Help I Have No Insurance Is There A Program To Hel
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Duragesic [atch help with cost
5 Replies
is there any help i can get to pay for oxycontin my husband
is 68 and has and illness it cost
over $2000.amonth for meds. we
may lose our home and can! aford to buy grocerys can some
tell me where to turn
Johnson & Johnson (manufacturers of Fentanyl duragesic patches) have a patient assistance program. Contact them, they will send you card for free patches with prescription from your dr
talk to doctor about methadone it's very cheap and the patch(fentanyl) is in the codeine family
I am not sure if they have a program or not, to find out you need to contact the manufacturer of the name brand version and they will be able to let you know.
Duragesic Patch Help. I have no insurance and have found programs for most of my other meds either free or for a small cost. Does any one know of a program to helpwith the cost of the patches.
Thanks in advance for any herp/ Desperate.
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