Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 2)
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Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.
Re: Bella (# 227)
I do hope that you come back at least to read the comment! I lost my son to a drunk driver many years ago! It was the most painful experience of my life!
I also have a friend lost her very good son to an overdose! They thought they had finally gotten him clean and when he was away at college, it happened! She is a very brave, she talked about it to anyone and everyone! Her motto is: if it saves just one person! Her husband in a beautiful article which was posted in the sun here in Florida! People need to understand that it can happen to anyone!
As pain patients we do not like the stigma that narcotics carry! Many will not admit to being on narcotics because of the stigma. No one likes to go to the pharmacy and be looked at in this manner! What I'm talking about is the J word! As pain patients, if we do not like this word why would we think about using it on someone else! Why would we use this word to someone who has lost a nephew or a son? We have to learn tolerance, empathy, and yes maybe love! We would never say that word did someone really love! If narcotics were problem we would talk about it as it is; addiction! Please don't tell me that this lady did something first because I will tell you that God tells us to turn the other cheek! She is a woman in pain and she will always be in pain until the day she dies! Unfortunately her worst pain is not going to be from OD or any other disease it will be from the loss of her dear son! Believe me I have lived it for far too long not to know what I am talking about!
Bella if you have read this please don't feel bad that you referred to your son as your nephew! I see all you were doing trying to protect yourself as much as you could! My prayers go with you .. a lifetime no matter how long that is, is a very long time!
Re: Focked (# 225)
Didn’t want to come back but my email prompts me and I just wanted to thank you for your kindness and understanding. I will say it was not my nephew but my son. I just cannot bring myself to say it because of the stigma as you all can see, and Mare says I attacked her but she said these kids are “junkies.” My son had everything a child could want an A student a closet addict when reached college. He was kind and wanted to join the Peace Corp. My son was not a junkie. He was an addict. A dentist gave him 3 refills on 3 wisdom teeth pulled. I went to yell at this dentist and he smelled of liquor. My child had never even had a sip of soda in his 25 years here on earth, he was in karate, baseball, bowling league, and he modeled for 6 years as a child. All his teachers from high school and college came to funeral. Girls were screaming. He was a popular kid and he believed in God. After he died in 2014 I ended up in the hospital in disbelief and lost my faith. I have it back ten fold as I know he is at peace. I am sorry I didn’t say it was my son but I just couldn’t after others were calling my nephew, and now you see why I could not say my son because I just knew people would attack these kids. All these names and blaming him in which it was not his fault. Long story short unless any of you lost a child, and saw what I had seen, don’t ever say that to me again. He was also epileptic in which played a part as well. I only say this now not because of pity or anyone’s apology, but none of us know any persons life including me. I was very hurt coming off here with these comments. So need not respond it is what it is. This is why I suffer from my RA and stenosis. I suffer in silence from not just mental but physical pain as well and I don’t go out. My life is done. I am a senior and I am quite ready to join him if I can. I am not afraid of being in pain. Although my primary gives me ridiculous 15 OXY per month I agree it’s ridiculous, but being dependent on more as I saw I just can’t. Thank you again I promise my last post but I saw this and you understood. God Bless. I never meant to hurt any of you I can’t help myself with this terrible grief I carry. And that is the most severe pain of all.
Re: Bella (# 224)
We are all bullies and addicts AND you hope we all suffer. You sound like a bully to me Bella. You sound like you need professional help, Bella. I think you should seek it. Why are you lashing out at us?
Re: Mare (# 222)
Shameful, if you lost a child to anything, how would you feel if someone told you to get over it. Also please remember that addiction is a disease and does not make a person bad but instead makes them do bad things! It would be helpful to offer a hand instead of a slap to Bella who is obviously very affected by the loss of her nephew! Yes, I am a chronic pain patient who has been put thru hell after being put thru a forced taper and then denied to me altogether! This was neither Bella's fault or that of her nephew! Please, can we not try and help one another even if our problems are different?
Re: Mare (# 222)
This has only a fraction to do with my nephew. Look at all the posts here or you just pick on me. For your information I too live in chronic pain and have every right to be here. So you can shove your response up you know where. Your nothing but a bully and so aren’t these desperate addicts. Look in the mirror before you say anything about anyone overdosing.
You will never hear from me again. I hope you all suffer.
Re: deedee (# 221)
where is this petition? Please give a llink.
Re: Bella (# 218)
Bella, it’s time to stop! We all know you are in pain because of your nephew. Whether he was a good kid or used drugs is not the point here in this chat room. No one is saying anything bad about your situation but it’s time you stop badgering people who have legitimate pain issues & can't get the proper medical attention. It has nothing to do with your nephew. Most of the people in this room are not afforded the proper care because the government & insurance companies are making it so difficult. You had bashed me over a year ago & you are still feeling the pain of your nephew’s death. It’s time to let him go have some peace in your life.
I'm signing the petition for giving us our pain medication.
Re: methadonehater (# 219)
the message 8/22/19 that was posted at 11:09 AM by me is in response to Bella.
You are not worth my time or attention.
I am posting this message so no other folks think I was messaging them.
Oh, are you are a racist too? What exactly do you have against Al Sharpton?
Look up the numbers. You will see that what I am saying is the truth. Check out the John Oliver show of 8/18/19 if you are too lazy to look at the stats yourself. He talks all about it.
BTW: I thought you said you weren't coming back and here you are.
Re: methadonehater (# 217)
Do you have another card? Cause your Race Card has been declined. This has to be the dumbest thing I ever heard. Many white people have problems. Are you Al Sharpton?
Thought you all might be interested in the following:
Wanda Sykes, a comedian who happens to be black, had a double mastectomy and left the hospital with a perscription (that is spelled correctly) for ibuprofin (also spelled correctly). Don't all of you think this "opioid crisis" has gone way too far?
It seems that black people have less of a chance of getting half way decent pain relief after things like surgery. This is not just Wanda, it seems to be all black people have less of a chance of getting pain relief after procedures like major surgery. This is a real problem for everyone and a bigger problem for black people.
Re: Bella (# 209)
Gee Bella,
Seems like you think you know everything about every person on this site. I assure you that you do not.
Re: Hop (# 212)
I agree totally with your assessment of Bella!
Re: Hop (# 212)
I feel for all who suffer here, you and the rest called my nephew who died an overdose basically a piece of s****. You are the cruel one and that other guy named HOP. IDGAF about what you think of me. I suffer from pain as well but know enough not to get where you are. Some here are addicts and karma will bite your a** for talking s*** about my nephew. Last post now I’m done. Get help.
Re: Bella (# 210)
Get this straight. You don’t know me and I don’t want to know you. You are a cruel judgmental individual that should just stop making accusatory posts here. Crawl back from whatever rock you slithered out from.
Re: Bella (# 210)
I am not an addict. I am a victim. Pain management doctors couldn’t relieve my chronic pain with multiple medications they tried over the course of 10 years. One specialist from a well respected hospital in NY City recommended something that worked. I stayed on the same dosage, never added additional medications, following doctors orders. At the time I am hoping the medical community didn’t know the potential risks associated with long term use. I am doing what is necessary and lowering the dosage until I can come off it completely. This is not the place to write posts calling people derogatory names. You have an agenda of your own that should not be discussed here. There are other places for you to share with “like-minded” individuals. Here you are insulting people who had no idea of potential harm if medications were used as directed. Please STOP. It’s hurtful and one day karma will bite you in the a** for your cruelty.
Re: Bella (# 209)
I agree that more opiates are worse. I was prescribed Lorcet but I was trying to work too. To try to cope with the pain, I would take one. They would work at first. Then I had to take 2 then 3. I used to think that the more I took the more relief I should get. I was totally wrong. Actually the more I took at that point was AGGRAVATING my condition. I do still take them but at a greatly reduced amount. Actually much less than the prescribed amount just to take a little edge off along with other non-narcotics that help much better.
Re: Hop (# 205)
So none of my business relates to you are a drug addict. Get help.
Re: methadonehater (# 206)
Most of you don’t listen. Some of you have been on ridiculous amounts of pain meds for 30 plus years. This is not the answer. Your doctor could give two s***s because while you suffer, he’s making money. Most have an anger problem which shows me you are in desperation from doctors who refuse to feed you your 30 mg ten times a day opioids. What a way to live. There are many in control, not in these situations in which I know personally. They are not on here knocking kids who are addicted, or making fun of others, not to mention the horrible things you have said to others due to withdrawal rages. You look for others to blame but you don’t look in the mirror. If your doctor won’t give you any pain meds it's because you are abusing them, or you are under 30 years old and don't need them. But blame the doctors anyway. I have friends who have NO PROBLEM getting their medications, why do you? Opioids CAUSE MORE PAIN. Get to a rehab and get your life back. For those who have legitimate pain, surgery, pt, and other things are available. There is a reason you don’t get them.
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