Help Finding A Pain Management Doctor In Wa State That Prescribes Meds (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I need help with finding a pain management dr. that prescribes pain meds in the bellevue wa area or as close as possibe am willing to drive if necessary. Please it's almost impossible to find. I have been in pain since 2002 please any leeds greatly appreciated.

132 Replies (7 Pages)

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I know that I haven't received a response on my post yet.

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Hey, im movong from az to wa soon, in the next few months, did u ever get that help? Thank Meghan

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I could use the help. Legitimate need. Have 5+yrs of records

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I also need one too! I been on the same medication for 2 years now! If you hear of one send my way the name to me please? I doing web search myself! If I find one what city or county your at!
Good luck!

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I see Dr. Paterno @ Washington Center for Pain Management. 922 S 348th St #2, Federal Way, WA 98003. 425-774-1538. He is kind, compassionate, yet very firm - they have to be. He prescribes my pain medications and you will HAVE to see him each month in order to get your refills. He also does my spinal epidural injections & that is done in Bellevue across from Overlake Hospital. I hope this information helps you and others.

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I know the post is old but wondering if you still could help? Thanks!

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Harborview is moving away from prescribing ANYTHING with a narcotic in doctor won't even prescribe tramidol because of the chance for addiction.

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I am very frusterated relating to pain meds, I have co existing medical issues and legitamately need medication as recommended by Physiatrist at Virginia mason. NO DR wants to hndle RX because teh ongoing Hysteria regarding controlled pain meds can you offer any advice?

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I'd be interested in how you can assist?!? I'm new to the state and can't believe how little help there is because of bad apples especially when there is proof of chronic pain

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Dr ZHONG in burien, dr Neibert in the Bellevue area and dr Velling in federal way and also seattle pain relief in federal way , dr Ryskin

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Washington ,Center for pain Management.
I have found that any doctor named top doctor by Seattle Met magazine is a great doctor! And so gas dverone else so when it comes out July-august you wont gef through.

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Everett, WA need pain clinic? I willing travel To a good clinic?

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Need help finding a Doctor who will simply treat me when I needed to be treated. My pain issues fluctuate and when it is bad it is really bad. And every Doctor I have seen here in Moses Lake say, "No Narcotics no matter your pain issues."
That is just a little screwed.
So, yeah I want a Doctor who will actually treat me and that I can develop a relationship with.
I'm pretty angry right now and I'm currently contemplating flying down to California to see my Pain Management Doctor down there and then flying back up here. At $300.00 a pop I don't really want to do that and it's really not conducive for when I have extreme pain issues to be seen immediately

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Please give me suggestions for pain management! Been looking and my doctor is retiring in January.

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Are you still able to help? With info you have? Please let me know. Thank you, Lina

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Who are you referring to I could really use help I have just put through hell and I'm tIred of being treated so disrespectful and I am drug addiction and I'm not.

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- Dr. Michelle Zhong in Burien
- Pain mgmt in federal way with Dr Alexey Ryskin
- and Dr Ignatius Medani Internist in Federal way

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Washington Center for Pain Management has numerous offices from Olympia to Edmonds (Washington state) & everywhere in between. I see Dr. Paterno and he is very compassionate. He listens to you, and he truly cares. He's young, but he knows his "stuff" and is wonderful! His staff is very kind as well. Phone number is 425-774-1538. I'm moving to Eastern Washington and now have to find a new pain management dr. Oh, joy!

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Did you ever find help in Spokane? I'm so miserable and I can barely breathe. I don't know what to do!

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I'm not sure where in Eastern WA. I am in Spokane and have not had any luck. I don't even know how to look.

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