Help Me Find A Free Methadone Clinic (Top voted first)


I called my methadone clinic and told them today was probably my last day, that i lost job and couldn't afford to pay. They charge $10 a day or pay weekly. Well all they said was, "oh im sorry u can't get no one to help u. Call me in the morning to see if you've figured anything out", not even suggesting a patient assistance program to help me with financial aid until I'm back on feet. I was shocked all they want is money. I've on this program 2 yrs doing great, and just like that my money at a stand still.... and clinic wont dose without payment. The clinic made me feel bad like oh well no money no methadone. Does anyone in Houston Tx know of a free methadone clinic that will help me? I don't wanna fall that low again. I know without my dose its a coming. I've tried several times to kick dope on my own. I'm not strong enough.

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I need help finding a methodone clinic that takes medicade are Medicare A close to Alto Texas 75925

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Re: Shan (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If you qualify for Medicare Part A, you also qualify for Medicare Part B and Part D. Medicare doesn't pay for outpatient Methadone treatment.

If you have Medicare and Medicaid, Medicaid does not pay for treatments Medicare doesn't pay for. Medicaid only pays the deductibles and co/pays you would normally have to pay. But, there may or may not be an exception for Addiction Outpatient Treatment. You need to call Texas Medicaid Program and ask.

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I feel for u as someone who has been on methadone for 5 years now & have been detoxed 3 times bc of payment issues.... If u have medical assistance or can get on it now that you wouldn't have a job, apply right away... My Medicaid pays for my methadone treatment and has for the past 4 years.. And they will pay from the time u applied sometimes up to 3 months before applying so maybe u can talk to the clinic and see if they will keep u til u get it since they will back you anyway...

I live in Maryland and the clinic here that's based on income is the department of health and it used to be only $2 a week at the lowest income... Maybe u can see if ur health department has one....

Also by law they have to detox u in no less than 28 days. So from the first day they start u cant be off before 28 doesn't matter if u stopped paying 2 weeks before it has to be 28 days of actual detoxing (a clinic by me decided to detox me in one week going down 18mg a day all bc my insurance had stopped paying 2 weeks before even tho i didnt know and they didn't know for the first 2 weeks so then the owner/doctor said 2 weeks so only one week left complete bulls*** and the nurses even gave me more mg bc they knew it was crazy) hope that helps some what... Medical assistance by me at least is very quick to get and u can do it on a computer. Has to be a computer not was done a week later for me and then u can call and get the numbers that r on ur card and give that to the clinic until u get ur card.... I really hope that helps!! I know how mad i was when the second i couldnt pay it was like ok bye! Like wtf? Hope u figure something out!

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