Hectorol Forums

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Am a Kidney patient and take this drug 2 times a week, Thank you ## This medication is used to lower the level of parathyroid hormone in kidney dialysis patients. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, weight gain, constipation, muscle pain, and unexplained headache. How are you doing? Have you experienced any side effects from it?

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need to know what side effects are with this medication. Pharmacy just filled and didn't give any facts about the drug. Hope you can help ## This medication contains the active ingredient Doxercalciferol, it is used to lower parathyroid hormone in patients undergoing kidney dialysis. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dry mouth, bone pain. muscle pain, loss of appetite, and nausea. Did they not give you a patient information sheet? U.S. pharmacies are required to do so.

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I am former cancer patient had one kidney removed. My Doctor subscribe Hectoral, and because my copayment is over $200.00, I am not able to afford this medication, is there another supplement that can take the place of hecotral? And is it a must that I stay on hectoral because of my situation? ## is there a substitute for hectoral?

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