Help! How Can Subutex Patients Be Treated For Pain? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been a Subutex patient for a year taking 8mg a day. If I get in an accident, how can a doctor treat me for pain. I've been worried about this ever since I started and I haven't spoke to my doctor yet. I sincerely do not care about getting high anymore and this really bothers me. Can somebody please help? Thank you!
11 Replies
Buprenorphine fills the opiate receptors and Naloxone blocks the opiate receptors.
Verwon is right...the buep is the partial agonist painkiller and Naloxone is a special narcotic drug that reverses the effects of other narcotic medicines. It is used to reverse the effects of narcotic drugs used during surgery or to treat pain. Look, I'm not trying to start some sort of problem but all my research has pointed to Narcan as as the blocker. Which is why it's used to treat overdoses.
There is no need to worry, they will be able to treat you.
Subutex only contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine, it does not contain the added Naloxone that Suboxone does, which is the ingredient that neutralizes other opiates.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I need subutex becausa it help my pain and keeps me from using hard opiates and i have been in motor cycle wreck,shot n leg,have had lung surgery and it helps me consintrate better
Subutex as stated has no naloxone in it. Naloxone's only real purpose is to prevent IV use. That’s it. I’ve talked to hundreds of physicians about this working in treatment centers. What gives you Hell is that the bupe holds onto opiate receptors like a freaking gorilla that won’t let go. So either way you should carry something with you at all times that states you are on whichever of the two so that if you get in an automobile accident and you are unconscious and they are taking you to the emergency room and you cannot speak for yourself then nothing that they are going to do is going to treat your pain. You have to find a physician who knows enough about either of the two drugs, which believe it or not is hard to do even though some of these anesthesiologists give it out like candy, but even in the emergency room they often need an anesthesiologist involved that does. They have to give you the kind of drugs that a GP won’t give. Usually it’s iv fentanyl, oxymorphone, etc. to knock that bupe off. It can be done but very few drugs are strong enough to do it and most physicians I’ve found want nothing to do with it, especially with the opioid witch hunt going on now. Because there are really only two ways to get it off your receptors: You can either Narcan yourself and then immediately turn around and take a very high dosage of a very strong narcotic, or you can get in there and let them do it and be safe about it, I’ve done it myself back before I got sober and regained some damn sense. It’s dangerous as hell. There’s a fiiiiine line between taking enough to knock off the Bupe and taking too much and dying. Go see a good pain doctor. They are very handy allies to have in those situations.
I'm just saying to help out some other trying or thinking of using buprenorphine, butrans or Belbuca, for pain..I had looked into this at one time come to find out who much less buprenorphine is in them both compared to suboxone or subutex. Apparantly there is alot less buprenorphine in each..I found this out by googling Dr.Jeffery Fundin. He is a dr and has blogs..I had left a message with him. He wrote all that back to me of what I said..
Thank you! That is all I was concerned about. Sorry for reposting seconds after the first one, but I thought maybe two posts were better than one. Thank you again and have a great day!
LOL! No worries, at all! Have a fantastic day!
I'm just saying to help out some other trying or thinking of using buprenorphine, butrans or Belbuca, for pain..I had looked into this at one time come to find out who much less buprenorphine is in them both compared to suboxone or subutex
Wrong. Naloxone is not what blocks opiates. Bupe does. Naloxone does nothing. It just can't compete with the bupe. It was added to make the powers that be feel safer about allowing junkies to be given a months worth of potent opiates. Also it was added to make it next to impossible for a generic to be produced due to the cost of naloxone. Generics have been created since but are almost as expensive as the brand name. I am prescribed Subutex for the last 1-2 years but was on Suboxone before that. There is absolutely no difference in blocking effects between the two. Plus it is common knowledge that bupe is the blocker and naloxone does nothing ever. I wonder how many people have suffered due to all the misinformation you post regarding suboxone/subutex, Verwon? Please learn the facts about these drugs before posting about it. Somebody's health and comfort and possibly life may depend on it. Is there anything else I can help with? Difference is, I post accurate information, or I don't post at all.
Subutex blocks opiates as well. It is the bupe that is the blocker, not the naloxone. This Verwon person is misinformed and doesn't care what happens to the person who suffers from his misinformation. If you are on suboxone OR SUBUTEX doctors will need to use 2-3 times higher doses of opes to break through the blockade CAUSED BY THE BUPRENORPHINE NOT THE NALOXONE. the naloxone is only a scare tactic because junkies know what happens when you give an addict naloxone. But next to the bupe it doesn't even get the chance to do anything due to bupes higher affinity for the opiate receptor. Also due to the high cost of naloxone, making a cheap generic would be difficult keeping away a lot of competition. That's another reason it was added. Get your f***ing facts straight Verwon. You may just look like an i**** to someone like me who knows the facts, but to someone who does not, your stupidity could be downright dangerous.
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