Has Anyone Taken Forteo For Osteoporosis? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am a 60 yr.old woman who has taken Prednisone for many yrs for an autoimmune disorder.I was just diagnosed with severe osteoporosis of the spine and osteopenia of the hips and legs. My Doctor Prescribed "Forteo" & gave me No chance to ask questions.Has anyone taking this Daily injection or know anyone that has? What experiences have you had,etc.Side effects, out combs, problems? I need a lot more real Life information before using this drug. Thanks!
4 Replies
Hi Kacee, I agree that the medication is expensive, it's costing me around $500 a month. Have you started taking it yet? I am 54, female and was hospitalised Jan 2016 with multiple spine fractures, T score -5.6. Luckily I had a few weeks to research the net before seeing the endocrinologist. I decided that I didn't want to take Osteoclast type medications as it can cause brittle bone and jaw rot etc. Forteo (Teriparatide) is the only Osteoblast (bone building) medication I found on the net. I have been giving myself the inj's. for 2 months, with no side effects. I do believe that while on this drug, your body will make 'bone-making' it's preference, therefore maybe it's possible to reduced/eliminated some side effects by simply adjusting your diet/supplements. I would be happy to keep in touch as bouncing ideas off each other can be a good thing.
Hello, Kacee! How are you?
I've not taken it, but I can provide you with details on the possible side effects. The FDA lists some of the most common ones as possibly including abdominal pain, depression, confusion, constipation, weight loss, increased urination and thirst.
Less commons may include irregular heartbeat, arm/back/jaw pain, fainting, labored breathing and wheezing.
Can anyone that's been on it chime in with their experiences?
Verwon, Thank you for your reply. Shortly after I wrote I found out that my insurance will pay for 75% of this $2,500 a month drug and my co-pay will be $600!! I am on Disability income and have Medicare supplement and a drug plan, and do not qualify for Patient Assistant because I am not below poverty level. BIG PHARM is so greedy they care more about Huge Profits On Drugs, than saving human life! I will write the Manufacturer and tell them my situation and how soon, my own Sister & others will need Forteo for Prednisone induced Severe Osteoporosis. In a few years, another bone building drug will come out and then they will have competition. I certainly won't forget how they price Gouged the over 60 Americans due to their heartless, greed for money at the expense of Human Lives. Very Sad. Thanks again for caring.
Re: Dani (# 3)
How are you doing on Forteo. Have you experienced weight gain. Or anything else. Thanks
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