Has Anyone Needed A Second Dose Of Chantix? (Top voted first)


I’m done with my box of Chantix as of today & am still smoking. The desire is going away but I feel I need a second dose. Is it ok to get a second dose?

2 Replies

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Only your doctor can decide if it is safe for you to take for a longer period of time.

Chantix may cause side effects, such as nausea, sleep walking, insomnia, depression, and aggression, in some people that take it.

It also must be used with behavior modification, which includes you stopping on your quit date. The medication doesn't do it all by itself, you have to help it.

Are you on any other medications? How much are you smoking?

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I’m smoking about a pack & a half. I can feel the effects of Chantix but am still smoking

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