Help Finding Dr To Work With You On Pain Control In Saginaw, Mi
UpdatedI currently see a Dr in Detroit where I get morphine but I see a different resident and the attending just does whatever they want so I have a different plan every month now. I was on methadone and my original dr left and this new attending took me off that and put me on the morphine about 6 months ago promising me the whole time I was going down on the methadone he wouldn't let me suffer. Well this one resident the only thing he can think of is taking everyone off meds no matter how much pain you're in and takes me from 390 of morphine to 290 like nothing. In that appt the attending talked about finding a second dr where I live 2 hours from my main dr in case I can't get down there. They did a U/A and bam there's methadone. I don't know why since I've not taken it but every other med I'm on will cause a false reading, but he claims it's impossible even though 2 years ago there were two false readings in a row for something else. He asked me about it after the second and I told him no I didn't take it so he did a gcms and I was right. Now they're mad because I didn't get an MRI ordered a month ago even though a prior authorization has yet to be sent but that's my fault as well even though I've called neurology and they say it was sent and I told them the day I saw neurology I needed a PA and that was almost 6 weeks ago. I'm hurting like hell on this dose and they don't want to do meds because of the false readings, which he's refusing to do a gcms on which would prove me right. They did do a U/A a couple months ago and it showed methadone and it was possible that was true because I found what I thought was my immediate morphine which looks identical to the methadone except for inscriptions and I told them that and they said they believed me. I'm not an addict! I've had 25 operations for hydrocephalus including 2 to put the shunt in my back and then take it out which really screwed my back up and now I'm getting neck problems more so then I had. It's urgent that I find someone who will help. Thank you in advance for your help.
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