Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 5)
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Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.
Hello Valerie, There are pain management united groups out there such as the US Pain Foundation. Also I will make it a point to sign your petition too. I realize you posted this at an early date as the rest in this chat site and have noticed more have petitions that I will follow up on too.
I have been on Fentanyl patches for 18 years taking 100 mgs daily. Now this inaccurate opioid witch hunt has caused me extreme and inexcusable pain. I am not irresponsible in my usage and have gone through appellate judges to obtain the medication at the rate my body needs for extremely painful back problems. This undue hardship is unbelievable and I do not think the statistics warranting the pullback are accurate. I cannot believe anyone has died from Fentanyl patches - I do not mix with any substances. Where is your petition? I will sign it!
Re: Vintage Lady (# 165)
Reread my posts.
Re: Bella (# 161)
These illegal drug addicts and the pill mills they went to run by unscrupulous doctors just in it for as much money they could get, and the pharmaceutical companies that were selling and shipping directly to these doctor's 'pain management offices are all to blame!
I have to say I went once at the end when I didn't have a regular doctor, right before I finally got my SSD. I saw fit, strong young men sitting in the waiting room, clearly nothing wrong with them, bragging about how he just got the doctor to raise his Oxycontin scrip by 60#, to a total of 180# for one month. I only got 30 Oxy, enough for migraines and back pain, breakthrough, and my usual Lorcet and Diazepam. I never went back... it just didn't seem right. There was a line down the sidewalk, an armed security guard... all I needed was an MRI from the last year... the doc found the ailments... then prescribed pretty much what the individual asked for. It wasn't long after that, was the start of all the busts of those places...
But, now, because of that, we pain patients who go to legitimate doctors are cut off as well. I had finally got my disability and was able to go to my doctor again... but then the pharmacies wouldn't let me have the Dorms I had been taking one a night for years... took the Lorcet as we knew it off the market, also been taking for over two decades, put on Percocet, but made me sleepy during the day, and am my Mom's caregiver, so went down to Norco... be g mistake... now only have Tylenol 3 because I don't want to have to drive miles and miles and drag Mom with for those as well as doctor appointments and probably asked to do physical therapy as well as mental health...
I don't have the time, energy for me much less Mom to take her with everywhere, much less the inclination. Not to mention being on Medicaid, the pain management places look down on the individual, still don't want to give the pain management came for without jumping thru hoops...
Is it worth it? No... and I should not have to go through it to live a pain-free, happy life...
Why are all the powers that be causing all the bs keeping us from medication we have taken legally and not abused, for years. We didn't have a problem... it wasn't us! Yet I had to cold turkey off everything, no weaning, no substitute... just there one month, gone the next!!! : (
Re: EstheticsLady (# 160)
When people who are addicted to opioids make the difficult decision to quit, the last thing they need to face are barriers to treatment.
Yet, a new "secret shopper" study suggests most addicts seeking a prescription for buprenorphine -- which helps people stop using opioids -- would have trouble even getting an appointment with a doctor qualified to dispense the drug.
When researchers called doctors' offices posing as addicts who wanted to get a prescription for buprenorphine so they could stop using heroin, 46% of those who said they had Medicaid were denied an appointment, while 38% of those who said they would pay in cash were turned away.
"When people are seeking treatment, you want to make it as easy as possible. But our study showed you have to be quite persistent. That can be tough and might lead to them giving up," said study senior author Dr. Michael Barnett. He's an assistant professor of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. And the story goes on to say these doctors are not helping the addicted kids and adults. They don’t give a s*** about them. So the crisis is the DOCTORS, not the addicts.
Re: Sunset (# 162)
Sorry to hear this. Do you get your pain meds and what are they? No need to share if you don’t want to thanks.
I have 5 disabilities requiring pain meds, been on disability since 2013
Re: EstheticsLady (# 160)
Again blaming the addicted who overdose. Perhaps they started out with chronic pain as yourself and when it became worse they took too many and overdosed. OR the kid in college who experiments like we ALL did and gets into that bubble now he can’t come out... overdoses. Stop blaming the kids who are addicted through no fault of their own.. adults included. It is the problem of Big Pharma and I’m sure you read up on the Sackler family who doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone..they are the makers of OxyContin and knew about this from the beginning. Also the AMA aka The American Medical Association is Also to blame. Kids get them on the streets... FROM DEALERS. Why not blame THE DEALER? They are predators preying on our youth. I don’t care I’m tired of people blaming the kids who are addicted. As if they want to be. I know adults who are addicted and I don’t look at them any way or another. I know what pain feels like and I can see why addiction happens. Some people just can’t deal with the fact maybe your doctor doesn’t want to give them to you because you’re the one (not you, a generalization), that has a problem.
Re: Liberty (# 1)
Thank you for this. We pain patients need to submit our thoughts & needs to lawmakers, & have them hear something besides this “opioid crisis” nonsense. Why is it suddenly a crisis?? Most of us have been on our meds for a very long time, without issue. There will always be abusers OD-ing , & we can’t change that. If someone really wants to abuse drugs & overdose, that isn’t the problem of all the millions of pain patients!
Re: Etech (# 156)
Hello all, I just wanted to see if anyone had any problems with my directions on how to post on the government comment site. Just want to know if my instructions are correct. So if anyone has tried it, please let me know if you are able to get through or I may need to make changes. Please do it ASAP because they will be closing it soon.
Re: Liberty (# 3)
How did you almost die from Lyrica. Curious because Im trying to wean off and i get severe muscle cramps.
Re: Liberty (# 3)
Tried to sign the petition but, unfortunately, such petition showed "closed". Endorsing this petition is really important to me. Any suggestions? Is there a way to reopen the original petition so that I may sign and share it, or should a new one be started?
Re: Etech (# 154)
Ok guys and gals, I will try to direct you to this government page and you can let off some steam to them. Firs of all try to copy and paste this web address to your address box and it is a long one. If you can't do that I will try to give you the short version.The address is: Scroll down to where it says Electronic Submissions. In that first paragraph at the very end you will see a web address stating and click on that.
Then you will come into a page at the top says ( on the left side of the page. Then toward the right side top of the page just across from the, you should see 3 tabs at the top saying SEARCH...BROWSE..LEARN. Click on SEARCH. Toward the top left to the right of the page you should see (Make a difference, Submit Your Comments and let your voice be heard... Just underneath that you should see a rectangular box... In the box at the top it says Search for Rules, Comments, Adjudications or Supporting documents... Just beneath that is a magnifying glass in an oblong circle box and type in COMMENT there. Then to the right of that click on Search. This should bring you to another page and at the VERY TOP there is another oblong circle with a magnifying glass to the right of it. Type in OPIATE in there and click on the magnifying glass. This will bring you to the page I did a real b**** on. Go about 4 topics down where it says (Fixed Unit of Use Blister Packing For Certain Immediate-Release Opioid Analgesics.For treatment of Acute pain) and so on. Click on the COMMENT NOW BOX to the right of the page next to the topic. This should bring you to the "B**** PAGE" is what I call it- OR COMMENT page... The topic is a little off but it is the only one open for comment and also the closest one i could find. All of the rest seem like they are closed for comment anyway. When you get to the COMMENT page let them hear all of your problems as you do with medchat. That's what I did. Hopefully someone will hear us. let me know if you have any problems and I will try to help. Also what I will do so you shouldn't have to enter that long web address, I'm just going to copy and paste the paragraph and hopefully that will be easier. Here is the paragraph along with the web address: I will put the web address in parenthesis for you: but just use only one of them, not all 3 that I parenthesized.
Electronic Submissions - Submit electronic comments in the following way:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: ( Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Comments submitted electronically, including attachments, to ( will be posted to the docket unchanged. Because your comment will be made public, you are solely responsible for ensuring that your comment does not include any confidential information that you or a third party may not wish to be posted, such as medical information, your or anyone else’s Social Security number, or confidential business information, such as a manufacturing process. Please note that if you include your name, contact information, or other information that identifies you in the body of your comments, that information will be posted on (
On the comment page you can choose to remain anonymous or state your name as I did. They asked me the organization name and I put Many Pain Sufferers and Medchat. I could have put The US Pain Foundation but I wanted to speak for you all. Please try to do this so we can get our voice heard.
I agree with you on everything! Even the part that it's not the governments business to be or get involved in the pharmaceutical business. I pray that God intervenes with this !
I have a government comment page that I vented on and if I can show you guys how to get to the comment page so if everyone sent a very nice little chat (ha) we could fill them up with nice little comments about how they treat us. I will try to work out something to how you all can get to the web page and get back to you.
Re: David (# 2)
I have tried all the natural crap and spent a fortune does not work if you truly have severe pain. Maybe for those that have the occasional ache. Physical therapy sucks too.
Re: methadonehater (# 150)
More troubling are recent press reports, blog posts, and journal articles that describe patients being refused necessary medication or those dismissed by their treating physicians, who practice in fear of regulatory reprisal. At the interim meeting, the AMA responded to these developments, passing several resolutions against the rash of laws and mandatory policies that limit or prevent patient access to opioid painkillers. IT'S THE AMA!
Re: methadonehater (# 150)
During the recent Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association, the organization’s president, Dr. Barbara McAneny, told the story of a patient of hers whose pharmacist refused to fill his prescription for an opioid medication. She had prescribed the medication to ease her patient’s severe pain from prostate cancer, which had spread to his bones. Feeling ashamed after the pharmacist called him a “drug seeker,” he went home, hoping to endure his pain. Three days later, he tried to kill himself. Fortunately, McAneny’s patient was discovered by family members and survived.
This story has become all too familiar to patients who legitimately use opioid medication for pain.
Re: Bella (# 147)
Oh, but the States are at this time trying to pass laws to get chronic pain suffers cut off. If these laws are passed they will go to the State courts, of course those with chronic pain will most likely lose. At that point it will end up in federal court. If t will end up in Federal court punts, it will end up in the supreme court.
Re: methadonehater (# 146)
I agree 100% what is it you don’t understand? It’s not the state it’s the AMA having conferences with the doctors everywhere trying to cut down. I don’t think it fair but unfortunately this is how it is... and btw did you know pain meds actually cause more pain hence the business of Big Pharma. Not Trumps fault he’s trying to stop the drugs from coming over killing our kids. Build the wall!
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