Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 3)
UpdatedHere it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.
I am in Virginia near Luray. I need to find a pain management doctor as mine retired and it is really bad. I can only find spine clinics, and the shots do not work. I have so many issues. I am seeing a doctor who makes us come once a week and refuses to give a decent prescription. He is open 7 days a week and makes people come all hours of the night and even at 6 am. He is not helping many of us at all. I know this is long but I am desperate for a real doctor. I want to sign the petition and share it. Has it been shared on social media? It says care2petition but at what? Is it .org or .com? I cannot narrow it down. {edited for privacy}. I thank all of you for taking time to read my post. I take Percocet and Oxymorphone. I am in so much pain. I cannot do anything at all.
Re: sandy (# 41)
I feel for you myself being a patient and suffering after chemo, treatments from nerve damage I can not image going through what you must have to.
Re: Liberty (# 3)
At the rate they are going, we will see more pain patients going to the streets for relief.
Re: Deb (# 34)
I also live in Massachusetts. There has been only 1 actual response to my emails, phone calls from the AG office, Governor, Lt. Governor and others I've tried. At least this was a response from a very loosely defined, "person" in Sen. Warren office. Quote, get a lawyer and sue your doctor's, end quote. Talk about "lip service". I'd sit myself down on the steps in front of the State house but for these two very important reasons.
#1: first and foremost, somebody finding out where I lived and coming to steal my meds as well as the risk of harm coming to my family
#2: any one of my current or former medical professionals seeing/hearing me
Then losing any of the few of them that are actually trying to help me. Could we rally at the State House masked and anonymously represent all of us in this under represented area of "the Chronic Pain Epidemic". That is if there are enough people who are mobile enough to even get off their bed/couch/chair to get there? It's always the opioid crisis. What gets done for us suffering physically & mentally from our local government? How about the Honorable Charlie Baker? The abusers of prescription meds are better treated with our tax paying dollars than those of us paying for our own insurance. Narcan is free for them. Emergency responders risking their own health is also free to them. Pity is abundant for them. Last year there was one young woman on one of our local stations at some type of hearing with a glass jar filled to the brim with her hospital bracelets that she had saved to prove her point. Haven't seen/heard anything from our Commonwealth as to what she and those of us in the same mess as her can do about it.
Where is petition regarding helping patients with Chronic Pain?
I support every chronically ill person in thriving with their appropriate medications but I don't support your ignorant stance on stating "allow junkies to continue to kill themselves as they choose". I feel that you believe because you take legal prescriptions that you are superior to an individual that for one reason or another has gone to seek out illegal or illicit drugs! WE are all addicted one way or another. Prescription meds are considered to be synthetic opiates to many. Do you realize that so many of the very people you are standing up for by circulating this petition for have already or very likely may turn to buying pills illegally because they can't get them thru a Dr. and within a matter of time will or can no longer afford the prices for pain meds will turn to illicit drugs? Do you realize 75% of so called junkies started out on prescription meds? And only turned to illicit drugs because they got cut off by their Dr? So please don't be so quick to judge because one day it could be a friend of yours that because of their chronic pain and left with no other option do the same as those you condemn! THANK God I haven't had to go this route but I NEVER say NEVER because I do know some that have and some that have died. P.S. I WILL sign the petition, Listen to us. I am a prisoner in my house due to taking my medications.
I am in Virginia. Can anybody give me the name of a doctor please?
Re: Mare (# 43)
I copied your message to keep accidentally posted in my message, so very sorry...
Re: sandy (# 41)
I just did a search on Care2petition & it came right up. Good Luck & I hope you get some relief.
Re: myst (# 40)
I for one have a pain pump implanted. When I go to my pain management Dr here in Ca., he will adjust the amount that gets released. The more more that is released the faster you will need to have it refilled. Also my dr gives me a report of what meds are in the pump & how much get released each time. So you would be aware of what he is giving you, my last drs visit, I asked them to increase it & he did with no problem. Hope this helps you should you decide o get it. If you have any other questions about it, please write me. Good luck.
Re: myst (# 35)
I had to go through Workers Comp & if you know anything about them, their only response is DENIED, DENIED, DENIED. Had to get a lawyer involved & I got it. Don’t stop until someone actually hears you
Re: sandy (# 47)
I understand. No problem. Share anything you want that may help them.
Re: myst (# 33)
A simple blood test instead of a U/A would have solved that problem immediately. always ask for a blood test. Tool luck.
I have been on methadone since 2006 and the GP who put me in touch with the CAT Team (Drug council) in Glasgow as far as I’m concerned totally did a Judas escariot, he washes his hands all because I was on 4 / 30mg dihydracodeine a day for pains in my knees as I was a Heating Engineer by trade and was grafting 7 days a week nearly every month, all I asked him was to taper me off the codeine. His reply, “we don’t cater for addiction or give out codeine or Valium". Wait who asked him for Valium? He was an ***** and I wrote him a sarcastic letter telling him exactly what I thought of him. Now I was not taking anything else, only codeine. As far as I’m concerned he has ruined 15 years of my life and if I thought I had a case to take him to court I would in a heartbeat and sue for every miserable penny he has. He is retired now as of 2012 or later. I was on 120ml at one point. Thank God I’m now on 10ml and I’ll be off it before Xmas. The GP I have now and the social worker are useless. They haven’t got a clue and I’m going to launch a complaint against both of them. They think they can do what they like once your on there silly program that’s meant to last 6 months but ends up lasting 16(?) years or more. I lost my Plumbing & Heating business, 2 lovey 3 bedroom houses with back and front gardens, £180,000 each and had to lay off 3 young apprentices. Luckily I managed to get them through college and they got their City & Guilds and are working away with Transco Gas to this day. I folded the business in 2004 and was left with just the profit which I made from the houses. The houses and the business are not my point here.
My main concern and it makes my blood boil even thinking or talking about it, is that a GP could have so easily used his private prescription pad to help me if it was not Shettlestons practice to give out addictive opioids. That’s a pure contradiction as i know about 50 of my elderly customers of mine who are on DF118’s and all sorts Benzodiazepines, Gabapentin, and lots more. Now I’ve turned to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and holistic medicine. I wouldn’t put another stinking pill from Big Pharma near my mouth ever again. I walk 10 to 20 km daily. I exercise 4 times a week, speedbag workouts and go hiking. I treat my body like a temple now but until the last drop of that green poison stops I will never be at peace with myself and that GP Dr Stoddart, Spence, and Bruce are all a shower of Hippocritical BS and the oath they took old or new version is an insult to Apollo, Morpheus, Asclepius, and all the great Gods of medicine. The modern day GP I wouldn’t even waste my time making an appointment and would sooner go to a Herbalist or Chinese Doctor and I can tell you undeniably about 6 doctors who I won’t name for obvious reasons were handing out prescriptions for anything for sexual favors. One of the poor girls I knew well, her GP got struck off. He was issuing her with over 20 5mg Valium a day and he would repeat that fortnightly and that’s not counting the gabbas, Zopiclone, Mogadon, she ended up with 3 brain tumors and 2 on her lungs. She is now at peace. Obviously they can’t prove the tumors were an indirect action due to the Valium but she had been on them for 25 years so these so called GP’s have a lot to answer to. They are not all the same corrupt *****, but I’ve lost a lot more faith in them than for them. Sincerely, JA.
Re: Liberty (# 3)
Yes. One simple heading and we all sign it. I am contacting my senator and Congressman.
I pray we get some results. Let's go for it! What would life be like in excruciating chronic pain based on what the lunatics? What if a member in Their family needed a narcotic and they stopped eating, stopped talking, not leaving the house?
Re: Momo (# 8)
You are incorrect. There are dependencies that occur but guess what, my anti-depressant ALSO has dependencies. So because I become dependant on my anti-depressant it's suddenly bad?
These pain medications are not for everyone, so don't take them if they are not for you. If the feds want to go after someone go after the pharmacy companies NOT the Doctors and patients who deserve PRIVACY in their medications NOT restrictions.
Also if you want to start a new paragraph then press "Shift" and "Enter" because you have a wall of text there and it took awhile to get to the point.
Re: Liberty (# 1)
I am with y’all. I will write anything from legal summaries to organizing attorneys. I truly believe Trump is on our side. This is not the President, he may be our biggest help. Let the junkies overdose if they want, don’t let them hurt two people or kill two instead of one. Yes people can die from pain.
I am a 67 year old woman being treated for Osteoarthritis in my knees, ankles, lower spine. I have herniated discs in my upper spine and lower spine, also Osteoarthritis in upper and lower spine. I take hydrocodone for my pain. I do not abuse the meds I am given. But I am treated like a street junkie. I am insulted and annoyed when asked to take a urine #10 which covers street drugs. I know that patients with chronic pain do not abuse their meds. I have joined many websites were this has been discussed. You accuse us for overdosing, you should accused the junkies. That are now making our life a living hell. You know those walks on the beach you love so much. Most of us here can't to that. We can't do all the fun things you can do. So until you suffer from Chronic Pain, don't tell me to take Advil and deal with the pain. You deal with the pain, after you have walked a mile in our shoes. See how you like it. We did not ask for this, who would. It is pain 24/7 year in year out, day after day. No relief at night, you wake because you are in pain. You have no clue, none. The Hydrocodone allows me to move and go to the grocery store. Now you tell me you have the Flu, I say to you take one Advil. You feel better don't you, NOT. Why?! because it did nothing for all those aches and pain. So suffer!!!
GOOD NEWS!! My doctor tells me that on January 1st 2019 Medicare and the state of Connecticut is now taking the OPIOID medicines that I depend on from our CURRENT 120 Morphine Equivalent Dose TO 90 Morphine Equivalent Dose for chronic pain. I am able to get out of the house with my wife usually 3 days a week, am non-functioning 3 days a week and somewhere in the middle 1 day. Well I guess in January I will make the 1 hour trip to the pain doctor once a month and, hopefully church every week.
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