Head Aches On Left Side Of Head
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I get injections for disc in lower and upper back. My head aches was maybe 3-4x a week. My last injection for my head ache was almost 2 months ago,the next day and every day after i get head aches on left side of my head 3-4 times a day and 1-2 times a night an wakes me from sleep an stays tender. I cant sleep any more being they last 1-2 hrs an puts me almost on my knees in pain. I do get prescribed meds also but dont seem to help with my head. I dont know what to do to stop them. Is there anything i can do. I cant keep on hurting this bad this often with almost no sleep. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

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Not sure what kind of injections but they put me to sleep an go in thru side of my neck to nerves in spine. Supposed to be some kind of nerve blocker an steroi. I take hydrocodone,melocam,cyclobenzaprine, and tramdol, they were keeping my pain to a minimum till my last injections. After last one it made my pain 200% worse and the medication doing help. They last 1-3 hrs everytime an want to do same injections soon. Im afraid it will get worse than it already is and dont inow how to stop my head acke. It starts at bottom of my skull like its get tension they goes to let left lil above my ear to my temple. Its like a hard constant pain bout 3 fingures wide.

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I'm very sorry about the headaches you're experiencing.

There are many things that can cause them, as reported by the NIH, it could be due to your bad back, or even side effects of one of the medications that you're on.

What injection do you receive? What medications do you take? If you can post back and be more specific, I might be able to help you more.

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