenced Message

I absolutely understand Bella! Sometimes we do things that later we wish we had not because we were trying to protect ourselves in the only way we know how! I am glad you were able to say this was your geeky, inteligent, smart loving son! You did what you did because others where chastising you and your son because of a disease he had! No one would ever think about doing that except when it comes addiction, both alcohol and drugs! I cannot tell you how sorry I am about that and I pray to God that we can remove the stigma that comes with these diseases !

I grew up in the sixties and remember the Vietnam War as being the tragedy of our times! But how could it be we have lost more people to overdose that's then all the lives that were lost in the Vietnam War?
Worse than that, this disease is showing no signs of slowing down!

Truly I wish I had an answer but I don't! The one thing that I do know is; today your mother your brother your child, your loved one could be alive and tomarrow you could get that shredded call telling you they are gone!

Be kind to everybody people it is the least that we can do!

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Re: Bella (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

I'm glad to see that you have felt comfortable enough to come back a few times now. I have seen nothing more of the people that were so hurtful to you and I am so glad of that! I enjoy chatting with you! I don't think I would be here today if it were not for faith and the love of Jesus. I live in South Florida and I have been praying he keeps everyone including me safe from this horrible storm that can't seem to make up its mind where it wants to go and is moving at a snail's pace. Besides it's 150 mile an hour winds, it could dump up to two feet of rain all up and down the east coast of Florida and could very likely impact other states as well! I have registered with the department health so if there is an evacuation they will send me somewhere where I will at least have a cot. I could not imagine having to sleep on the floor I remember reading that. we're also a chronic pain patients. I also do not understand why a doctor would givee you only 15 (5 mg. pills) like you said that allows you only one tablet every other day! It seems like you are right everyone looks at us like we did something wrong when in fact the medical profession caused these problems! It seems that quite a few where using opioids as a profitable business instead of being vigilant with who they prescribed to! As you know, the tides have now turned and we are lucky if we can find someone to prescribe what we really need! I continue to pray that things get better for the sake of everyone who is suffering from pain including myself! I am afraid it could take a very long time however if ever! Well I better go so I can grab a few things from the store in case I am evacuated I will have a few snacks to go with me!
I hope to talk to you again! Sincerely Patty.

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Re: Bella (# 235) Expand Referenced Message

Hi bella, I'm just stopping by to say hello! I enjoy reading your comments. I feel bad about the way pain management doctor, pharmacy's treat patients. I no longer need to take pharmaceutical medicine, I have been trying natural supplements like magnesium and zinc, turmeric, it helps more than you'd think. However my dad is 83 he doesn't have to take any kind of medication. I'm hopeful to follow his path, I layed in bed last night tossing and turning about this supposedly opioid crisis, if there really is one..for everyone who has a great deal of pain, I can't imagine someone getting extremely hurt?, has me wondering what would happen if someone fell a broke bones?, so I'm just babbling about whatever, I just wanted to say HI, BELLA

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Re: Supersus61 (# 239) Expand Referenced Message

Now is the time to act & we all must get strong! COVID19 is a horrific curse. Many death’s have occurred; very sad.

However, let’s do a comparison. As the “opiod crisis” as defined by Gov’t immediately, without researching, acknowledging nor considering LEGITIMATE/LONG TERM CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS(CPP’s) who after exhausting all other procedures were given the only alternative in order to basically walk & lead a somewhat normal, productive life;

In my case 32 ago I couldn’t walk via a near fatal car accident, 4 surgeries later & numerous other alternatives, diagnosed with FAILED BACK SYNDROME, SPINAL STENOSIS, & all the rest that goes with a deteriorating spine w/scar tissue crawling like a spider web, 22 yrs ago I was referred to Pain Management through managed doses of opiate Percocet.

It was a miracle! Within a month, I was out of my wheelchair! Walking, living, positive...I got my life back! 22 yrs later BOOM! Along cane as we all know, the revelation of abusers...The bad apple!!

Because of so few “bad apples” vs us CPP’s we are suffering. Way too many CPP’s have even taken their lives; we are back bedridden due to GUIDELINES/RULES In lieu of this fact, Gov’t, FDA, DEA, et al refuse to acknowledge us & the knowledgeable, compassionate PAIN MGMT DOCTOR’s who did their research!

Granted, COVID19 is horrible. Gov’t is paying attention to fix. Why not us? We have a terminal disease which is CHRONIC PHYSICAL PAIN!

In addition, re: the tapering of our meds; have you noticed what we are prescribed the pain medicine has become basically ineffective as if taking a sugar pill? They changed the formulation, altered it less active ingredients & w/filler’s to make you purposely sick to detour use without any TRIAL’s whatsoever!

Heartbreaking. GODSPEED to all with love.

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Sorry to hear about your challenges with receiving proper care. I really hope the petition works to your favor when push comes to shove.

A lot of chronic pain patients have had to turn to other means for getting relief since this issue first began spreading. So it's hard to say what it will take in order to straighten things back out to the way it was before.

But in light of the situation, I'd be curious to know if any of you have considered looking into or have found success using natural options for pain management in the meantime?

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I pray you read my plea. I live in western Missouri and will go to Colorado if it will help me with my chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bad DDD, and RSD in my left leg and foot. I went to a pain dr here and the first thing he wants to do is get me off pain meds. I am a 64yr old woman and have been on pain medication for 14yrs. I don't think i would even want to live with pain as bad as mine. My sister took her life because of the back surgeries they have done to her, put her on pain meds for years then take it away, without any help from anyone. She was a happy, loving person and now gone because of all her back pain. She left a letter stating she cant imagine her living the rest of her life in terrible pain. She took a bottle of TYLENOL from the drug store and checked into a hotel and wrote to the family and I watched her die when i got to the emergency room. Her heart stopped but she was already brain dead. It tore our family apart, my parents gave up and died 6 weeks from each other. So i beg of you to please get in touch with me for a Dr in Colorado. I'm in dire straights, please will you help me? {edited for privacy}

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